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Almost all speech recognizers until this latest crop (of end-to-end DL NN ASR) operated on cepstral coefficients (and their delta-s and delta-delta-s) as their feature vector.
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> [...] I wasn't quite sure what that would mean when applied to a non-transformed, "regular" function. Have you gained some intuition/understanding for this? I tried a few inputs in WolframAlpha, but unless I manually type in the integral for the inverse transform there's not even a graph :) (and I have no idea whether it's even the same thing without putting a `t` in the exponent and wrapping it in an f(t) = ... ) https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=integral+%28sin%28x%29+... |
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Of course, a discrete, finite sampling of a square wave at a set of points in time only requires a finite number of coefficients to perfectly reconstruct.
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I used to think of it like another basis too, but nowadays I think this basis analogy is a bit fraught, or at least not the whole story. In particular, for multidimensional spaces, the usual multidimensional Fourier transform only really works if you have a flat metric on that space (I.e. no curvature). That’s a bit of a warning signal given that our universe itself is curved. There was some very interesting work recently where it was shown how to generalize Fourier series to certain hyperbolic lattices [1], and one important outcome of that work is that the analog of the Fourier space is actually higher dimensional than the position space. Furthermore, the dimensionality of the ‘Fourier space’ in this case depends on the lattice discretization. One 2D lattice discretization may have a 4D frequency-like domain, and another 2D lattice might have a 8D frequency-like domain. [1] https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.09314 or https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2116869119 |
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Not the whole story indeed, but you have to dive into representation theory somewhat to get more: the Fourier transform is more or less the representation theory of the (abelian) group of the translations of your space, thus the homogeneity requirement. The finite-lattice version[1] (a discretized torus, basically) may serve to hint what’s in stock here. [1] https://www-users.cse.umn.edu/~garrett/m/repns/notes_2014-15... (linear algebra required at least to the degree that one is comfortable with the difference between a matrix and an operator and knows what a direct sum is) |
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Yep, that feature of getting the frequency domain representation through optics is pretty convenient for the various microscopies and spectroscopies performed at light sources.
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> To turn the Hadamard matrix in the nicely-ordered flavor showcased earlier, we need to sort the rows based on their sequency. I’m not aware of an algorithm more elegant than counting the number of zero crossings By staring at the matrix, I guessed a pattern and algorithm already known according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walsh_matrix: > The sequency ordering of the rows of the Walsh matrix can be derived from the ordering of the Hadamard matrix by first applying the bit-reversal permutation and then the Gray-code permutation: |
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Science can help us understand things within spacetime. Mathematics and logic within abstract, but rigorously defined spaces. Anything beyond that is philosphy, asthetics, politics, religion, ...
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Why would you be downvoted for speaking facts? Also why should you restrain from pointing out weaknesses in other people's comments due to the fear of negative karma? Karma is meant to be burned. |
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For the math aficionados in this thread, I have a frequency domain related set of ideas I'd like to develop into a more rigorous mathematical theory. Basically, represent a curve as Chebyshev polynomial: T_1 represents a line, T_2 represents an arc, T_3 an Euler spiral, etc. Smooth curves have rapidly decreasing Chebyshev coefficients, and this whole thing is potentially a lot easier to work with than Fréchet distance, which is the usual error metric but very annoying. This is conceptual and theoretical, but potentially has immediate application for computing a better offset of a cubic Bézier, used for stroke expansion. If this sounds intriguing, a good starting point is the Zulip thread[1] I'm using to write down the ideas. I'd especially be interested in a collaborator who has the experience and motivation to coauthor a paper; I can supply the intuition and experimental approach, but the details of the math take me a long time to work out. (That said, I'm starting to wonder if engaging that slog myself might not actually be a good way to level up my math skills) [1]: https://xi.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/260979-kurbo/topic/E... |
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By way of reductio, I think one could make the same argument for the non uniqueness of the time domain and presumably anything else admitting to an isomorphism.
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Which brings us to the question of whether the complex numbers are real, despite them not being real numbers. This question has a long and fascinating history. |
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this is one example of a whole family of orthogonal Wavelet transforms, that let you trade off how between frequency and scale resolution.
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This is disappointing. The title prompted a science (or, maybe, philosophy of science) question, but the article give only applications. Maths don't have to be real to be useful. |
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The trite response is "get better at maths". I honestly don't mean that facetiously - the whole understanding that underpins "neat tricks" and how to use them is "maths". Once you can use said neat tricks, you are better at maths. So, I would suggest a better question is: where can I find an introduction to this stuff that is better aligned with my current understanding and knowledge. To that end, here's a great intro book: https://www.dspguide.com/ I read that cover to cover when I was 17 and I would not have been described as particularly mathematically gifted. |
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The title is clickbait-y. TLDR: Fourier transform is an approximation. We can come up with other approximations, for example by square waves. |
The interesting thing about time-dependent signals (or any "pretty" function, really) is that they live in an infinite-dimensional vector space, which is hard to imagine; but (besides some important technicalities) the math works mostly the same way: signals as infinite-dimensional vectors can be represented in a lot of bases. One representation is the Fourier transform, where the basis vectors are harmonic functions. The "map" showing the shape of a signal as a combination of infinitely many harmonic functions -- i.e. the frequency domain -- is just as real as any other map with different basis vectors, e.g. the Walsh–Hadamard transform mentioned in the article. And, crucially, the original time-domain representation is also just one map showing us the signal, though it is often the most natural to us.