Meta 现在允许欧盟用户取消 Facebook、Messenger 和 Instagram 帐户的关联
Meta now lets EU users unlink their Facebook, Messenger and Instagram accounts


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不幸的是,我没有关于 Facebook 对 Instagram 和 Messenger 实施这种分离的任何更新。 然而,根据最近的报道,Facebook 宣布计划在欧洲合法地将 Instagram 和 Facebook Messenger 从 Facebook 中分离出来。 目前尚不确定这一战略是否会产生两个完全独立的实体,或者它们是否计划实施进一步的变革,例如将它们转移到控股结构下或在母公司之间转让所有权股权。 尽管如此,这一进展表明 Facebook 正在采取积极措施遵守欧盟隐私标准。 根据 Facebook 全球事务和通信副总裁尼克·克莱格 (Nick Clegg) 最近发表的声明,Facebook 的目标是在未来几个月内展示他们计划实施的以隐私为中心的产品集成。 此外,Facebook 表示,统一 Facebook 和 Instagram 登录,同时继续将这些应用程序作为单独的应用程序操作,将使得只需一个登录凭据即可更轻松地导航这两个应用程序。 实际结果还有待观察。 然而,很明显,Facebook 的声明标志着实现预期结果的初始阶段。 最终,必须根据 Facebook 在多大程度上成功解决了与隐私和透明度相关的问题,同时保留功能、为用户提供价值并为广告商带来利益,来评估 Facebook 提议的修改。

Code Llama announced

In a major move addressing European regulations, Meta will soon give users in the EU, EEA, and Switzerland significantly more control over how their data is used across Facebook and Instagram. The changes, set to begin rolling out in the coming weeks, aim to comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA).

One key choice users will have is how information is shared between Facebook and Instagram. Instagram and Facebook users will be able to choose whether or not they want information shared between the apps. Those who currently have connected Instagram and Facebook accounts can opt to keep sharing data between the apps or separate their accounts.

Information use between Facebook and Instagram: People who have already chosen to connect their Instagram and Facebook accounts will be able to choose either:

  • to continue to connect their accounts through our Accounts Center so that their information will be used across their Instagram and Facebook accounts; or
  • to manage their Instagram and Facebook accounts separately so that their information is no longer used across accounts.

Furthermore, Messenger is getting a standalone option. Users can continue using Messenger with their Facebook account or create a new account completely independent of Facebook. This new Messenger account will still offer core features like messaging, chat, and voice/video calls, but without Facebook.

For Facebook Marketplace, the options will be a personalized marketplace experience that taps into Facebook profiles or an anonymized experience where buyers and sellers only communicate via email instead of Messenger.

For gamers, Meta offers a similar choice to Facebook Gaming. Users can keep their Facebook info linked for access to features like multiplayer, in-game purchases, and personalized recommendations. Alternatively, they can opt for a Facebook-free gaming experience.

Finally, an option introduced in November 2023 remains relevant— European users can choose to pay a subscription to Facebook and Instagram ad-free. It ensures that their information is not used for targeted advertising.

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