Brits May Be Forced To Take Selfie Before Watching Porn

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/brits-may-be-forced-take-selfie-watching-porn

由于英国监管机构 Ofcom 提出的新在线安全法,到 2025 年,英国人在访问某些色情网站之前可能需要自拍并以数字方式分享。 面部识别软件可以确定某人是否年满 18 岁,而无需他们提交个人身份证明或信用卡详细信息。 如果该系统标记年龄在 18-24 岁之间的个人,则可能需要额外的身份验证措施。 然而,一些批评者认为,这一规定的主要目的是阻止成年人观看色情内容,而不是保护未成年人。 研究表明,大约四分之一的 11 岁儿童在网上遇到露骨内容,而儿童开始看到此类内容的平均年龄是 13 岁。这些拟议的变更旨在限制儿童接触色情内容、保护隐私权并确保 13 岁以上儿童的言论自由 成年年龄。 为了绕过这一要求,另一种选择可能涉及消费受人工智能影响的内容。 捐款、当地人会员资格和商品销售为支持像这样的替代媒体平台对抗大规模审查制度做出了巨大贡献。 [免责声明] 本文仅作为基于可靠来源和作者专业评估的新闻报道。 不代表认可或个人偏好。



Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Modernity.news,

Brits may be forced to take a selfie and upload it to an adult website before watching porn under new rules to protect children.

Ofcom could force websites to use “facial age estimation” technology to confirm users are age appropriate.

Such technology is seen as more “privacy-friendly” because it would avoid viewers having to upload personal IDs or credit card information.

However, the shame aspect of having to take a selfie in order to watch hardcore pornography is very likely not just to prevent children accessing such material, but adults too.

Porn websites assert that they delete the selfies immediately after confirmation.

Users who look under the age of 25 may have to provide further ID information to access adult websites.

Studies show that a quarter of children in the UK have seen porn by age 11, with the average age children first see it being 13.

The new rules are expected to be enforced in 2025 after a period of review.

“Pornography is too readily accessible to children online, and the new online safety laws are clear that must change,” said Dame Melanie Dawes, Ofcom’s chief executive.

“Regardless of their approach, we expect all services to offer robust protection to children from stumbling across pornography, and also to take care that privacy rights and freedoms for adults to access legal content are safeguarded,” she added.

A workaround for people who want to avoid having to take a selfie might be to check out Ai influencers, which are verging on being pornographic anyway.

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