我用来为 shell 脚本创建出色的用户体验的技术
Techniques I use to create a great user experience for shell scripts

原始链接: https://nochlin.com/blog/6-techniques-i-use-to-create-a-great-user-experience-for-shell-scripts

该文本描述了用户开发的 shell 脚本,用于帮助评估“十亿行挑战”竞赛的过程。 该脚本提供全面的错误处理和输入验证、清晰多彩的输出、详细的进度报告、使用“set -e”和“set +e”的战略错误处理、特定于平台的适应、多次运行的带时间戳的文件输出,并支持用户运行 并分析基准。 作者使用了六种技术来提高脚本的可用性和安全性,包括清晰的错误消息、使用说明、用于更好可见性的 ANSI 颜色、执行前精确的命令打印、选择性错误退出和日志记录时间戳。 该代码可以在“十亿行挑战”存储库中找到。 用户邀请其他人分享他们关于 shell 脚本最佳实践的意见或建议。

shell 用作控制系统操作的用户界面,包括管理数据库、REST API、文件和电子邮件。 然而,shell 的主要功能不是执行这些任务本身,而是执行专门为其设计的其他程序。 这种误解源于认为 shell 负责处理核心功能,而实际上,它只是充当用户和这些专用软件组件之间的管道。 与流行的 UNIX shell 实现相比,由单个组织开发的 PowerShell 由于该组织提供的一致的内部 API,提供了更简化的方法。 另一方面,开源 UNIX 工具缺乏这种一致性,因为它们依赖于社区贡献。 UNIX shell 实用程序通常配备内置命令,但它们在实现上有所不同,这使得互操作性具有挑战性。 例如,许多工具假设用户将通过管道处理数据并相应地转换输出。 一个例子是具有内置排序功能的“ps”实用程序,与其他工具的实现相比,其行为可能截然不同。 尽管如此,明文仍然是大多数 UNIX 工具中的通用语言,确保遵守默认值时的兼容性。 一种特定的用例涉及处理 netstat 输出。 在这里,我们演示如何利用 GNU AWK 解析并显示列中排序的网络连接信息,同时保持可读性。 或者,可以将输出发送到“column -t”,它自动处理行对齐。 尽管最初不如专用解决方案那么简单,但一旦熟悉了 GNU AWk,操作输出就会变得直观。 此外,链接其他实用程序(如 grep、sort 和 uniq)仍然可以进行进一步的定制。 最后,值得注意的是,考虑到它们的历史稳定性以及开发人员对对其一致性的广泛依赖的认识,对已建立的 UNIX 工具中的输出格式进行更改通常在生产环境中几乎不会带来风险。 最终,掌握这些工具主要在于理解可用的命令集、复杂的语法,并有效地应用这些知识。


"You should go and check out the shell script in the repo because it's very nice. It has colored output, it's super safe... it's really a masterclass in terms of writing shell scripts."

Thank you Gunnar Morling for the shout-out! 😊

In January 2024, I along with a few dozen performance-minded geeks got nerd-sniped into participating in Gunnar's One Billion Row Challenge 1️⃣🐝🏎️ .

Gunnar quickly became overwhelmed being the (unpaid) evaluator of a constant stampede of entries. I jumped in to help him automate the evaluation steps with a shell script and received the above testimonial from Gunnar at his Javazone talk (check it out to hear all about the performance techniques used in the challenge: "# 1BRC–Nerd Sniping the Java Community - Gunnar Morling").

Here are 6 techniques I used in the #1BRC shell script to make it robust, safe and fun for Gunnar to use:

1. Comprehensive Error Handling and Input Validation

I believe that clear error messages are crucial for a good user experience. That's why I implemented thorough error handling and input validation throughout the script. For example:

if [ -z "$1" ] 
    echo "Usage: evaluate.sh <fork name> (<fork name 2> ...)" 
    echo " for each fork, there must be a 'calculate_average_<fork name>.sh' script and an optional 'prepare_<fork name>.sh'." 
    exit 1 

This approach helps users quickly identify and resolve issues, saving them time and frustration.

2. Clear and Colorful Output

To make the script's output more readable and user-friendly, I used ANSI color codes to highlight important information, warnings, and errors. For instance:

echo -e "${BOLD_RED}ERROR${RESET}: ./calculate_average_$fork.sh does not exist." >&2

This visual distinction helps users quickly grasp the nature of each message.

3. Detailed Progress Reporting

I wanted users to understand exactly what the script was doing at each step. To achieve this, I implemented a function that prints each command before executing it:

function print_and_execute() {
  echo "+ $@" >&2 

This matches the output format of Bash's builtin set -x tracing, but gives the script author more granular control of what is printed.

This level of transparency not only keeps users informed but also aids in debugging if something goes wrong.

4. Strategic Error Handling with "set -e" and "set +e"

I wanted to ensure that the script would exit immediately if there was an error in the script itself, but also allow it to continue running if individual forks encountered issues. To achieve this, I used the Bash options "set -e" and "set +e" strategically throughout the script. Here's how I implemented this technique:

set -eo pipefail

for fork in "$@"; do
  set +e 

  print_and_execute source "./prepare_$fork.sh"

  print_and_execute $TIMEOUT ./test.sh $fork

set -e  

This approach gives the script author fine-grained control over which errors cause the script to exit and which can be handled in other ways.

5. Platform-Specific Adaptations

Knowing that users might run this script on different operating systems, I added logic to detect the OS and adjust the script's behavior accordingly:

if [ "$(uname -s)" == "Linux" ]; then 
  TIMEOUT="timeout -v $RUN_TIME_LIMIT" 
  if [ -x "$(command -v gtimeout)" ]; then 
    TIMEOUT="gtimeout -v $RUN_TIME_LIMIT"
    echo -e "${BOLD_YELLOW}WARNING${RESET} gtimeout not available, install with `brew install coreutils` or benchmark runs may take indefinitely long." 

This ensures a consistent experience across different environments. Many #1BRC participants were developing on MacOS while the evaluation machine ran linux for example.

6. Timestamped File Outputs for Multiple Runs

To support multiple benchmark runs without overwriting previous results, I implemented a system of timestamped file outputs. This allows users to run the script multiple times and keep a historical record of all results. Here's how I did it:

filetimestamp=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

HYPERFINE_OPTS="--warmup 0 --runs $RUNS --export-json $fork-$filetimestamp-timing.json --output ./$fork-$filetimestamp.out"

echo "Raw results saved to file(s):"
for fork in "$@"; do
  if [ -f "$fork-$filetimestamp-timing.json" ]; then
      cat $fork-$filetimestamp-timing.json >> $fork-$filetimestamp.out
      rm $fork-$filetimestamp-timing.json

  if [ -f "$fork-$filetimestamp.out" ]; then
    echo "  $fork-$filetimestamp.out"


Check out the complete benchmark evaluation script in the #1BRC repo: evaluate.sh

By implementing these techniques, I aimed to create a user-friendly, informative, and robust shell script that provides a great experience for users running and analyzing benchmarks. I hope these ideas inspire you to enhance the user experience in your own shell scripts!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on these shell scripting techniques or any other tips you have for creating great user experiences in scripts. Feel free to join the discussion:

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