Big Mexican Cartels Ramp Up Operations In Hawaii As America's Fentanyl Crisis Broadens

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/big-mexican-cartels-ramp-operations-hawaii-americas-fentanyl-crisis-worsens

墨西哥贩毒集团,如锡那罗亚州和哈利斯科新一代贩毒集团 (CJNG),越来越多地向夏威夷走私甲基苯丙胺和芬太尼,给这些岛屿带来了严重的毒品问题。 这些贩毒集团利用抵达檀香山国际机场的旅客行李、邮件和运尸车等多种方式运输毒品。 这些暴力卡特尔之间不断升级的冲突导致卡特尔之间的暴力和夏威夷境内毒品供应的增加,导致大量与毒品有关的死亡。 当局认为,与毒品相关的死亡人数上升是由于甲基苯丙胺以及更令人担忧的芬太尼的流入。 尽管缺乏竞争且执法力度减弱,但与美国西海岸相比,夏威夷羟考酮等药物的价格仍然很高。 截至 2023 年,夏威夷与芬太尼相关的死亡人数在全国排名第七,增加了 27%。 由于芬太尼还导致了美国本土 48 个州的毁灭性毒品危机,专家们担心如果这个问题得不到解决,可能会产生潜在后果。 此外,最近的报告揭露了中国黑暗洗钱网络与墨西哥贩毒集团之间的联系,揭示了一种潜在危险的国际伙伴关系,加剧了芬太尼的流行。 人们越来越担心中国通过退税补贴芬太尼生产以及向海外出口芬太尼化学品,美国西海岸的许多执法机构以及夏威夷和阿拉斯加的执法机构计划对这一不断升级的问题采取行动。 然而,鉴于芬太尼危机影响美国人生活的严重性,一些批评人士质疑拜登政府反应迟缓。



Mexican drug cartels, including Sinaloa and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), are aggressively expanding into Hawaii, flooding the islands with methamphetamines and fentanyl. 

Local authorities told media outlet KHON2 that Sinaloa and CJNG are expanding business in the island state by sending drugs via passengers' luggage, mailed packages, and body carriers flying into Honolulu International Airport. 

"Violent cartels, primarily the Sinaloa cartel and the Jalisco New Generation cartels, and they're killing each other," explained Gary Yabuta, executive director of the Hawaii High-Density Drug Trafficking Area. 

Yabuta said, "They're competing for territory and turf to make sure that their drugs get across the border and sent throughout the nation, including Hawaii."

US Attorney Clare Connors told the local media outlet that Sinaloa and CJNG are primarily behind the new push in flooding Hawaii with drugs. 

"Largely, however, it is cartel interaction with local drug trafficking organizations," Connors said. 

Yabuta said, "Methamphetamine is still our greatest drug threat here in Hawaii, and that has risen, too throughout the years, including 2023 drug-related deaths," adding, "However, fentanyl drug-related deaths are catching up. It's rising at a faster rate."

One of the main reasons cartels expand across the islands is the lack of competition and law enforcement. 

NewsNation noted, "An oxycodone pill selling for $2 in Los Angeles can fetch $16 or more in Hawaii." 

According to Families Against Fentanyl, the surge in fentanyl overdose deaths placed Hawaii number seven nationally on a list with a 27% increase in fentanyl-related deaths in 2023. 

Meanwhile, these same cartels are fueling the fentanyl epidemic across the Lower 48, resulting in a US drug death catastrophe that eclipses the Vietnam War every six months.

Last week, a new report from the Financial Times revealed details about a dark Chinese money-laundering network partnering with Mexican drug cartels. 

In mid-April, the House Select Committee on China revealed that the Chinese Communist Party used tax rebates to subsidize the manufacturing and exporting of fentanyl chemicals to overseas customers. 

"The West Coast Coalition is comprised of law enforcement agencies from California, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, and Alaska," Peace Officers Research Assoc. of CA recently wrote on X.

They continued, "We can't sit here and continue to let our communities suffer." 

The biggest mystery here is why the Biden administration hasn't taken a tougher stance on China while America's fentanyl epidemic is killing a generation of youth. This should be a national security threat, yet elderly Joe Biden is likely too busy eating ice cream. 

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