Welcome To FAFO-Land

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/welcome-fafo-land

詹姆斯·霍华德·昆斯特勒(James Howard Kunstler)以奥伦·麦金太尔(Auron MacIntyre)的笔名撰写文章,认为民主党发动的“司法诉讼狂潮”意图使美国无法治理,即将适得其反。他认为,邦迪总检察长(AG Bondi)和卡什·帕特尔(Kash Patel)等人物已准备好对詹姆斯·博斯伯格(James Boasberg)等法官采取行动,他指控这些法官掩盖了“影子集团对美国公民的战争”。 昆斯特勒强调了博斯伯格法官在“交叉火力飓风”(Crossfire Hurricane)行动期间参与外国情报监视法庭(FISA court)的情况,以及他对杰克·史密斯特别检察官(Jack Smith Special Counsel)的监督,以及他对“1月6日”案件的处理。他批评了普遍认为对这类法官无能为力的观点。虽然承认弹劾的可能性不大,但昆斯特勒建议对这些法官进行刑事调查和起诉,罪名是违反《反敲诈勒索法》(RICO)的共谋罪,目标是诺姆·艾森(Norm Eisen)等“司法战”策划者,指控他们妨碍行政部门。他建议揭露这些当事人之间的通信,并迫使他们聘请律师。 昆斯特勒总结说,“司法战”团伙企图制造宪法危机可能会适得其反,因为他们不再拥有同样的权力,一个“自作自受之地”(FAFO-land)的时代即将到来。


Authored by James Howard Kunstler,

"Well, now the other shoe drops"

 -Auron MacIntyre

It’s as simple as this: the orgy of judicial lawfare put on by blob-adjacent Democratic Party seditionists trying to make the USA ungovernable is looking to get swatted. Hubris is a harsh mistress, but Nemesis is more like the gods’ re-po man, and he comes to the door with attitude, meaning bidness. Blob judges will get flushed out of their humid conclaves naked and find themselves, astoundingly, in the FO zone of FAFO-land.

Do you think AG Bondi is playing tiddlywinks in Main Justice or that Kash Patel is just sitting there buffing his nails over at 935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW? Where did we get the idea that federal judges can just act with impunity, jerking around the public interest like some show-off with a yoyo?

Case in point: Judge James Boasberg, head honcho of the DC federal district court stepped into the FAFO waiting room over the weekend when he ordered two planeloads of deported toxic human trash known as Tren de Aragua, bound for jail in El Salvador, to return to the USA. 

Mr. Trump’s White House refused, saying the planes were already over international waters, outside the judge’s jurisdiction. 

Dem-blob lawyer Mark Zaid made the predictable next move, claiming that the matter will be grounds for Impeachment No. 3 against Mr. Trump post the 2026 midterm election. 

But, of course: strategery!

The general purpose in this latest phase of lawfare is to choke the federal courts with so many restraining orders and injunctions that the White House lawyers find themselves locked into an endless Chinese fire drill of counter-filings, motions, writs, and appearances. It’s all that the so-called “resistance” has left, what with DOGE breaking up the racketeering operation that has funded the Dem’s defense of the blob for a decade. By which I mean the government funding of non-governmental orgs (ha!) to distribute payola to Dem foot-soldiers who do all the dirty work of protecting the rogue bureaucracy in a circle-jerk of power and payoffs. This includes the dirty work of Dem-blob lawyers such as Mark Zaid, Norm Eisen, Mary McCord, Marc Elias, Barbara McQuade, Joanna Lydgate et al.

The history of Judge Boasberg in particular presents a disturbing picture of a tool covering-up every act of the shadowy blob’s war against American citizens. 

Boasberg presided in the FISA court that fraudulently enabled the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane operation to attempt ousting newly-elected Donald Trump in 2017, and the many RussiaGate pranks that followed. As chief judge of the DC District, he oversaw the Jack Smith Special Counsel op and all the cases associated with it, including the Mar-a-Lago raid and the J-6 case in Tanya Chutkan’s crooked court. Boasberg allowed the prosecution of J-6ers under the unlawful use of the corporate fraud obstruction statute, 18USC§1512c2, a.k.a. the Enron law. He presided over the trial of Ray Epps, the shady character recorded on video repeatedly urging J-6 protestors to “go into the Capitol.” Boasberg gave Epps a suspended sentence while grandmothers who merely “paraded” through the rotunda between velvet ropes that day got sent to jail.

What can be done about judges like Boasberg? 

The prevailing view is: not much. I’m not so sure that’s true. 

While Rep. Brandon Gill (D-TX) announced last week that he will file articles of impeachment against Boasberg, a two-thirds majority would be required to convict him in any eventual Senate trial, so fuggeddabowdit. But federal judges are not immune from criminal investigation and prosecution, which is where AG Bondi and FBI Director Patel ought to come in. What’s probably standing in plain sight is a RICO conspiracy involving the aforesaid lawfare artists — Norm Eisen & Co — and the federal judiciary to deliberately bury the executive branch under burdensome fraudulent process, impede the executive branch’s ability to carry out its constitutional duties, and to obstruct justice.

Would you like to know if correspondence exists between these parties? Mr. Patel can ask them to produce it, and if they fail to, there’s a strong possibility that DNI Director Tulsi Gabbard can root it out of the NSA’s server farm. Depositions can be demanded. The lawfare lawyers will have to hire lawyers — just as all the targets of “Joe Biden” and Merrick Garland were obliged to lawyer-up when they were systematically persecuted from January, 2021 to January, 2025. The meters will run, ka-chingka-ching. It will be interesting to see who is footing the bill for that. You can be sure that it will be found out. Reid Hoffman? George and Alex Soros? Note: Dan Bongino was sword in as Deputy Director of the FBIat 8:00 o’clock this morning. Nemesis is open for bidness.

The lawfare gang would love all of this to ramp into a king-hell constitutional crisis. Could happen. Let them try. They don’t hold any of the levers of power the way they used to. A lot could go wrong for them. Welcome to FAFO-land.


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