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Highly recommend Physically Based Rendering. As a book, Pbrt is to the study of path tracers, as Gravity is to the field of general relativity. Wholly encompassing and rigorous.
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Author here. Waking up to seeing this on the front page with all the wonderful comments made my day! Thank you for sharing and reading
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If you want to play with ray tracing implementation, it's surprisingly easy to write one by yourself. There's a great free book (https://raytracing.github.io/books/RayTracingInOneWeekend.ht...) or, if you know a bit of Unity a very nice GPU-based tutorial (https://medium.com/@jcowles/gpu-ray-tracing-in-one-weekend-3...). The Unity version is easier to tinker with, because you have scene preview and other GUI that makes moving camera around so much easier. There are many implementations based of these sources if you don't want to write one from scratch, although doing so is definitely worth it. I spent some great time playing with the base implementation. Making the rays act as particles* that bend their path to/away from objects, making them "remember" the last angle of bounce and use it in the next material hit etc. Most of them looked bad, but I still got some intuition what I was looking at. Moving the camera by a notch was also very helpful. A lot of fun, great for a small recreational programming project. * Unless there's an intersection with an object, then set the maximum length of the ray to some small amount, then shoot many rays from that point around and for each hit apply something similar to the gravity equation. Of course this is slow and just an approximation, but it's easy and you can implement a "black hole" type of object that will bend light in the scene. |
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when i wrote my very first ray tracer it didn't take me an entire weekend; it's about four pages of c that i wrote in one night http://canonical.org/~kragen/sw/aspmisc/my-very-first-raytra... since then i've written raytracers in clojure and lua and a raymarcher in js; they can be very small and simple last night i was looking at Spongy by mentor/TBC https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=53871 which is a fractal animation raytracer with fog in 65 machine instructions. the ms-dos executable is 128 bytes i think it's easy to get overwhelmed by how stunning raytraced images look and decide that the algorithms and data structures to generate them must be very difficult, but actually they're very simple, at least if you already know about three-dimensional vectors. i feel like sdf raymarching is even simpler than the traditional whitted-style raytracer, because it replaces most of the hairy math needed to solve for precise intersections with scene geometry with very simple successive approximation algorithms the very smallest raytracers like spongy and Oscar Toledo G.'s bootsector raytracer https://github.com/nanochess/RayTracer are often a bit harder to understand than slightly bigger ones, because you have to use a lot of tricks to get that small, and the tricks are harder to understand than a dumber piece of code would be |
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Perhaps create hyperspectral (>>3 channels) images? I was exploring using them for better teaching color to kids by emphasizing spectra. Doing image[1] mouseover pixel spectra for example, to reinforce associations of colors-and-their-spectra. But hyperspectral images are rare, and their cameras traditionally[2] expensive. So how about synthetic hyperspectral images? Perhaps a very-low-res in-browser renderer might be fast enough for interactively playing with lighting and materials? And perhaps do POV for anomalous color vision, "cataract lens removed - can see UV" humans, dichromat non-primate mammals (mice/dogs), and perhaps tetrachromat zebra fish. [1] http://www.ok.sc.e.titech.ac.jp/res/MSI/MSIdata31.html [2] an inexpensive multispectral camera using time-multiplexed narrow-band illumination: https://ubicomplab.cs.washington.edu/publications/hypercam/ |
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I’d love to see more about the artworks the author shares at the end. The idea of creating renders of realities where light works differently from ours is fascinating.
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Lovely. Not sure if the author would agree... There was much to love and hate about the nascent "new aesthetic" movement, but this demonstrates the best of that genre.
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Does anyone know if someone has attempted real time spectral rendering? I've tried finding information before but have never had any luck.
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A great spectral ray tracing engine is LuxRender : https://luxcorerender.org/ (the older one, that is - the newer LuxCore renderer does not have full spectral support) Beyond the effects shown here, there are other benefits to spectral rendering - if done using light tracing, it allows you to change color, spectrum and intensity of light sources after the fact. It also makes indirect lighting much more accurate in many scenes. |
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Are there any good resources for spectral ray tracing for other frequencies of light, e.g. radio frequencies?
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It's the same thing! What are you trying to do with it? One thing you'll run into is that there isn't a clear frequency response curve for non-visible, so you need to invent your own frequency to RGB function (false color). Another thing is that radio waves have much longer wavelengths than visible, so diffractive effects tend to be a lot more important, and ray tracing (spectral or otherwise) doesn't do this well. Modeling diffraction is typically done using something like FDTD. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite-difference_time-domain_... |