xz 开源攻击的时间表
Timeline of the xz open source attack

原始链接: https://research.swtch.com/xz-timeline

从 2021 年底到 2024 年初,一个名为“Jia Tan”的人为 xz 压缩库做出了贡献,获得了提交访问权限并最终成为维护者。 在此期间,他们秘密地在 liblzma 中插入了一个后门,liblzma 是 xz 的一个组件,OpenSSH 在各种 Linux 系统上也使用该组件。 该后门允许在 SSH 会话期间执行未经授权的远程代码,无需用户身份验证。 2021 年 10 月,Jia Tan 做出了第一个贡献,添加了“.editorconfig”文件。 到 11 月,他们解决了可重复性问题。 随后的贡献似乎无害。 然而,2022 年 5 月,Lasse Collin 承认了 Jia Tan 的参与以及未来在该项目中的潜在角色。 不久之后的六月,外部贡献者施加压力,敦促加快进展。 尽管 Jia Tan 编写了多个提交,但他们的补丁仍然停滞不前。 到了 7 月,吉加尔·库马尔 (Jigar Kumar) 和丹尼斯·恩斯 (Dennis Ens) 开始施加压力,对缺乏开发活动表示担忧。 莱塞·科林 (Lasse Collin) 做出了辩护性的回应,提到了心理健康方面的挑战以及贾坦越来越多的参与。 作为回应,吉加尔·库马尔 (Jigar Kumar) 和丹尼斯·恩斯 (Dennis Ens) 发送了更多电子邮件,推动变革。 到 8 月,Lasse Collin 已授予 Jia Tan 提交访问权限。 同月晚些时候,他们以 Jia Tan 的名义提交了第一个提交。 整个 9 月和 10 月,Jia 继续做出贡献,提供 5.4.0 版本的摘要和发布。 然而,他们的行为并没有引起怀疑,因为许多测试文件,包括那些包含后门的文件,都没有引起注意。 2023 年 1 月,Jia Tan 将项目网站移至 GitHub Pages,使他们能够控制 XZ Utils 网页。 2024 年 2 月,他们将后门代码合并到 5.6.0 版本中,并在为 Debian 和其他发行版构建的软件包中包含包含后门的额外恶意文件。 这一发现是在 2024 年 3 月 28 日发现的,当时 Andres Freund 在审查提交时发现了这个问题。 该后门很快被识别并纠正,标志着开源软件安全史上的重大事件。

文本讨论了涉及 Lasse Collin 的事件以及通过与名为“Jia Tan”的化名人员交换的一系列电子邮件引入 xz 实用程序的隐藏后门。 Collin 最初试图让 Fedora 项目关注 Fedora 40 和 41 中包含后门 xz 的问题。但是,Fedora 时间表未能解释这是如何发生的。 此外,由于存在安全挑战,有人建议限制甚至消除图灵完备语言和标准构建系统的任意 I/O 访问。 可重复的构建可以保证一致的输出,无论底层输入如何,都可以缓解这些问题。 尽管不是最终的解决方案,但与当前系统相比,它们提供了显着的改进。 文中还提到了在开源项目中建立更强大的可重复性和审查文化的愿望。 此外,它还建议探索解决方案,例如众包审核或让大公司参与雇用和管理维护人员。 总体目标是加强开源项目的安全性和可持续性。


Over a period of over two years, an attacker using the name “Jia Tan” worked as a diligent, effective contributor to the xz compression library, eventually being granted commit access and maintainership. Using that access, they installed a very subtle, carefully hidden backdoor into liblzma, a part of xz that also happens to be a dependency of OpenSSH sshd on Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, and other systemd-based Linux systems. That backdoor watches for the attacker sending hidden commands at the start of an SSH session, giving the attacker the ability to run an arbitrary command on the target system without logging in: unauthenticated, targeted remote code execution.

The attack was publicly disclosed on March 29, 2024 and appears to be the first serious known supply chain attack on widely used open source software. It marks a watershed moment in open source supply chain security, for better or worse.

This post is a detailed timeline that I have constructed of the social engineering aspect of the attack, which appears to date back to late 2021. Key events have bold times.

Corrections or additions welcome on Bluesky, Mastodon, or email.


2005–2008: Lasse Collin, with help from others, designs the .xz file format using the LZMA compression algorithm, which compresses files to about 70% of what gzip did [1]. Over time this format becomes widely used for compressing tar files, Linux kernel images, and many other uses.

Jia Tan arrives on scene, with supporting cast

2021-10-29: Jia Tan sends first, innocuous patch to the xz-devel mailing list, adding “.editorconfig” file.

2021-11-29: Jia Tan sends second innocuous patch to the xz-devel mailing list, fixing an apparent reproducible build problem. More patches that seem (even in retrospect) to be fine follow.

2022-04-19: Jia Tan sends yet another innocuous patch to the xz-devel mailing list.

2022-04-22: “Jigar Kumar” sends first of a few emails complaining about Jia Tan’s patch not landing. (“Patches spend years on this mailing list. There is no reason to think anything is coming soon.”) At this point, Lasse Collin has already landed four of Jia Tan’s patches, marked by “Thanks to Jia Tan” in the commit message.

2022-05-19: “Dennis Ens” sends mail to xz-devel asking if XZ for Java is maintained.

2022-05-19: Lasse Collin replies apologizing for slowness and adds “Jia Tan has helped me off-list with XZ Utils and he might have a bigger role in the future at least with XZ Utils. It's clear that my resources are too limited (thus the many emails waiting for replies) so something has to change in the long term.”

2022-05-27: Jigar Kumar sends pressure email to patch thread. “Over 1 month and no closer to being merged. Not a surprise.”

2022-06-07: Jigar Kumar sends pressure email to Java thread. “Progress will not happen until there is new maintainer. XZ for C has sparse commit log too. Dennis you are better off waiting until new maintainer happens or fork yourself. Submitting patches here has no purpose these days. The current maintainer lost interest or doesn't care to maintain anymore. It is sad to see for a repo like this.”

2022-06-08: Lasse Collin pushes back. “I haven't lost interest but my ability to care has been fairly limited mostly due to longterm mental health issues but also due to some other things. Recently I've worked off-list a bit with Jia Tan on XZ Utils and perhaps he will have a bigger role in the future, we'll see. It's also good to keep in mind that this is an unpaid hobby project.”

2022-06-10: Lasse Collin merges first commit with Jia Tan as author in git metadata (“Tests: Created tests for hardware functions”).

2022-06-14: Jugar Kumar sends pressure email. “With your current rate, I very doubt to see 5.4.0 release this year. The only progress since april has been small changes to test code. You ignore the many patches bit rotting away on this mailing list. Right now you choke your repo. Why wait until 5.4.0 to change maintainer? Why delay what your repo needs?”

2022-06-21: Dennis Ens sends pressure email. “I am sorry about your mental health issues, but its important to be aware of your own limits. I get that this is a hobby project for all contributors, but the community desires more. Why not pass on maintainership for XZ for C so you can give XZ for Java more attention? Or pass on XZ for Java to someone else to focus on XZ for C? Trying to maintain both means that neither are maintained well.”

2022-06-22: Jigar Kumar sends pressure email to C patch thread. “Is there any progress on this? Jia I see you have recent commits. Why can't you commit this yourself?”

2022-06-29: Lasse Collin replies: “As I have hinted in earlier emails, Jia Tan may have a bigger role in the project in the future. He has been helping a lot off-list and is practically a co-maintainer already. :-) I know that not much has happened in the git repository yet but things happen in small steps. In any case some change in maintainership is already in progress at least for XZ Utils.”

Jia Tan becomes maintainer

At this point Lasse seems to have started working even more closely with Jia Tan. Evan Boehs observes that Jigar Kumar and Dennis Ens both had nameNNN@mailhost email addresses that never appeared elsewhere on the internet, nor again in xz-devel. It seems likely that they were fakes created to push Lasse to give Jia more control. It worked. Over the next few months, Jia started replying to threads on xz-devel authoritatively about the upcoming 5.4.0 release.

2022-09-27: Jia Tan gives release summary for 5.4.0. (“The 5.4.0 release that will contain the multi threaded decoder is planned for December. The list of open issues related to 5..4.0 [sic] in general that I am tracking are...”)

2022-11-30: Lasse Collin changes bug report email from his personal address to an alias that goes to him and Jia Tan, notes in README that “the project maintainers Lasse Collin and Jia Tan can be reached via [email protected]”.

2022-12-30: Jia Tan merges first commit directly into the xz repo (“CMake: Update .gitignore for CMake artifacts from in source build”). At this point we know they have commit access.

2023-01-11: Lasse Collin tags and builds his final release, v5.4.1.

2023-03-18: Jia Tan tags and builds their first release, v5.4.2.

2023-03-20: Jia Tan updates Google oss-fuzz configuration to send bugs to them.

2023-06-22: Hans Jansen sends a pair of patches, merged by Lasse Collin, that use the “GNU indirect function” feature to select a fast CRC function at startup time. The final commit is reworked by Lasse Collin and merged by Jia Tan. This change is important because it provides a hook by which the backdoor code can modify the global function tables before they are remapped read-only. While this change could be an innocent performance optimization by itself, Hans Jansen returns in 2024 to promote the backdoored xz and otherwise does not exist on the internet.

2023-07-07: Jia Tan disables ifunc support during oss-fuzz builds, claiming ifunc is incompatible with address sanitizer. This may well be innocuous on its own, although it is also more groundwork for using ifunc later.

2024-01-19: Jia Tan moves web site to GitHub pages, giving them control over the XZ Utils web page. Lasse Collin presumably created the DNS records for the xz.tukaani.org subdomain that points to GitHub pages. After the attack was discovered, Lasse Collin deleted this DNS record to move back to tukaani.org, which he controls.

Attack begins

2024-02-23: Jia Tan merges hidden backdoor binary code well hidden inside some binary test input files. The README already said (from long before Jia Tan showed up) “This directory contains bunch of files to test handling of .xz, .lzma (LZMA_Alone), and .lz (lzip) files in decoder implementations. Many of the files have been created by hand with a hex editor, thus there is no better "source code" than the files themselves.” Having these kinds of test files is very common for this kind of library. Jia Tan took advantage of this to add a few files that wouldn't be carefully reviewed.

2024-02-24: Jia Tan tags and builds v5.6.0 and publishes an xz-5.6.0.tar.gz distribution with an extra, malicious build-to-host.m4 that adds the backdoor when building a deb/rpm package. This m4 file is not present in the source repository, but many other legitimate ones are added during package as well, so it’s not suspicious by itself. But the script has been modified from the usual copy to add the backdoor. See my xz attack shell script walkthrough post for more.

2024-02-24: Gentoo starts seeing crashes in 5.6.0. This seems to be an actual ifunc bug, rather than a bug in the hidden backdoor, since this is the first xz with Hans Jansen’s ifunc changes.

2024-02-26: Debian adds xz-utils 5.6.0-0.1 to unstable.

2024-02-28: Debian adds xz-utils 5.6.0-0.2 to unstable.

2024-02-29: On GitHub, @teknoraver sends pull request to stop linking liblzma into libsystemd. It appears that this would have defeated the attack. Kevin Beaumont speculates that knowing this was on the way may have accelerated the attacker’s schedule. It is unclear whether any earlier discussions exist that would have tipped them off.

2024-02-28: Jia Tan breaks landlock detection in configure script by adding a subtle typo in the C program used to check for landlock support. The configure script tries to build and run the C program to check for landlock support, but since the C program has a syntax error, it will never build and run, and the script will always decide there is no landlock support. Lasse Collin is listed as the committer; he may have missed the subtle typo, or the author may be forged. Probably the former, since Jia Tan did not bother to forge committer on his many other changes. This patch seems to be setting up for something besides the sshd change, since landlock support is part of the xz command and not liblzma. Exactly what is unclear.

2024-03-04: RedHat distributions start seeing Valgrind errors in liblzma’s _get_cpuid (the entry to the backdoor). The race is on to fix this before the Linux distributions dig too deeply.

2024-03-05: The libsystemd PR is merged to remove liblzma. Another race is on, to get liblzma backdoor'ed before the distros break the approach entirely.

2024-03-05: Debian adds xz-utils 5.6.0-0.2 to testing.

2024-03-05: Jia Tan commits two ifunc bug fixes. These seem to be real fixes for the actual ifunc bug. One commit links to the Gentoo bug and also typos an upstream GCC bug.

2024-03-08: Jia Tan commits purported Valgrind fix. This is a misdirection, but an effective one.

2024-03-09: Jia Tan commits updated backdoor files. This is the actual Valgrind fix, changing the two test files containing the attack code. “The original files were generated with random local to my machine. To better reproduce these files in the future, a constant seed was used to recreate these files.”

2024-03-09: Jia Tan tags and build v5.6.1 and publishes xz 5.6.1 distribution, containing new backdoor. To date I have not seen any analysis of how the old and new backdoors differ.

2024-03-20: Lasse Collin sends LKML a patch set replacing his personal email with both himself and Jia Tan as maintainers of the xz compression code in the kernel. There is no indication that Lasse Collin was acting nefariously here, just cleaning up references to himself as sole maintainer. Of course, Jia Tan may have prompted this, and being able to send xz patches to the Linux kernel would have been a nice point of leverage for Jia Tan's future work. We're not at trusting trust levels yet, but it would be one step closer.

2024-03-25: Hans Jansen is back (!), filing a Debian bug to get xz-utils updated to 5.6.1. Like in the 2022 pressure campaign, more name###@mailhost addresses that don’t otherwise exist on the internet show up to advocate for it.

2024-03-28: Jia Tan files an Ubuntu bug to get xz-utils updated to 5.6.1 from Debian.

Attack detected

2024-03-28: Andres Freund discovers bug, privately notifies Debian and distros@openwall. RedHat assigns CVE-2024-3094.

2024-03-28: Debian rolls back 5.6.1, introducing 5.6.1+really5.4.5-1.

2024-03-29: Andres Freund posts backdoor warning to public oss-security@openwall list, saying he found it “over the last weeks”.

2024-03-29: RedHat announces that the backdoored xz shipped in Fedora Rawhide and Fedora Linux 40 beta.

2024-03-30: Debian shut down builds to rebuild their build machines using Debian stable (in case the malware xz escaped their sandbox?).

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