按行业划分的全球商品出口额 5 万亿美元的可视化
Visualizing $5 Trillion In Global Commodity Exports, By Sector

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/visualizing-5-trillion-global-commodity-exports-sector

2019年至2021年间,全球每年出口商品价值约5万亿美元。 这些商品主要是石油、农产品和矿产。 石油约占 30%,即每年 1.5 万亿美元,其次是天然气、电力和煤炭等能源,约占 40%。 农产品以 1.9 万亿美元排名第二,矿产品以 1.4 万亿美元排名第三。 农作物和林业在农业中贡献最大,达 1.2 万亿美元。 矿物均匀地分为铜、铁、铝等贱金属和金、银、钻石等贵金属和宝石。 很大一部分商品贸易仅发生在少数国家,这使得它们依赖于全球市场。 例如,2023 年智利的铜产量占全球的四分之一。这种资源集中会造成脆弱性,特别是当国际大宗商品价格下跌导致金融危机风险增加和某些经济体政府支出减少时。 石油的出口价值反映了其作为主要能源的用途。 要了解世界整体能源结构,请查看“2023 年世界的动力是什么?”。



This chart, via Visual Capitalist's Pallavi Rao, categorizes over $5 trillion in global commodity exports by sector and the value of material exported.

Data was averaged between 2019–2021 to represent an annual estimate. Source figures can be found at The State of Commodity Dependence 2023 published by UN Trade & Development.

Oil and its products account for 30% of global commodity exports on average, valued at $1.5 trillion annually.

Figures rounded.

When including natural gas, electricity, and coal exports, the energy sector contributes 40% to the value of global commodity export per year ($2 trillion). Agricultural exports ($1.9 trillion) rank second and are higher in value than mineral exports ($1.4 trillion).

Within agriculture, crops and forestry has the lion’s share of value at $1.2 trillion. This category includes everything from wheat to wood exports.

Meanwhile, the minerals sector is more equally divided between base metal exports (like copper, iron, and aluminum) and precious metals and stones (gold, silver, diamonds).

Not pictured in this graphic is how international the commodity trade tends to concentrate in just a few countries on the exports side. For example, one-fourth of all copper produced in 2023 came from Chile.

The flip side of this means some of these major resource exporters have a significant amount of commodity dependence. And relatedly, many of them are low or middle income countries. When international prices for the commodity exported decline, the likelihood of financial crises and reduced public spending increases, further entrenching economic challenges in these regions.

Oil’s export value closely mirrors its consumption as a primary energy source. Check out “What Powered the World in 2023?” to see the world’s energy mix.

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