纽约法官“错误地”将特朗普 1 月 6 日案件描述为“联邦叛乱问题”
New York Judge 'Mistakenly' Describes Trump Jan. 6 Case As "Federal Insurrection Matter"

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/new-york-judge-mistakenly-describes-trump-jan-6-case-federal-insurrection-matter

4 月 15 日,纽约最高法院法官胡安·梅尔钱 (Juan Merchan) 拒绝推迟正在进行的前总统唐纳德·特朗普 (Donald Trump) 州案件的审理。曼哈顿地区检察官指控特朗普操纵与 2016 年大选相关的虚假商业记录。 由于特朗普援引总统豁免权提出上诉,指控特朗普妨碍司法公正和共谋的类似联邦案件仍被搁置。 默尚法官此前曾于 2023 年 10 月谈到“联邦叛乱问题”,当时特朗普在联邦审判中质疑总统的豁免权主张。 特朗普在曼哈顿审判中再次提出这一论点,促使他的律师再次提出延期请求。 最高法院 4 月 25 日举行的听证会将决定前总统是否享有此类起诉的豁免权。 麦彻法官将联邦案件称为“叛乱事件”,这引起了人们的困惑,这可能源于一个类比,一位未透露姓名的共谋者在讨论特朗普没有离任时可能发生的骚乱时使用了这个词。 批评者经常将 2021 年 1 月 6 日的事件称为“叛乱”。 今年早些时候,批评者试图通过众多法律行动阻止特朗普的候选资格,最终最高法院裁定各州对联邦候选人的投票资格缺乏管辖权。 尽管特朗普没有在此案中主张豁免权,但该案已于 3 月 4 日结束。 尽管特朗普辩护团队指控存在偏见,默尚法官驳回了之前的回避尝试,指出他的家人与特朗普对手之间的个人财务联系,而不是任何实际的利益冲突。 然而,最近,默查恩扩大了禁言令范围,涵盖与他自己的亲属有关的讨论。 特朗普的团队引用了与默查法官女儿有关的一家公关公司的潜在盈利机会,并声称她可以从这次审判中获得经济利益。



Authored by Catherine Yang via The Epoch Times,

On April 3, New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan denied a defense motion to adjourn the upcoming trial scheduled for April 15, and in his order, referred to former President Donald Trump’s case before the Supreme Court as the “Federal Insurrection Matter.”

“Defendant fully briefed the issue of presidential immunity in his motion to dismiss the matter of United States v. Trump, US Dist Ct, DDC 23 CR 25, (TSC) (hereinafter “Federal Insurrection Matter”) on October 5, 2023,” Justice Merchan wrote.

Justice Merchan is presiding over one of four criminal cases against President Trump. This one is a state case, where Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has charged President Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records, alleging a scheme to influence the 2016 elections.

The other case in question charges President Trump with four counts of obstruction and conspiracy for his acts on Jan. 6, 2021, but it does not allege insurrection in the indictment.

Special counsel Jack Smith is prosecuting the case in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, and trial proceedings have been stayed as President Trump pursues an appeal on grounds of presidential immunity.

Counsel for President Trump in the Manhattan case brought the federal case up recently in requesting that the trial be delayed, arguing that the presidential immunity they raised in state court will soon be under review by the U.S. Supreme Court.

On April 25, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on “whether and if so to what extent does a former President enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office.”

The presidential immunity defense is one President Trump has raised in several of his cases, and attorneys in other cases have requested additional hearings and delays in anticipation of a Supreme Court decision.


It is unclear why Justice Merchan would use the “insurrection” as shorthand for the federal case.

The only appearance of the word “insurrection” is in a quote in response to an attorney saying there would be “riots everywhere” if President Trump remained in office. In response, one of the unnamed co-conspirators tells him, “Well, [Deputy White House Counsel], that’s why there’s an Insurrection Act.”

Separately, critics of President Trump have colloquially referred to the events of Jan. 6, 2021, as an “insurrection,” resulting in a wave of almost 100 state-level lawsuits to disqualify him from the ballot over the past half year.

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court heard another case involving President Trump and ruled that states have no authority to disqualify a federal candidate in elections.

However, it would be unlikely that the judge confused the two cases, as President Trump did not argue presidential immunity in the ballot disqualification case, and the Supreme Court issued a ruling ending the challenges on March 4.

Renewed Recusal Request

Defense attorneys in the Manhattan case are also renewing requests that the judge step down, arguing that he has shown partisan interest.

Last August, Justice Merchan rejected an initial motion for recusal. He stated that his small-dollar donations to President Trump’s political opponents and his daughter’s employment at a marketing firm, which has received millions from those campaigning against President Trump, would not affect his ability to try the case impartially.

However, Justice Merchan recently broadened a gag order to prevent President Trump from discussing the judge’s family members. The move follows President Trump’s renewed grievances about the judge’s daughter helping to campaign for politicians such as Vice President Kamala Harris and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).

Defense attorneys made another request that the judge recuse himself on April 1, arguing that the judge’s family has commercial interests that “are benefitted by developments in this case that harm President Trump’s penal interests.”

“The trial in this case will benefit Authentic financially by providing its clients more fodder for fundraising, Authentic will make more money by assisting with those communications, and Your Honor’s daughter will continue to earn money from these developments by virtue of her senior role at Authentic,” they wrote in a one-page pre-motion letter, recently required by the judge before a full motion is allowed to be filed.

Based on Federal Election Commission filings, the defense found that “some of those funds were paid to Authentic by entities associated with legislators and PACs that have used email and/or social media to solicit contributions specifically based on this case.”

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