告诉 HN:有没有想过申请 YC? 这个周末做S24
Tell HN: Ever think of applying to YC? Do it this weekend for S24

原始链接: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40091622

考虑到 Hacker News 的帖子,如果您正在考虑加入 Y Combinator (YC),请继续申请。 这个过程并不漫长,它可能会对您的未来产生重大影响,就像对许多其他人一样。 以下是您在 https://apply.ycombinator.com 提交申请之前应忽略两个常见误解的原因: 首先,不要相信“我可能不够好或者不会被接受”。 许多才华横溢的创始人由于冒名顶替综合症或缺乏正式资格而持有这种观点。 请记住,YC 对能力的评估超出了通常的预期。 一个强大的潜在候选人并不需要最初作为创始人的印象或能力; 相反,他们通过 YC 获得这些技能。 其次,放弃“现在还为时过早”的假设。 YC 寻找有前途的创始人,无论他们目前处于什么阶段,并优先考虑具有巨大潜力的个人而不是具体成就。 此外,一些成功的 YC 校友一开始的商业概念与他们最终的成就形成鲜明对比。 从本质上讲,无论您何时加入该计划,YC 都会提供有关玩创业游戏的宝贵课程。 在太平洋时间 4 月 22 日晚上 8 点之前申请,可确保在 5 月 29 日之前收到决定。不要让对不确定性或过去经历的恐惧阻止您利用 YC 的机会。 抓住机会并立即提交您的申请:https://apply.ycombinator.com。

申请著名创业孵化器 Y Combinator (YC) 是一个宝贵的机会。 不要让常见的误解阻止您。 原因有二: 首先,如果您认为自己不够优秀,或者由于自我怀疑或认为自己缺乏资格而不会被录取,请三思而行。 很多优秀的创始人都有着相似的感受,但最终都被接受了。 评估过程是 YC 的责任,而不是您的责任。 他们重视原始才能和决心,而不是光鲜亮丽的背景或资历。 其次,认为现在申请“为时过早”的想法是站不住脚的。 YC 投资于具有巨大潜力的个人,无论其创业阶段如何。 向 YC 的项目学习永远不会太晚。 一些成功的公司起步较晚,最初的概念与最终成功的概念不同。 请记住,YC 的作用是为您提供创业成功所需的技能,使每个切入点都意义重大。 不要犹豫; 请在太平洋时间 2024 年 4 月 22 日晚上 8 点之前通过 https://apply.ycombinator.com 申请,并在 5 月 29 日之前收到决定。志存高远——这可能正是您需要的飞跃。

(Usually I put an "Apply to YC" thing in the HN footer [1] but I forgot this time, so here is my pitch to make up for it.)

If you've ever thought about applying to YC, here's a tip: just do it. It doesn't take long and could change your life, like it did for me and many others.

In particular, if you have either of these two bogus thoughts, ignore them pronto and just go to https://apply.ycombinator.com and apply:

(1) "probably not good enough / won't get in" - you'd be surprised at how many people feel that way, whether because of impostor syndrome, lack of credentials, whatever—and often they turn out to be among the best founders. So this a terrible reason not to apply!

The nice thing is, it's YC's job to evaluate that, not yours. They're looking for aptitude which doesn't look like what most people (probably including you) assume. You needn't look impressive, and you don't have to be a competent founder—you learn that from doing YC. Just be yourself as you are, fill out the application and don't worry about it.

(2) "too early" - there's no such thing. YC looks for good potential founders—meaning anyone who can learn what they teach—and nothing else. You're already yourself, which is all you need.

Some of YC's big successes start off as last-minute applications on a whim; and many start with totally different ideas than what ends up succeeding. It's YC's job to teach you how to play the startup game, and that can start at any time.

("Too far along already" is another bogus notion but I'll stick with the top 2 for today.)

If you know the game Snakes and Ladders [2], YC is a massive ladder in an area where there are no snakes. Sure it's a dice roll, but what reason do you have not to? If you're uninterested in the game, no problem—but if you have any impulse to participate, do it! If you're the "out of nowhere" type of founder YC loves to fund, your chances are likely a lot better than you imagine.

Apply by 8pm PT on Monday 4/22 to get a decision by May 29: https://apply.ycombinator.com.


[1] like last October - https://web.archive.org/web/20231011022307/https://news.ycom...

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snakes_and_ladders

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