Fiery But Peaceful: MSNBC Describes Violent Attacks On Tesla Dealerships As 'Protests'

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fiery-peaceful-msnbc-describes-violent-attacks-tesla-dealerships-protests

史蒂夫·沃特森在Modernity.news发表文章称,MSNBC出现了自己版本的“充满激情但和平的”时刻,其主播声称对特斯拉设施的暴力袭击完全合法的“抗议活动”。袭击者使员工面临危险,甚至纵火焚烧特斯拉经销店和充电站,但MSNBC的主持人明显对特朗普总统认为这些行为可能构成国内恐怖主义感到恼火。其中一人抱怨道:“这篇帖子声称在特斯拉经销店抗议是非法的。” 也许是因为他们向特斯拉经销店投掷燃烧瓶并打碎窗户。在一个案例中,甚至在科罗拉多州的一家经销店发现了爆炸物。“女士”?左翼媒体的谎言现在如此透明。他们甚至都不再尝试了。* * *您的支持对于帮助我们战胜大规模审查至关重要。请考虑通过Locals捐款,或查看我们独特的商品。在X上关注我们@ModernityNews。加载中……


Authored by Steve Watson via Modernity.news,

MSNBC had its own ‘fiery but peaceful’ moment when anchors claimed that violent attacks on Tesla facilities are perfectly legal ‘protests.’

Attackers have put staff in danger and even set fire to Tesla dealerships and charging stations, but the MSNBC hosts were visibly annoyed that President Trump agreed the actions could constitute domestic terrorism.

One of them whined “you have this post claiming that protests at Tesla dealerships are illegal.”

Or maybe it’s because they are throwing Molotov cocktails at and shooting out the windows of Tesla dealerships.

In one case explosives were even discovered at a dealership in Colorado.


Leftist media lies are so transparent at this point. 

They’re not even trying anymore.

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