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From what I can tell the problem is the use of glibc's IFUNC. This broke the testing for XZ, suddenly accounts appeared to lobby for disabling that testing, which enabled the exploit.
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I bet $101 that we find something similar in the wild in the next 12 months as the maintainers start to look at each other's past commits with suspicion.
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I wonder if we'll find the cases that were done and used, because if I had something like this and it worked, afterwards I'd "find it" with another account and get it fixed ...
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You cannot prove the person behind the keyboard is the person who is meeting up with people. This is blind trust because of the assumption that the person is the same. |
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> It's naive to believe that any form of physical presence means someone isn't going to do something nefarious in the eyes of the project. It's not the only thing, but it is something. There's a lot of social engineering that went into the xz backdoor[0]. This started years ago; Jia Tan was posting in projects and suddenly someone appeared to pressure projects to accept their code. Who's Jia Tan? Who's Jigar Kumar, the person who is pressuring others to accept patches from Jia Tan? We don't know. Probably some person or group sponsored by a state APT, but we don't know for sure, because they're currently just text on a screen. Having this person or group of people have to continually commit to the bit of publicly-known open-source maintainer who attends conferences, has an actual face, and is on security camera footage at multiple hotels and airports is far, far harder than just talking a vulnerable person into allowing maintainer access on a repository. Making them show up to different places a few times adds a layer of identity. Otherwise these "skilled eyes" could be anyone with a wide variety of motivations. [0]https://boehs.org/node/everything-i-know-about-the-xz-backdo... |
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More personal observations: 8. Consumers are naive, yes. But the software industry itself is naive about the security threat. 9. The social exploit is part of the code exploit. 10. The FOSS axiom "More Eyes On The Code" works, but only if the "eyes" are educated. FOSS needs material support from industry. A MSFT engineer caught this exploit, but it still was released to G.A. in Fedora 41, openSUSE, and Kali. 11. The dev toolchain and testing process were never conceived to test for security. (edit: Also see Solarwinds [1] ) = = = [1] _ https://www.wired.com/story/the-untold-story-of-solarwinds-t... |
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>> Can’t the OS / environment provide a “features_available” JSON blob listing all the features on the host system? Is AVX2 available on the cpu? OpenSSL? (And if so, where?) and what about kernel features like io_uring? There are some utilities like pkg-config [1] and /proc/cpuinfo [2] that try to provide useful configuration information in distribution agnostic ways. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pkg-config [2] https://www.baeldung.com/linux/proc-cpuinfo-flags >> Doing haphazard feature detection by test compiling random hand written C programs in a giant sometimes autogenerated configure script is an icon of everything wrong with Unix. True, but it works quite well which is why it is widely used. If you need to ensure that your C code will implement a desired feature, testing it with a small program before building makes a lot of sense. With different operating systems running various C compilers that all work slightly differently, it is a proven approach that achieves the needed outcome, however ugly it might be. |
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JSON is too far, says the engineering culture still relying on a pile of shell scripts like it’s 1970. (that’s unfair, there’s probably tooling to build the shell scripts automatically I bet) |
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I think that would land harder if configure / automake / autoconf were actually a standard. And not, you know, a bunch of cobbled together shell scripts that generate other shell scripts.
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> Or… just have downstream users run autotools as part of the build? See point 3: > 3. A corollary of (1) and (2) is that autotools is bad and the autotools culture is bad. |
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I didn't realize it was a Microsoft engineer that works on Azure Postgres that found the issue. Thanks, Microsoft, I like Azure now. |
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My memory is fuzzy. In that case, I'd blame the OpenSSL devs if the report wasn't a patch with the (non-working) "fix". Even if it was, they should have accepted the bug & rejected the patch.
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> the stack layout didn't match what the exploit was expecting. What does that mean? Why is the exploit expecting something from the stack layout and why does valgrind complain? |
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Which to me is a very carefully orchestrated thing. You don't just spend 2 years of your life doing that. No loner would pre-plan this to such an extent and create sockpuppet accounts for all this.
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Exactly. Also remember this >> odd valgrind complaint in automated testing of postgres I would imagine compiling a list of odd complaints may yield something , or nothing at all. |
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That’s basically how it is right now. Millions of companies freeloading off the work of unpaid open source developers. Unsurprisingly they sometimes leave and it causes problems.
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Can we not dogpile Lasse after his vacation was ruined by this. He has much bigger concerns right now than trying to export and sanitize his entire communication history with Jia.
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I guess the blame is on the people who decide to depend on a very small (by team size at least) project: https://xkcd.com/2347/ . While having plenty of safer alternatives. Lets suppose I create a personal and hobby project. Suddenly RedHat, Debian, Amazon, Google... you name it, decide to put my project as a fundamental dependency of their toolchain, without giving me at least some support in the form of trustable developers. The more cautious I would be is to shut down the project entirely or abandon it, but more probably I would have fallen to Jia Tan tricks. Also, the phone call and even a face to face meeting wouldn't give you extra security. In what scenario a phone conversation with Jia would expose him, or would make you suspicious enough to not delegate? |
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Our goodwill is being used against us. Suppose you have a chat with them and see that they're Chinese. What are your next actions? If you exclude them then that's racist right? I don't have answers |
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Adding on to that, it might be difficult to differentiate between people from China vs Taiwan/Singapore/etc and since people are generally anonymous online, they can use any name they want
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>and argued that Lasse Collin, the longtime maintainer of xz Utils, hadn’t been updating the software often or fast enough. This meme was a mistake. |
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"OpenSSH, the most popular sshd implementation, doesn't link the liblzma library, but Debian and many other Linux distributions add a patch to link sshd to systemd, a program that loads a variety of services during the system bootup. Systemd, in turn, links to liblzma, and this allows xz Utils to exert control over sshd." Compare with: "Xz is an open-source compression program, as well as a library that can be used to help you write your own program that deals with compressed data. It is used by a fairly large number of other programs, one of which is OpenSSH." https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39881049 GNU's binutils links to liblzma. binutils is even more ubiquitous than OpenSSH; in most cases it's probably used in the compilation of OpenSSH, the operating systems on which sshd runs, and so on. The bad guys certainly picked a good project to potentially get deep into open source software. |
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> Either way, it's your preference and I will follow your lead. Jia Tan > It's out of the scope for this patch, but it is something worth considering. Just trying to do my part as a helper elf! Jia Tan Sounds like someone pulling the strings and using the "it's your idea, I'm just following!" strategy. My hunch from reading over all the language used is that this person spent a good deal of time in America and has a carefully crafted 'customer service' manner of speaking. I may be wrong on the spending time in America part, but they are most definitely used to putting people at ease with their word choice. I also found this bit interesting, as it's one of the few times they referred to "us" and "we" > https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg00644.h... > Please let us know if there are any concerns about the license change. We are looking forward to releasing 5.6.0 later this month! |
This would surely fall into the category of "there would be ways around it, so why bother?" that triggers a "by obscurity" reflex in many, but I'd consider it reduced attack surface.