300-year-old Polish beech voted Tree of the Year

原始链接: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c20dd6yk55yo


Hacker News用户正在讨论赢得“年度树”大赛的这棵300岁的波兰山毛榉。一位用户惋惜美国缺乏类似的比赛,建议举办一个包括加拿大和墨西哥的北美比赛。另一位评论者开玩笑说,考虑到树木生长缓慢,一棵树连续四年获胜似乎是不可能的壮举,建议改为“十年树王”奖。该用户继续提出略微修改评选标准以保持人们的兴趣。其他用户则只是称赞了这场比赛,并提到了不同地区的树木。


The Heart of the Dalkowskie Hills, a breathtaking 300-year-old beech, has won Poland the European Tree of the Year award for the fourth consecutive time.

Standing tall in Dalków's historic park, the deep-red beauty is a beloved symbol for the community.

Visitors also have a quirky tradition: tossing peanuts into a hole in it, hoping for their wishes to come true.

The contest celebrates our relationship with nature by showcasing beautiful and unique trees from across the continent.

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