Did The Biden-Harris Campaign Collude With Iran?

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/did-biden-harris-campaign-collude-iran

Truth Over News 于 2024 年 9 月发布的一份报告的作者透露,伊朗黑客从美国前总统特朗普的竞选活动中获取了敏感材料,并将其中一些信息传递给了现任政府,即拜登-哈里斯竞选团队。 报道称,此次黑客攻击发生在 2024 年 6 月底和 7 月初,包含被盗内容的电子邮件被发送给与拜登-哈里斯竞选团队有关联的人员。 这一事件与希拉里·克林顿 (Hillary Clinton) 竞选经理罗比·穆克 (Robby Mook) 在 2016 年选举周期期间提出的指控相呼应,他在 CNN 上指控俄罗斯特工参与窃取民主党全国委员会的电子邮件。 然而,这次新事件的不同之处在于,它涉及美国情报机构——国家情报总监办公室(ODNI)、联邦调查局(FBI)以及网络安全和基础设施安全局(CISA)直接承认参与其中。 )。 2016年大选期间,克林顿竞选团队发明了与俄罗斯勾结的说法,作为抹黑唐纳德·特朗普的政治策略,而联邦调查局(FBI)对特朗普及其同伙展开广泛的“交火飓风”调查主要源于一名澳大利亚外交官收到的匿名举报,亚历山大唐纳。 他边喝酒边透露的消息表明,特朗普团队成员乔治·帕帕多普洛斯暗示,俄罗斯可能会提供援助,以获取有关希拉里·克林顿的破坏性信息。 尽管声称该线索构成了“斯蒂尔档案”的基础,但联邦调查局在启动调查时并未依赖该文件或任何其他具体来源。 相反,他们只是根据提示采取行动。 值得注意的是,2024 年报告的重点是伊朗黑客采取的行动及其与拜登-哈里斯竞选活动的联系,而没有确凿的证据证实后者与伊朗之间的合作。 此外,与特朗普总统任期内对特朗普与俄罗斯关系的长期调查不同,现任政府似乎避免了围绕此事的审查。 因此,对这两种情况的处理引发了人们对联邦调查局调查事项方法选择性的质疑。



Authored by Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke via Truth Over News,

In a joint statement issued on September 18, 2024, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) revealed that Iranian hackers had stolen materials from the Trump campaign and passed some of them on to the Biden-Harris campaign:

“Iranian malicious cyber actors in late June and early July sent unsolicited emails to individuals then associated with President Biden’s campaign that contained an excerpt taken from stolen, non-public material from former President Trump’s campaign as text in the emails.”

This, of course, sounds eerily similar to the story we heard eight years ago, specifically from Hillary Clinton’s campaign director, Robbie Mook, who appeared on CNN on July 24, 2016, to assert:

“What's disturbing to us is that we -- experts are telling us that Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole these e-mails. And other experts are now saying that the Russians are releasing these e-mails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump.”

However, there is a significant difference. In one instance, the revelation originates from the ODNI, the FBI, and the CISA. In the other instance, the revelation was fabricated by the Clinton campaign as a dirty trick to tarnish Donald Trump's reputation by portraying him as a Russian agent. 

But let us set that aside for a moment. Instead, let us assume that the FBI was unaware that the Russia collusion narrative was a scheme orchestrated by Hillary Clinton and that there was credible information justifying an investigation into Trump and his campaign. What was that credible information?

(For the avoidance of doubt, it should be noted that the FBI had known since at least July 28, 2016, that Hillary Clinton had approved a plan to fabricate a scandal by linking Trump to Putin. (see Figure 1)

Figure 1

The supposedly actionable information that the FBI allegedly relied on to initiate its extensive “enterprise” investigation into Trump, a number of his advisors, and the campaign itself, was a single tip from an Australian diplomat. Contrary to some widely shared narratives, the FBI did not officially depend on the infamous Steele dossier or any other source when opening its Crossfire Hurricane investigation. It was the Australian tip, and it alone. 

So, what did the tip entail? Fortunately, the tip was reproduced several years ago, allowing us to examine it for ourselves (see Figure 2). In essence, the Australian diplomat Alexander Downer claimed that a Trump advisor, George Papadopoulos, had made a suggestion of a suggestion that Russia might assist Trump by releasing information about Hillary Clinton. Notably, Judge Andrew Napolitano made a very similar claim on Fox News the day before Papadopoulos allegedly informed Downer about it. Even more significantly, Downer’s tip made clear that the information the Russians might release could have originated from publicly available sources. In other words, the tip was not about stolen emails, as the media often falsely asserts, but rather about generic information that may have been accessible to the public regardless.

Figure 2

Let us compile the purportedly incriminating information from the Downer tip and compare it to the data released by the ODNI, the FBI, and CISA regarding Iran and the Biden-Harris campaign.

• Suggestion of a suggestion
• Information may have originated from the public domain
• No evidence that any information was provided to anyone

• Not a suggestion but a fact
• Information was stolen and not public
• Information was provided to the Biden-Harris campaign

The two situations could not be more different. However, in Trump's case, he was subjected to years of fraudulent investigations, while in Biden's and Harris's case, the entire situation has already been swept under the rug, despite the underlying facts being significantly more incriminating.

The key issue here is not whether the Biden-Harris campaign colluded with Iran; we do not have definitive evidence to support that claim. The point is that there never will be an investigation of whether the Biden-Harris campaign colluded with Iran. Instead, the announcement by the ODNI, the FBI, and CISA was directed against Iran. They let the cat out of the bag by asserting, apparently without evidence, and certainly without investigating, that the Biden-Harris campaign’s receipt of the stolen materials was “unsolicited.”

What we are left with is the significant disparity in how federal law enforcement has treated the two situations, which reveals much—if not everything—about the Russia collusion narrative. If the Russia collusion investigation had ever been serious or anything more than a concerted campaign of legal warfare by federal agencies against an unfavored presidential candidate, and later president, there would now be a comprehensive investigation into the Harris campaign. It is the absence of such an investigation that unequivocally proves that the Trump-Russia collusion inquiry was nothing short of treason. 

The perpetrators of this treason remain not only unpunished but also continue to disseminate their falsehoods every single night. This includes, first and foremost, Hillary Clinton, who once again propagandized her Russia collusion lies on MSNBC just two nights ago.

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