Russia Poised To Capture All Of Donetsk After Several Breakthroughs On Weakened Ukraine Lines

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-poised-capture-all-donetsk-after-several-breakthroughs-weakened-ukraine-lines

由于俄罗斯军队的推进,乌克兰军队在东部顿巴斯地区面临着越来越大的压力和损失,特别是阿维季夫卡和波克罗夫斯克城镇周围。 尽管最近交付了西方武器,例如美国制造的 F-16 战斗机,但形势似乎很严峻。 据各种新闻来源称,乌克兰国防军目前在波克罗夫斯卡等某些地区遭到围困。 俄罗斯在哈尔科夫地区的攻势中取得一系列战略胜利后,完全控制了Novoselivka Persha镇。 乌克兰指挥官对俄罗斯军队不断减少的资源和不断升级的威胁表示担忧,俄罗斯军队的目的不仅是夺取领土,而且还想在潜在的和平谈判中迫使其让步。 最近的报道表明,俄罗斯可能很快就会占领具有重要战略意义的城市波克罗夫斯克,这可能迫使泽连斯基总统进行谈判,否则就有失去更多领土的风险。 由于俄罗斯利用乌克兰军队的弱点和缺乏组织以及他们在前线的数量优势,这种情况可能会迅速发生。 为了应对这些挑战,德国又派遣了8辆豹1 A5坦克、弹药、高射炮和其他军事装备援助乌克兰。 然而,鉴于俄罗斯在当地的持续势头,这些增援的影响仍然不确定。 最终,问题迫在眉睫:在面临资源劣势和反对派力量数量优势的情况下,泽伦斯基能否有效地与莫斯科进行谈判?



Despite a recent influx of more Western weapons, including some of the first US-made F-16 fighter jets having arrived in Kiev, Russian forces have made significant gains in the Donbas, specifically in the region west of Avidiivka, several media outlets have reported. 

Currently, Ukrainian troops are being encircled in the Pokrovsk direction, war maps show. Russia has further seized the entire Novoselivka Persha settlement, after a string of tactical successes over months of the new Kharkiv offensive.

Illustrative: Ukrainian troops patrolling, Via AFP

The Washington Post in fresh reporting documents that "The reinvasion of the Kharkiv region, while yielding limited gains, nonetheless diverted Ukrainian resources. Oleksandr, 30, a battalion commander of the 47th brigade, fighting near Ocheretyne, said that Ukrainian forces are struggling and that Putin’s prize increasingly seems within Russia’s reach."

The same Ukrainian commander told the outlet, "This strategy is clever: You try to concentrate the strength of your enemy in one direction and then distract them at another." He added of Russian forces, "Their first objective is to destroy us" and "the second is to push us so that they can get more leverage for peace talks and get more from us. They are almost at the point of capturing the Donetsk region."

WaPo admits that this soon may see the Zelensky forced to negotiate or else quickly lose more territory as the Russians eye capturing the key transit point of the city of Pokrovsk. The publication also underscores a somewhat distracted Washington, referencing "a shortage of soldiers and as election turmoil in the United States."

Other major publications like The New York Times have confirmed a similar trend: Russia is identifying weakened and badly organized Ukrainian units to punch through front lines at a rapid pace, thus exploiting the ongoing severe manpower problems.

"Russian forces are now only a dozen miles from Pokrovsk after Moscow’s troops pushed along a railway line and advanced about three miles toward the city, according to open-source maps of the battlefield based on combat footage and satellite imagery," writes NYT. "The Russian progress contrasts sharply with the slow but steady gains that Moscow had made so far this year in the Donetsk region, sometimes measured in only a few hundred yards a week."

"Military analysts say the swift gains reflect Moscow’s improved ability to exploit cracks in Ukrainian defensive lines, which have been thinned by manpower shortages and strained by relentless Russian attacks along a more than 600-mile front," the report continues.

A key question remains: even should Zelensky desire to negotiate with Moscow at this point, will he be able to?

Again, despite efforts of Western supporters to rush new weapons systems to Kiev, it's ultimately the manpower problem in the face of far superior Russian numbers that's making all the difference.

As of Monday, the German government announced it has sent Ukraine eight more Leopard 1 A5 tanks, ammunition, anti-aircraft guns, and other equipment.

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