"Spring Is Canceled": Meteorologists Warn of "Pattern Change" Of Big Snowstorms For Northeast

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/weather/spring-canceled-meteorologists-warn-pattern-change-big-snowstorms-northeast

最近的气象报告表明,下周可能有一场冬季风暴接近大西洋中部和美国东北部。 厄尔尼诺现象导致气温比平常低,并可能导致本已寒冷的天气下雪。 几位领先的气象学家预测,由于极地涡旋减弱导致异常低温,二月甚至三月初可能会出现多场暴风雪。 美国气象服务 AccuWeather 确认了降雪预报,而欧洲气候数据机构 Arcfield Weather 则透露,周末气温高于平均水平,随后天气转凉,直至 3 月底——基本上取消了 3 月大部分时间的春季。 彭博社最近在社交媒体上发布的一篇文章也强调了即将到来的深度冻结,这可能与东部沿海地区即将到来的暴风雨天气同时发生。 最终,这些事态发展是否会转化为大量降雪仍不确定; 然而,一些专家认为,鉴于当前异常气候事件的趋势,降雪和新天气模式形成的可能性很高。 简而言之,虽然庞克苏托尼·菲尔上周五预测春天会提前,但气象趋势却表明情况并非如此,这可能会为更多的降雪、寒冷的气温奠定基础,甚至可能会因为预报员密切关注重大突然平流层变暖事件的迹象而导致春天永久取消。



Meteorologists on X are watching the next big winter storm that could dump snow across the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast next week. 

On Wednesday, Arcfield Weather's report showed above-normal temperatures across the eastern half would end by late weekend. 

Bloomberg noted in a report, "The girdle of Arctic air around the north pole, known as the polar vortex, is poised to weaken and send a cold blast into the US. And because the El Niño weather pattern is in full force, the deep freeze could collide with stormy conditions on the East Coast to unleash snow this month."

"I think there are a couple snowstorms down the pipe," said Paul Pastelok, lead long-range forecaster for AccuWeather. 

Pastelok continued: "A big storm or two is not off the charts here for February or early March."

Meteorologists on X have posted a series of models that forecast accumulating snow early next week for the Mid-Alantic to Northeast regions. 

Spring is canceled? 

Meanwhile, Punxsutawney Phil - the famous groundhog weather oracle - might have been wrong in his early spring forecast last Friday. 

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