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This actually calls to mind this great talk by Grand Sanderson (the YouTuber behind 3blue1brown): https://youtu.be/z7GVHB2wiyg?si=jcUtUo-TT3ycpTpD That talk is about something superficially different—ego in math—but on reflection, I think the desire to look smart actually really does set one up for success in math in the particular way that the OP article describes. When you just want to look smart, you don’t care whether you know something because you thought of it or because you read it in a book. You just care that you can show off what you know and solve problems easily. So you voraciously read and memorize and try to accumulate a massive mental database of facts to show off. Then at the end you find you’re actually good at the thing. |
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I like your conviction Re "functional programming is very easy to grasp". Many won't but I agree in the purest (sorry) sense. There is no scattered changing state. I think we all learned input-function-output as a construct in maths class? Spreadsheets (sans-VBA) is arguably the most prolific programming language and simplest, being used by people who do not recognise they are programming. Felienne Hermans gave a good talk on this subject in GOTO 2016. Spreadsheets have numerous shortfalls though, and "real" functional programming languages make it difficult to not feel intimidated: in my experience, but this is getting much better. [1] is a game of life in calculang, functional language I'm developing, where for all it's verbosity at least I hope the rules and development over generation (g) can be reasoned with (sans-state!). Not very practical but can show calculang computation/workings as it progresses and as parameters change - things that are easy for FP and otherwise intractable, and which further help with reasoning. But, a big challenge is to be approachable (not intimidating), and I'm trying to make that better. I think it helps enormously to be focused on numbers as calculang is, and not general programming. [1] https://6615bc99ad130f0008ecc588--calculang-editables.netlif... |
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Math as done by mathematicians 100% involves knowing the ins and outs of core concepts by heart. You can’t begin to derive new theorems about things you aren’t fluent with
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I commented on this on HN a couple months ago, but I had a similar conclusion regarding the value of memorization when I joined med school after studying computer science in undergrad and grad. It took me a while to buy in to high-volume memorization as a learning technique (especially coming from CS, where memorizing facts is not a huge emphasis). After a while though, I started recognizing how the quick recall encouraged by the system enhanced my understanding of concepts vs replacing it (I wrote about this a couple years ago [0]). [0] https://samrawal.substack.com/p/on-the-relationship-between-... |
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Can you suggest a culture that does it better and/or better methods? Your point of view meshes with mine and I have a young child and I'm worried about the education he's going to get in Canada.
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Memorization happens naturally through repeat exposure, and works better if this is exposure in some meaningful context rather than through cramming via flash cards or whatever. The best kind of practice is practice that you are motivated to do because is inherently interesting. The less "rote" you can make this the better. For a primary school example, if you can solve basic arithmetic problems in service of a fun and challenging logic puzzle, that is more motivating than solving a page of arithmetic problems one after the other. More generally, while mathematics certainly requires putting in time and actually doing the work of thinking a whole lot about a variety of hard things in the service of solving hard problems, very little of that is memorization per se. > In the United States, the emphasis on understanding sometimes seems to have replaced rather than complemented older teaching methods that scientists are—and have been—telling us work with the brain’s natural process to learn complex subjects like math and science. The older teaching method also sucked. In my opinion, the single most important thing primary school math education should be teaching is how to attack and solve nontrivial word problems. Unfortunately we did not have any of that before, and still do not have any now. Cf. https://cs-web.bu.edu/faculty/gacs/toomandre-com-backup/trav... |
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> how to attack and solve nontrivial word problems. Please no. Non-trivial problems that are expressed in natural language, sure: I'm in favour. But once you get past basic arithmetic, "word problems" are just algebra obfuscated with a prefabricated template. A non-trivial problem, written in natural language, will usually admit multiple solutions: cutting that down to something you can fit into a mark scheme, without making the problem convoluted or forced, is hard. Example: > Jacob and Sally want to split a rectangular cake between them, but neither is very good at cutting. Jacob can cut precisely (wasting no cake), but will miss the middle by 10% of the distance to the edge of the cake. Sally can cut accurately (exactly in the middle), but will obliterate 10% of the cake in the process. (Neither Jacob nor Sally want to eat crumbs.) Who should cut the cake, and why? This is a fun problem, but a rubbish exam question! Word problems completely sidestep this issue by starting with the algebra, and then replacing symbols with words until it's almost prose. For example, consider the Hannah's sweets problem (solution: http://www.murderousmaths.co.uk/hsweets.htm): > There are n sweets in a bag. 6 of the sweets are orange. The rest of the sweets are yellow. Hannah takes at random a sweet from the bag. She eats the sweet. Hannah then takes at random another sweet from the bag. She eats the sweet. The probability that Hannah eats two orange sweets is 1/3. What is the value of n? While nominally a "good" exam question, it only makes sense within a rigid and rigorous context that's quite alien to an untrained person's understanding of English prose. And it requires bold assumptions about the fundamental nature of statistics (see https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/statistics/) that go completely unstated. Understanding English and Maths aren't enough to answer this question: you also have to understand Maths Exams. |
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>If you want to know how you can become better in math and rewire your brain to be math compatible [...] ... then you just have to do it. And keep working on it, even though it feels awful |
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A depth first search is exactly what it says it is. I'm not sure what there is to 'memorize' about it, but yes, if you need to memorize the acronyms, I would think that's important.
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Kalid Azad wrote books explaining mathematics in that way with his "Better Explained" series (https://betterexplained.com/). For me, that intuition is the seed in the consciousnes from which the rigor can then form a structure around. When I applied it to concepts I was learning on my own -- monoids, monads, semi-groups, semi-lattices, partial orders, etc. what I found was that I'm often overthinking the intuition. The intuition for a specific idea is very, very precise. It is exactly as it is, and yet something so precise and clear seems difficult to get. It helps to approach things from a lot of different angles until you "get it". It's not always about repeitition on manipulating symbols. The Soviet method for teaching math (and remember, the Soviet system was intended to raise enough mathematicians to be able to work with a planned economy) was to let their kids manipulate things with their hands in a concrete way. It was in a way more like Common Core, but you're playing with toys with your hands. I can tell you that I picked up being able to add and subtract things at an early age, but I didn't really get into the deeper stuff until I was exploring monoids and groups. I've met people who tell me, subtraction and negative numbers are difficult. They know how to do the operation arithmatically, even fluently, but they don't "get it". No amount of repetition was going to change that. I had a similar block when I came across the idea of instantaneous rate of change. I get the proofs, the idea of limits, and how it defines instantaneous rate of change, but it was the first thing that I came across that I couldn't get over the idea that this is an abstract idea, not concrete. I didn't know how to handle it. It wasn't until I came across Azad's way of explaining the _intuition_ on instantaneous rate of change that I focused on getting the intuition first before trying to develop rigor. |
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Meanwhile I have a B.S in Mathematics and I'm still just as bad at it as I ever was. I paired it with Computer Science in a Double Major and thankfully I am much more comfortable with that.
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A title for a how-to article should offer hope that you can learn something from reading it. "I re-wired my brain" offers no such hope. |
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The university I went to was notorious for having their own textbook for Analysis 1 and 2 that had 1600 or so exercises of just calculations and covering all cases(for example, if a theorem gave you 3 conditions for it to work you would work through 3 examples with one condition not present and how the theorem would fail, and stuff like). It was completely different to a theory textbook like Rudin/Tao, which had fewer exercises that were more focused on "did you understand the abstract object" and "use your knowledge to prove this slightly modified proposition or easy extension of the theorem". If you want to practice addition/subtraction I suggest Zetamac(https://arithmetic.zetamac.com/), this is what most people use to train for HFT/MM interviews(although I heard there are more specialized tests now). |
I love math and majored in it in college. The rest of my family is all scientifically inclined, but I think found/find math itself opaque and somewhat intimidating. I remember my brother asking me at one point how one would ever find, for example, the Pythagorean theorem intuitive. The author’s quote is the response I wish I had. The Pythagorean theorem becomes intuitively true not when you have some deep insight about Euclidean space, but when, on seeing a right triangle, three proofs of it spring instantly to mind. Which happens after a lot of practice.
FWIW I think it’s appropriate that the author talks about herself a lot. She’s trying to explain the subjective, cognitive experience of going from math-phobia to math mastery over her career. She can’t explain that without talking about her background and her perception of the process from inside her head.