Biden's "Obstructionist" Veto Of JUDGES Act Is 'A Disgrace'

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/bidens-obstructionist-veto-judges-act-disgrace

拜登总统否决了《法官法案》,该法案旨在增加 66 名新的地方法院法官,以解决大量未决案件。拜登提到了对法官职位时间和分配的担忧。 包括小罗伯特·康拉德法官在内的司法领导人表示失望,强调需要更多法官来改善诉诸司法的机会和效率。然而,拜登辩称,该法案过于仓促,没有充分探索替代方案,例如利用高级法官和治安法官。 该法案在大选前得到了两党的支持,本来可以让当选总统特朗普填补一些空缺,但时间表延长了十多年。乔纳森·特里 (Jonathan Turley) 谴责否决权,指出负担过重的法院系统无法为等待多年解决方案的诉讼当事人伸张正义。 尽管拜登投了否决票,但正义联盟等左翼团体还是支持这一决定,认为这是阻止特朗普任命法官的必要措施。



President Joe Biden has been criticized by judicial leaders for vetoing a bill that would have added more judges to the federal bench amid a heavy volume of pending cases.

Biden on Dec. 23 vetoed the Judicial Understaffing Delays Getting Emergencies Solved Act of 2024, or JUDGES Act, which would have added 66 new district court judgeships nationwide.

As Jackson Richman reports for The Epoch Times, Judge Robert Conrad Jr., the director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, said Biden’s decision was disappointing.

“Providing additional judgeships is essential to improving access to the courts and necessary for the efficient and effective administration of justice,” he said in a Dec. 24 statement.

Biden cited numerous reasons for declining to sign the bill into law, which passed the Senate in August and the House this month.

Biden said in a statement that the legislation “seeks to hastily add judgeships with just a few weeks left” in the current 119th Congress. The White House had previously warned that Biden would veto the bill before President-elect Donald Trump takes office.

Trump would have had the power to nominate judges to the federal judiciary. The GOP will control the Senate, which confirms nominees.

According to the president, the bill also “fails to resolve key questions in the legislation, especially regarding how the new judgeships are allocated, and neither the House of Representatives nor the Senate explored fully how the work of senior status judges and magistrate judges affects the need for new judgeships.”

The bill “would create new judgeships in States where Senators have sought to hold open existing judicial vacancies,” Biden said.

“Those efforts to hold open vacancies suggest that concerns about [the] judicial economy and caseload are not the true motivating force behind passage of this bill now.”

In a Dec. 16 letter to Biden, Conrad explained the need for expanding the number of federal district judges.

Contrary to Biden’s assertion, the bill was years in the making through “study, analysis, and congressional review” and “would address the need for additional district court judgeships, spreading them out over the next three presidential administrations.”

The number of cases before the district bench has spiked 30 percent since 1990, according to Conrad. This, in turn, has led to longer wait times over litigating criminal and civil cases, he said.

Gabe Roth, the executive director of Fix the Court, which calls for reforms to the federal bench, called the veto “an embarrassing end to what has otherwise been, from many court-watchers’ point of a view, a productive four years of reshaping of the judiciary.”

Alliance for Justice, a left-wing judicial advocacy group, expressed support for Biden’s veto.

“Every chance to protect our courts over the next four years must be taken,” the group’s interim president, Keith Thirion, said in a Dec. 10 statement in response to the White House saying Biden would veto the bill. “It’s true our courts are overdue for expansion, but it is a disservice to the public servants committed to equal justice to so blatantly weaponize this process.”

The bill would have allowed Trump to fill some of those vacancies, though the timeline to fill them would have stretched into 2035 as the new judgeships would have been created in two-year waves during that period.

As of Dec. 25, there are 32 vacancies at the district level.

Jonathan Turley goes further, calling the move by Biden , 'a disgrace'.

Our courts are overwhelmed by dockets that leave parties without any resolution for years. In 2004, the number of cases in district court pending for more than three years was 18,280. This year, there are 81,617.

If justice delayed is justice denied, our court system is becoming a tar pit of injustice, with litigants left without verdicts or relief for years.

Every responsible and independent group in the area supported this bill as essential to supporting and maintaining our legal system. The White House did not oppose the bill until Democrats lost the election. (Some Republicans also withheld their support until after the election).

Before the election, both Democrats and Republicans supported the bill in an all-too-rare moment of bipartisanship. Biden then vetoed it because he did not want a Republican to appoint new judges (even though the new judgeships would be added over a ten-year period).

In vetoing the act, Biden once again shredded any claim to being a president who could put the public interest ahead of petty political interests. It ends his presidency on a cynical, obstructionist note.

Nevertheless, Ryan and others on the far left are applauding the act as just what they want to see in a president.

It is one thing to discard any sense of integrity or responsibility, but do us a favor: leave the Founders out of it.

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