China Dominates Global Coal Consumption


2023年,全球煤炭消费量创下164艾焦耳(EJ)的历史新高,占全球能源消费总量的26%,超过所有非化石燃料来源的总和。 石油仍然是主要能源。 尽管北美和欧洲等一些地区的煤炭依赖度降低了16%,但由于亚太地区消费量的增加,全球煤炭使用总量保持稳定。 中国特别将煤炭消费量从2022年的88 EJ增加到2023年的近92 EJ,占全球煤炭消费量的56%。 这导致亚太地区消耗了世界煤炭总量的83%。 尽管其他国家在摆脱煤炭方面取得了进展,但交通便利和低成本继续推动煤炭需求,特别是在孟加拉国和哥伦比亚等发展中国家,与 2022 年相比,它们在 2023 年经历了两位数的增长。因此,煤炭对于煤炭需求仍然至关重要。 全球能源格局,特别是在新兴经济体,它为能源需求提供了负担得起的解决方案。



Despite many nations transitioning away from fossil fuels, in 2023, world coal consumption reached a staggering 164 exajoules (EJ) of energy, a record high for any year. 

For this graphic, Visual Capitalist's Alan Kennedy has partnered with Range ETFs to explore the role coal plays in the global energy mix and determine which regions still consume large quantities of coal. 

The Role of Coal in Global Energy

Coal is a significant player in the global energy mix, contributing 26% of the world’s energy in 2023, more than all non-fossil fuel sources combined. The only energy source that contributed more to the global energy mix was oil.

Here’s how that consumption breaks down by region:

Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding. *Commonwealth of Independent States

Coal consumption has decreased in many regions. For example, both North America and Europe reduced their energy consumption from coal by 16% in 2023. However, a heavy reliance on coal in the Asia Pacific region has led to global coal consumption remaining essentially the same over the past 10 years.

In 2023, China increased its coal consumption from 88 EJ to nearly 92 EJ—totalling 56% of global coal consumption. This contributed significantly to Asia Pacific leading the world with a staggering 83% of global coal consumption. 

The Importance of Coal

Easy access to existing infrastructure and reasonable prices have not only sustained global coal consumption over the last 10 years, but also paved the way for potential growth. Many developing nations are now expanding their coal consumption, presenting potential opportunities in the coal market.

For example, as per the Statistical Review of World Energy 2024, between 2022 and 2023, Bangladesh and Colombia saw double-digit percentage increases in year-over-year coal consumption: 41% and 53%, respectively.

Coal continues to play a critical role in the global energy mix, especially in the developing world, where its affordability makes it the current energy source of choice.

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