Show HN:Hyperbrowser MCP 服务器——通过浏览器连接AI智能体到网络
Show HN: Hyperbrowser MCP Server – Connect AI agents to the web through browsers


Hyperbrowser MCP服务器提供网页抓取、数据提取和爬取工具,并可访问浏览器自动化代理,例如OpenAI的CUA、Claude计算机使用和浏览器使用。它允许开发者轻松地将网页交互功能集成到他们的应用程序中。安装方法是使用`npx hyperbrowser-mcp `,并在IDE的MCP设置(例如`.cursor/mcp.json`,`./codeium/windsurf/model_config.json`)中进行配置。对于开发,可以在安装依赖项并构建后直接从克隆的源代码运行服务器。支持的功能包括`scrape_webpage`、`crawl_webpages`、`extract_structured_data`、`search_with_bing`、`browser_use_agent`、`openai_computer_use_agent`和`claude_computer_use_agent`。服务器文档可通过资源发现方法访问。它采用MIT许可证授权。 发布了一个开源的 MCP 服务器,允许 AI 代理通过浏览器与网络互动。该服务器提供网页抓取、爬取、结构化数据提取、必应搜索以及使用 OpenAI 和 Claude 驱动的代理进行浏览器自动化的工具。 用户可以通过单个命令和 Hyperbrowser API 密钥将服务器连接到诸如 Cursor 和 Windsurf 等 IDE,以及 Claude 桌面应用。服务器在其云基础设施上处理验证码、代理和隐身浏览。 潜在用例包括深度研究、内容摘要(例如 HN 帖子)、从代码片段生成应用程序、自动化代码审查、生成 llms.txt,甚至订购寿司(尽管后者更多的是为了演示)。 团队正在寻求有关服务器、Hyperbrowser 本身以及安装体验的反馈,并承认 MCP 安装和身份验证的常见痛点。源代码可在 GitHub 上找到:[](。


Frame 5

This is Hyperbrowser's Model Context Protocol (MCP) Server. It provides various tools to scrape, extract structured data, and crawl webpages. It also provides easy access to general purpose browser agents like OpenAI's CUA, Anthropic's Claude Computer Use, and Browser Use.

More information about the Hyperbrowser can be found here. The hyperbrowser API supports a superset of features present in the mcp server.

More information about the Model Context Protocol can be found here.

To install the server, run:

npx hyperbrowser-mcp <YOUR-HYPERBROWSER-API-KEY>

Add to ~/.cursor/mcp.json like this:

  "mcpServers": {
    "hyperbrowser": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": ["-y", "hyperbrowser-mcp"],
      "env": {

Add to your ./codeium/windsurf/model_config.json like this:

  "mcpServers": {
    "hyperbrowser": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": ["-y", "hyperbrowser-mcp"],
      "env": {

For development purposes, you can run the server directly from the source code.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone hyperbrowser-mcp
    cd hyperbrowser-mcp
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install # or yarn install
    npm run build
  3. Run the server:

This is an example config for the Hyperbrowser MCP server for the Claude Desktop client.

  "mcpServers": {
    "hyperbrowser": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": ["--yes", "hyperbrowser-mcp"],
      "env": {
        "HYPERBROWSER_API_KEY": "your-api-key" // or set the param in the prompt itself
  • scrape_webpage - Extract formatted (markdown, screenshot etc) content from any webpage
  • crawl_webpages - Navigate through multiple linked pages and extract LLM-friendly formatted content
  • extract_structured_data - Convert messy HTML into structured JSON
  • search_with_bing - Query the web and get results with Bing search
  • browser_use_agent - Fast, lightweight browser automation with the Browser Use agent
  • openai_computer_use_agent - General-purpose automation using OpenAI’s CUA model
  • claude_computer_use_agent - Complex browser tasks using Claude computer use

The server provides the documentation about hyperbrowser through the resources methods. Any client which can do discovery over resources has access to it.

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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