消费者入不敷出,“BNPL 热潮”推动网络星期一销售创纪录
Record Cyber Monday Sales Fueled By 'BNPL Craze' As Consumers Spend Beyond Their Means

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/record-cyber-monday-sales-fueled-bnpl-craze-consumers-spend-beyond-their-means

在今年的“网络星期一”期间,越来越多的美国人转向“先买后付”(BNPL) 来为购物融资,而不是使用现金、借记卡或信用卡等传统支付方式。 Adobe Analytics 的数据显示,消费者支出从黑色星期五的 113 亿美元增加到网络星期一的约 120 亿美元,增长了 9.6%,创下了美国这两大购物活动期间数字零售额的新纪录。 此外,消费者使用 BNPL 平台进行了价值 9.4 亿美元的交易,同比增长了 42.5%。 专家将这一趋势归因于学生贷款或信用卡等其他形式的借款导致债务不断增加,这影响了年轻消费者获得信用卡支付日常开支的能力。 相比之下,BNPL 期权提供灵活的还款计划和较低的利率,帮助人们更好地管理财务。 BNPL 销售额的增长可能令人担忧,这表明美国经济状况近年来正在以令人不安的速度恶化。 事实上,在过去的一个月里,“先买后付”等关键词和相关金融术语的搜索量急剧上升,这与人们对快速、暂时摆脱持续的财务困境的需求日益增长的需求一致。 最近出现的迹象表明一些富裕的美国人削减了开支,我们不禁要问,是否是时候考虑普通美国消费者是否可能不再有每年挥霍数十亿美元的奢侈,即使是在网络星期一, 不会对其个人经济造成重大损害。



The 'buy now, pay later' (BNPL) craze is sweeping across America as debt-ridden consumers tap another credit lifeline that has propelled record sales for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This trend has become another financial crutch for consumers hooked on spending beyond their means. 

Data from Adobe Analytics showed that more Americans than ever relied on short-term loans, allowing installments over weeks and/or months for purchase items on Cyber Monday. 

Online consumer spending skyrocketed 9.6% from $11.3 billion yesterday, surpassing Adobe's initial expectations of a 6.1% increase to around $12 billion. 

The report noted consumers purchased over $940 million worth of goods through BNPL services. This was a 42.5% jump compared to figures last year and far exceeded Adobe's earlier estimate of 18.8%. 

"The 2023 holiday shopping season began with a lot of uncertainty ... The record online spending across Cyber Week, however, shows the impact that discounts can have on consumer demand, especially with quality products that drove a lot of impulse shopping," Vivek Pandya, lead analyst at Adobe Digital Insights, said, who was quoted by Reuters. 

For the five days, from Thanksgiving Day to Black Friday to Cyber Monday, internet sales topped $38 billion, exceeding Adobe's forecast of $37.2 billion. 

We first noted the emergence of the BNPL craze on Monday while referring to record online Black Friday sales of $9.8 billion. It was pointed out that BNPL is popular because consumers are balancing other debt, such as student loans or credit cards, amid the highest interest rates in a generation. These short-term loans allow consumers to make installments over a short period. 

According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, younger consumers struggling with access to credit cards are frequently turning to buy-now, pay-later options. 

Over the past 30 days, "buy now pay later" Google searches soared beginning last Thursday 

Google searches for "buy now pay later Best Buy" also erupted to the highest level in at least five years. 

Also, searches for PayPal's BNPL service rocketed to five-year highs. 

News of struggling consumers resorting to BNPL services led Jefferies to upgrade Affirm to hold from underperforming, citing the rapid adoption of BNPL services. Also there have been signs wealthy Americans are cutting back on spending... 

The rise in BNPL services should not be a cause for celebration for surging holiday sales, but instead signals a worrying trend in the financial health of consumers, deteriorating quickly under the era of failed 'Bidenomics.' 

We asked the question: Is The American Consumer Tapped Out?

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