Mapping Where Journalists Disappear

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/mapping-where-journalists-disappear

8月30日,全球庆祝强迫失踪受害者国际日。 强迫失踪涉及政府官员或当局在不知情的情况下绑架个人,往往旨在压制反对者或煽动恐惧。 据无国界记者组织数据库显示,自 2000 年以来,至少有 217 名媒体工作者失踪,其中一些是由于国家行为造成的,另一些则是非政府实体造成的。 墨西哥是这一时期媒体专业人员失踪最多的国家,总计 37 起; 目前,其中 31 人仍下落不明。 此外,2000 年至 2024 年间,有 152 名墨西哥媒体人员被证实被谋杀,仅 2024 年就有 3 人死亡。 无国界医生组织秘书长克里斯托夫·德卢瓦尔(Christophe Deloire)评论了这种在各大洲普遍存在的做法,称中国首创了“强制休假”,叙利亚完善了大规模失踪事件,而非洲和南美洲也采取了类似的策略。 尽管问题不断升级,但克里斯托夫对结束强迫失踪方面进展甚微表示遗憾,原因是罪犯通常不受惩罚,而且民主国家的承诺不足。 继墨西哥之后,叙利亚排名第二,自 2000 年以来,全球范围内发生了 35 起媒体专业人员失踪事件,主要发生在 2011 年至 2014 年之间,但最近在 2019 年也有报道。据估计,自 2011 年以来,叙利亚有多达 65,000 人遭受强迫失踪。



August 30 marked the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. Enforced disappearances are the arrest or abduction of a person by or on behalf of the state, followed by that same authorities’ refusal to acknowledge it. The move is used as a means to silence opposition and to spread terror.

The following chart, via Statista's Anna Fleck, looks specifically at the number of media workers that have disappeared over the past 24 years. According to the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) database, at least 217 media workers have disappeared since the year 2000. This includes those who are victims of enforced disappearance as well as those who have disappeared at the hands of non-state related groups.

Infographic: Mapping Where Journalists Disappear | Statista

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Mexico is the country from which the highest number of media professionals have disappeared in this time frame, counting 37 in total. Of these, 31 are listed as “ongoing” cases. According to RSF, an additional 152 media professionals have been verified as killed in Mexico between 2000 and 2024, three of whom died in 2024.

Commenting on the global pattern of disappearances, RSF secretary-general Christophe Deloire said:

“China invented the ‘enforced vacation,’ Syria developed mass disappearances and Africa copied South America, which sadly pioneered enforced disappearance.”

“Instead of decreasing, this barbaric practice is diversifying, spreading all over the world and creating more and more victims among journalists and bloggers every year. We deplore the impunity usually enjoyed by the perpetrators of these crimes and the lack of commitment by democratic governments to bring them to an end.”

With 35 cases, Syria is the country with the second highest number of media professionals who have disappeared worldwide between 2000 and 2024. While the majority of these (26) disappeared between 2011 and 2014, five people were recorded as having disappeared as recently as 2019.

According to estimates of the Syrian Network for Human Rights, there have been at least 65,000 victims of enforced disappearances in Syria since 2011.

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