美国农业部召回超过 20,000 磅冷冻牛肉产品
USDA Recalls More Than 20,000 Pounds Of Frozen Beef Products

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/usda-recalls-more-20000-pounds-frozen-beef-products

由于缺乏适当的美国进口检验,乌拉圭供应商 Frigorífico Casa Blanca S.A. 的约 20,111 磅冷冻生牛肉产品被召回。 进口商南美肉类公司未能在这些产品抵达时向美国农业部食品安全检验局提交必要的检查。 美国农业部通过定期监测发现了这一问题,并于 2023 年 6 月 4 日发布了召回通知。受影响的牛肉于 3 月 17 日左右进入美国,未经美国农业部检查,就到达了加利福尼亚州、俄勒冈州、华盛顿州和亚利桑那州的多个客户手中。 尚未报告与食用这些牛肉产品有关的疾病。 美国农业部敦促那些拥有这些牛肉类型(标有“AGUJA CHUCK ROLL”到“PECHO BRISKET”)的人避免食用或食用,而是将其丢弃或退回购买点。 担心潜在不良影响的消费者应咨询医疗保健专业人士。 如需更多信息,请联系美国农业部肉类和家禽热线 888-MPHotline 或联系 South American Meat Inc. 的会计/物流总监 Tim Yu,电话 310-720-5258。



Authored by Lorenz Duchamps via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

More than 20,000 pounds of beef products have been recalled because the meat was improperly inspected when shipped into the United States, according to U.S. regulators.

South American Meat Inc. is recalling various frozen raw beef products because they were not presented to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service for import reinspection. (Courtesy of U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service)

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced in a news release on June 4 that California-based importer, South American Meat Inc., recalled approximately 20,111 pounds of various frozen raw beef products because the items were not presented for reinspection to the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) upon entry from Uruguay.

“The problem was discovered during routine FSIS surveillance activities of imported products, and FSIS determined that the products were not presented for FSIS import reinspection,” the agency stated.

According to the USDA, the beef was imported from the South American country “on or around March 17” before it was shipped to distributors, restaurants, retailers, and institutions in Arizona, California, Oregon, and Washington.

Neither the company nor the USDA has received any reports of anyone experiencing any adverse reactions from eating the products.

However, FSIS expressed concern earlier this week that some of the products may already be in the freezers of consumers, distributors, restaurants, or retailers.

“Any individual or entities who have purchased these products are urged not to consume or serve them. These products should be thrown away or returned to the place of purchase,” the agency said.

Furthermore, FSIS advised that consumers should contact or visit their health care providers if they are worried about any adverse reactions from the product.

The following products—all marked Frigorífico Casa Blanca S.A.—are affected by the recall:

  • Various weight cardboard cases labeled as “Frigorífico Casa Blanca S.A. AGUJA CHUCK ROLL” with case code JP0001 containing individually vacuum-sealed products displaying “FRICASA”;
  • Various weight cardboard cases labeled as “Frigorífico Casa Blanca S.A. ASADO SIN HUESO SHORT RIB” with case code JP0002 containing individually vacuum-sealed products displaying “FRICASA”;
  • Various weight cardboard cases labeled as “Frigorífico Casa Blanca S.A. BIFE ANCHO CUBE ROLL” with case code JP0003 containing individually vacuum-sealed products displaying “FRICASA”;
  • Various weight cardboard cases labeled as “Frigorífico Casa Blanca S.A. BIFE ANGOSTO STRIPLOIN” with case code JP0004 containing individually vacuum-sealed products displaying “FRICASA”;
  • Various weight cardboard cases labeled as “Frigorífico Casa Blanca S.A. BIFE GRANDE DE VACÍO FLAP MEAT” with case code JP0005 containing individually vacuum-sealed products displaying “FRICASA”;
  • Various weight cardboard cases labeled as “Frigorífico Casa Blanca S.A. CARNAZA DE PALETA SHOULDER CLOD” with case code JP0006 containing individually vacuum-sealed products displaying “FRICASA”;
  • Various weight cardboard cases labeled as “Frigorífico Casa Blanca S.A. LOMO TENDERLOIN” with case code JP0007 containing individually vacuum-sealed products displaying “FRICASA”;
  • Various weight cardboard cases labeled as “Frigorífico Casa Blanca S.A. MARUCHA OYSTER BLADE” with case code JP0008 containing individually vacuum-sealed products displaying “FRICASA”;
  • Various weight cardboard cases labeled as “Frigorífico Casa Blanca S.A. PECHO BRISKET” with case code JP0009 containing individually vacuum-sealed products displaying “FRICASA”.

In addition, the items bear the Uruguay establishment number “58” on the shipping box and on the vacuum-sealed product packaging, according to the USDA.

People with questions about the recall can call the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline at 888-674-6854 or contact South American Meat Inc. accountant and logistics director Tim Yu at 310-720-5258.

From NTD News

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