Domu Technology Inc.(Y Combinator S24期毕业)招聘氛围极佳的程序员
Domu Technology Inc. (YC S24) Is Hiring a Vibe Coder


Domu是一家快速发展的语音AI初创公司,正在颠覆金融服务行业,现诚聘一位积极主动且经验丰富的工程师加入位于旧金山的精干团队。公司正经历爆炸式增长,这得益于AI辅助代码开发,我们需要一位能够迅速投入到具有挑战性的产品和基础设施问题的工程师。 你的日常工作包括:每日发布新功能,扩展基础设施以处理数百万通电话,进行客户联络,并通过与客户互动和差旅直接影响产品方向。理想的候选人应具备3年以上可扩展产品开发经验,熟练掌握AI辅助编码(“vibe coding”),并拥有顽强的职业道德,包括较长的工作时间和频繁的差旅。此职位需要直接与客户互动,并具备“不达目的不罢休”的态度。 作为回报,Domu提供股权、与收入增长挂钩的薪酬结构、参与构建数百万用户(包括财富500强企业)使用的技术的机会,以及与领先的语音AI专家的合作机会。

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About Us:
Domu is an enterprise voice AI startup crushing it in the financial services industry. We’ve tripled (ARR) with Fortune 500 customers and are on track to dominate the industry. Now, 50% of our code is written by AI, so we are a small engineering team. Putting in 12 to 15-hour days, the engineering team has traveled to +10 cities in the past half-year for product launches.

What you will be doing:

  • We ship new features for our product daily.
  • Solve deep product problems like how to collect more money with a voice AI agent.
  • Figure out how to scale our infrastructure to handle millions of monthly calls.
  • Onboard customers, talk to them and travel to visit them.
  • Stress test AI agents.
  • Your onboarding will be making collection calls.

At least 50% of the code you write right now should be done by AI;  Vibe coding experience is non-negotiable.
Work in-person in SF
+3 years of experience.
Track record of shipping scalable products to end users
Ready to grind long hours, including weekends, to hit our ambitious goals.
Willing to travel frequently to meet clients where they are.
Down to do whatever it takes, including direct client interactions.

What’s In It For You:
Every team member gets equity, and your compensation scales with our revenue, so your hustle directly impacts your earnings. You will be building tech that millions will use, including the world’s biggest banks and insurance companies, which will rely on your creations.

We will take you to all the office hours with some of the best voice AI builders in the world right now.

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