"Cocaine Is No Worse Than Whiskey": Colombia's President Says Drug Only Illegal Because It's Made In South America

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/cocaine-no-worse-whiskey-colombias-president-says-drug-only-illegal-because-its-made-south

哥伦比亚总统古斯塔沃·佩特罗(Gustavo Petro)建议使可卡因合法化,并将其与酒精的危害进行比较。他认为这可以消除非法毒品交易并带来和平。尽管担心可卡因的生产和死亡人数增加,但佩特罗认为,它是由全球政治驱动的,应该像葡萄酒一样对待。 2023年,哥伦比亚的可卡因产出达到了创纪录的2,600吨,使其成为世界上最大的出口商。尽管政府已经投资于打击该行业,但可卡因仍然是农村地区的重要经济力量,导致了不安全感和腐败。尽管有这些风险,佩特罗坚持认为合法化是拆除非法毒品贸易的解决方案。


Colombian President Gustavo Petro, during a six-hour live ministerial meeting, claimed cocaine is no more harmful than a glass of whiskey last week, according to the New York Post.

He argued its illegality is driven by global politics and suggested it could be consumed as casually as alcohol. Colombia - as many already know - is the world’s largest producer and exporter of cocaine.

“Scientists have analyzed this. Cocaine is no worse than whiskey,” were his exact words. Petro suggested that legalizing drugs is the most effective way to dismantle the illegal drug trade.

He said: “If you want peace, you have to dismantle the business [of drug trafficking]. It could easily be dismantled if they legalize cocaine in the world. It would be sold like wine.”

The New York Post article says that in 2023, Colombia’s cocaine production hit a record 2,600 tons, per the UN Office on Drugs and Crime.

Cocaine-related deaths rose 37% over six years, with 27,529 deaths in 2022, many linked to fentanyl-laced supplies, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Back in January we noted an Oilprice.com piece that wrote that cocaine was outpacing oil as Columbia's most valuable export. 

The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) estimates that the year’s annual output grew 52% year over year, the largest amount ever produced.

Despite the government in the capital Bogota, with U.S. backing, committing substantial resources to disrupt what is now an economically crucial illicit industry in rural Colombia coca cultivation and cocaine manufacturing keeps spiraling higher.

The booming cocaine trade drives heightened insecurity and corruption which are damaging key economic sectors, notably the fiscally vital petroleum industry with oil Colombia’s most valuable export.

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