据《纽约邮报》报道,根据国土安全调查部最近的一份备忘录,危险团伙特伦·德·阿拉瓜(Tren de Aragua)一直活跃在科罗拉多州丹佛市。 由于潜在的“绿灯”状态,该团伙可能会以警察为目标,这意味着他们有权攻击执法部门。 该团伙此前曾在其他城市扎根,可能是通过冒充寻求庇护者穿越美墨边境的个人来实现的。 丹佛作为庇护城市的地位以及拜登总统和哈里斯副总统的开放边境政策导致的大量移民涌入可能会导致这种情况。 该备忘录建议在进行调查或行动时与 Tren de Aragua 成员打交道时要小心谨慎。 总体而言,报告表明,现任政府宽松的边境管制和移民政策可能导致城市地区与有组织帮派活动相关的犯罪增加。
A new Homeland Security Investigations memo obtained by the New York Post revealed that the violent Venezuelan gangTren de Aragua has given members the "possible green light" to attack law enforcement in Denver, Colorado
The memo states:
Please see attached officer safety / awareness bulletin from the Albuquerque Police Department (APD). APD received information from federal partners regarding possible "green light" attacks on law enforcement from the Tren de Aragua (TdA) criminal organization operating in Denver, Colorado. Credible human sources from Colorado provided information on TdA giving a "green light" to fire on or attack law enforcement.
As many of you know, we have a TdA presence here in Chicago, so please be vigilant as you encounter TdA members or affiliates during your investigative and operational activities.
Denver is a sanctuary city controlled by progressives who opened up shelters for illegal aliens. The city received 42,000 migrants via President Biden and VP Kamala Harris' failed open southern border policies.
NYPost explained, "The prison gang, whose name means "The Aragua Train" — a reference to the Aragua region in Venezuela — has infiltrated the US by sending members posing as asylum seekers across the southern border."
Meanwhile, leftist corporate media outlets have spent the last few weeks unleashing propaganda campaigns against the American people, attempting to convince folks that VP Harris was not crowned 'Border Czar'. That's because the open southern border is such a disastrous topic for VP Harris.
Let's forget...
It's straightforward: Biden & Harris' disastrous border policies have devastating effects on society, including increased crime.
America needs law and order and secured borders. Most folks now reject failed social policies pushed by Biden and Harris (with Obama in the background likely pulling the strings). Let's make America safe again.