Cocoa Biggest Commodity Winner Of Year As Food Inflation "Enters Dangerous Territory"

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/cocoa-biggest-commodity-winner-year-food-inflation-enters-dangerous-territory

在可可供应紧缩的推动下,全球粮食价格仍然居高不下。在作物病害、恶劣天气和供应短缺的推动下,可可价格飙升了近 200%。纽约可可期货创历史新高反映了世界最大可可生产国西非的严峻形势。由于佛罗里达州柑橘产量下降,橙汁期货价格上涨了 73%。由于供应担忧,咖啡价格也飙升了 72%。粮食及农业组织的食品价格指数显示,食品价格再次加速上涨,令人担忧。随着农作物状况恶化以及供应链面临更多干扰,预计 2025 年食品价格通胀将加剧。鸡蛋和牛肉零售价格也创下历史新高,进一步凸显全球食品市场持续面临的挑战。



One theme we've harped on this year has been the reignition of global food prices, which show little sign of abating as the new year quickly approaches. Among the most impressive rallies has been in the cocoa market, outpacing all major commodities in 2024 amid tightening global supplies. Prices for orange juice and coffee have also surged, highlighting sticky food price inflation.

Source: Bloomberg

The dire situation in West Africa — home to the world's largest cocoa farms — has pressured bean prices to record highs as crop disease and adverse weather conditions sparked a global supply crunch.

Last week, Goldman analysts told clients to go long cocoa (more about the trade here) for "another rally" driven by "structural supply deficits, under-hedged consumers, and historically low warehouse stocks." 

Supply concerns pushed cocoa futures in New York to nearly $13,000 per ton last week. This surge has driven prices by almost 200% this year, making cocoa a top commodity performer. 

Next is orange juice; futures in New York soared 73% on the year amid imploding citrus production in Florida

After OJ, Arabic coffee futures in New York are up 72% this year, driven by ongoing fears of a global supply crunch. Prices have hit a record high.

Broad food price trends via the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' Food Price Index, which tracks international prices of a basket of globally traded foods, show that prices have alarmingly re-accelerated this year. 

We warned the other week that food price inflation has "entered very dangerous territory and expect the trends that have been pushing up food prices to accelerate even more in 2025."

Separately, we penned two notes in the last week on retail egg prices zooming to new highs and beef prices in record territory.

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