问 HN:谁在招聘? (2023 年 11 月)
Ask HN: Who is hiring? (November 2023)

原始链接: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38099086

根据提供的信息,以下公司正在招聘各种软件工程职位: 1. Firetiger:在旧金山寻找高级软件工程师和增长工程师,薪酬从 14 万美元到 19 万美元不等。 2. 重做:需要第五位软件工程师来为他们快速增长的种子期公司提供支持,并得到著名投资者和运营商的支持。 3. Nightwatch:需要一名产品负责人、多名后端和前端开发人员以及一名软件工程师等,以培养与搜索引擎优化和 llms 跟踪功能相关的非公司且友好的引导和远程环境。 4. 种植空间:邀请软件工程人才帮助团队进行基础设施和机器学习部署,旨在发现见解并透明地解决问题。 5. Ohmaera:招聘机器人感知工程和机器视觉工程职位,因为他们的目标是加速向更好的食品系统的过渡,这需要开发工业规模、负担得起的智能生物反应器。 6. Arx:正在为一家生产世界上最干净、成本最低的 GPU 云计算解决方案的公司寻找软件工程师、托管服务、基础设施工程师、解决方案工程师和产品经理。 7. Scribe:旨在构建下一代长生命周期法学硕士,特别是针对企业用例、位于旧金山或远程的职位。 他们寻找两名具有强大全栈工程技能的人,即产品工程师和人工智能解决方案工程师。 8. 情境人工智能:寻找经验丰富的后端(Ruby on Rails)开发人员和高级 Android 开发人员,熟练掌握移动设备的 AR 应用程序和 AR 框架,并拥有编写清晰、记录良好的代码、全面测试的能力,对美丽的热情 产品,并欣赏尖端的AR技术。 9. FlightAware:需要一名经验丰富的后端工程师来担任德克萨斯州休斯顿的高级工程人员或主要工程人员职位,或美国的远程申请人。 10. Factor.io:需要喜欢为客户构建、掌握、交付和创建应用程序的高级后端工程师候选人。 他们的堆栈包括 Java19、完全托管的基础设施、Docker、Kafka

这确实是一次令人兴奋的工作编码面试,涉及 FactoryIO、Kafka 和 FactoryIO 中的 Factorio。 FactoryIO 似乎为制造商提供供应链管理解决方案,类似于 Kafka 管理消息和数据处理系统的数据流。 两者都涉及监控和优化,但 FactoryIO 特别专注于制造运营,而 Kafka 则处理更广泛的数据和事件处理需求。 也许智利圣地亚哥高级后端工程师职位的理想候选人应该拥有 FactoryIO 和 Kafka 的经验,此外还应热爱构建、对创建应用程序感到兴奋并渴望向客户交付产品。 最终,候选人将受益于之前使用这些工具和技术的经验,特别是那些在利用 FactoryIO 和 Kafka 管理制造供应链方面取得成功的候选人,以及成功应对严峻的工程挑战所必需的其他相关技能,特别是对于种子初创企业而言 如上所述的阶段。

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Ask HN: Who is hiring? (November 2023)
402 points by whoishiring 16 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 370 comments
Please state the location and include REMOTE, INTERNS and/or VISA when that sort of candidate is welcome. When remote work is not an option, include ONSITE.

Please only post if you personally are part of the hiring company—no recruiting firms or job boards. One post per company. If it isn't a household name, explain what your company does.

Commenters: please don't reply to job posts to complain about something. It's off topic here.

Readers: please only email if you are personally interested in the job.

Searchers: try https://www.remotenbs.com, https://hnjobs.u-turn.dev, https://hnresumetojobs.com, https://hnhired.fly.dev, https://kennytilton.github.io/whoishiring/, https://hnjobs.emilburzo.com.

Don't miss these other fine threads:

Who wants to be hired? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38099084

Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38099085

Spacelift/OpenTofu | Remote | Europe/Americas | Full-time | Open Source Software Engineer

We're a VC-funded startup building an automation platform for Infrastructure-as-Code, adding a Policy-as-Code layer above it, in order to make IaC usable in bigger companies, where you have to take care of state consistency, selective permissions, a usable git flow, etc.

We are also one of the companies behind the OpenTofu[0] initiative and now hiring engineers to the OpenTofu core team. We're looking for self-sufficient mid-to-senior software engineers, ideally with experience maintaining open-source projects. Your work will be 100% OpenTofu-related.

You can apply here[1], if that sounds interesting to you!

[0]: https://opentofu.org

[1]: https://spacelift.teamtailor.com/jobs/3187873-open-source-en...

P.S. Thanks for all the upvotes last month, we got a lot of great submissions :-)

I would love to apply since I worked on CloudFormation Team at AWS

This looks like a dream job!

Turnstile (https://www.tryturnstile.com) | REMOTE (US/Canada) | Engineering | $175k-250k salary + equity


We're a small (23-person) team of repeat founders and seasoned operators building a usage-based revenue platform that helps SaaS companies price however they want. This is a tight-knit and senior crew — most of us have 10-25 years' experience, much of it together.

The last company we started, Second Measure (YC S15), scaled to 70+ people and tens of millions in revenue, received multiple “best places to work” awards, and was ultimately acquired by Bloomberg in a landmark deal.

We're looking for extraordinary builders to play a foundational role in a company designed for scale:

  - Billing Platform Engineer (Staff or higher)
  - Fullstack Engineer (Staff or higher) 
We're well-funded by top investors (led by First Round Capital), fully distributed, and known for building intentional, inclusive culture. We offer competitive global rates (SF salary + equity), equal pay by level, work flexibility (including a 4-day core schedule), and comprehensive, family-friendly benefits.

I'm Mike, one of the founders— if interested, apply here (https://tryturnstile.com/about) and mention this post.

Rubin Observatory | https://rubinobservatory.org | Senior DevOps Eng | Tucson AZ OR possible remote from US states

And now for something completely different.. (drumroll)... astronomy!

We're building a big telescope to carry out the biggest, faster, widest survey in optical astronomy. I run a small devops team in a much larger data management division - we do current data services work - lots of Python (3) data services (FastAPI) running on Kubernetes on Google Cloud and on-prem (ie sometimes in... actually clouds).

I have a number of refugees from well-known dotcoms in my team, here's why they tell me they work here despite, you know, the universe not handing out stock options:

* Sustained and humane software development, with opportunities to refactor code for incremental improvements and extend your codebase over multiple years

* No pager. If you want to turn off your phone after hours, fine (I keep mine on because fixing telescopes is actually fun to me but there's no on-call)

* No doing interviews as your job.

* 100% open source with many opportunities to upstream (all our code is on Github: https://github.com/lsst-sqre )

* Surprisingly (for academia) current toolchain and coding practices

* Benefits, stability w/ opportunity for growth. My full-stack engineer joined 8 years ago and is (still) doing better work every year. My most recent hire is a security engineer who has been with me longer than the average dotcom tenure and seems to think it's Christmas every time I tell him he's allowed to tidy up code we already have in production.

* Pay is decent, more so if you're not paying Bay Area rent. Not as much as you'd make as a Senior Engineer at Google. But:

* Nobody is the product. We stand on the shoulders of giants.

If you're interested: https://ls.st/square-job . And if you are a US taxpayer, thank you for funding our scientific mission!

If you're ever looking for a data scientist, one of my good friends has a PhD in astrophysics and left academia to do SQL, Python ML, and dashboarding. She's super sharp and I think she'd jump all over an opportunity like this.

Hah I ran into the comment size limit and took out

- women work here - in technical and scientific roles

You are welcome to tell your friend to reach out, I am always happy to talk to fellow women in the field so I can learn what they are looking for and let them know when the right fit appears.

This is a really neat role, always love seeing opportunities in science and academia open up like this.

The job req mentions representing the work Aura is doing; do you folks have talks recorded or published anywhere?

Oh thanks for asking, I should add nobody is _required_ to get out there and be a performing monkey or anything, but it's nice to get out there and talk about our work once in a while, especially since we're taxpayer funded and also because it's nice to remind ourselves occasionally there's more to this job that git push :-) One of my devs hates giving talks and so he doesn't and that's fine.

Here's a talk we gave at Influx Days on how my team uses InfluxDB that also gives background to the project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Osy0dvFM674

The mission of the telescope is to carry out the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) and so if you search for Rubin LSST you'll get even better stuff I'm sure.

PS not a talk but here's my favorite video we have ever put out, it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GicDYZXMboc "We'll be counting stars" as the song goes...

As someone around the telescope a few years back, I would absolutely recommend applying! Frossie is legit and is an excellent engineer and boss

Need any FORTH programmers? ;)


This is why I mention things like "surprisingly current toolchain for academia" :-) My personal philosophy is staying current costs far less in the end that falling behind and then needing a giant transition...

PlatoX | Hybrid / Remote | Singapore | Full-Time / Interns

PlatoX is an AI agent startup, building AI personal assistants that connecting business and consumers. We have secured funding and launching our first product release. Join us to be part of the next revolution in digital consumer experience.

Our tech stack: React / React Native / TypeScript, Supabase and Python.

We are hiring the following roles: * Frontend / backend / full-stack engineer * AI research engineer

email us your resume: [email protected]

Stellar Science | Hybrid USA Washington DC, Albuquerque NM | Full time, INTERNS/co-ops | U.S. citizenship required | https://www.stellarscience.com

Company: We're a small scientific software development company that develops custom scientific and engineering analysis applications in domains including: computer vision and image processing, space situational awareness (monitoring the locations, health and status of on-orbit satellites), metamaterials design, image simulation, high power microwave systems, modeling and simulation, machine learning, physics informed neural networks (PINN), human body thermoregulation, laser systems modeling, high performance computing (HPC), computer aided design (CAD), and more. All exciting applications and no CRUD. We emphasize high quality code and lightweight processes that free software engineers to be productive.

Experience: We typically look for Bachelors degrees in computer science, physics, engineering, math, or a related field, and also hire Masters and PhDs (roughly 30% of our staff have PhDs.)

Technologies: Mostly C++20/23 with coroutines and generators, Qt 6, CMake, Boost, Jenkins, git, OpenGL, CUDA, OpenSceneGraph. Windows and Linux, msvc/gcc/clang/clangcl, Visual Studio 2022 or any productive IDE. Some projects use Python, Java, or Javascript.

Apply online at https://www.stellarscience.com/careers/.

PBS | Senior iOS/tvOS Engineer | Full time | Remote (US) or Arlington, VA Office | https://pbs.org

PBS is a membership organization that serves the American public with programming and services of the highest quality, using media to educate, inspire, entertain and express a diversity of perspectives.

We’re looking for an experienced engineer to join our team to work on the PBS Video and PBS KIDS Video products. If you're interested in working at a stable company, with a good work-life balance, creating meaningful products, then please apply!


Not looking for a job, but as a parent of a toddler just stopped by to say thank you.

I can cosign here as a former PBS employee. If you're considering, please apply. It's a fantastic place to work.

Banana For Scale | US | REMOTE (anywhere) | Founding Engineer

Seeking a developer with Three.js/WebGL experience to help build a new project from the ground up. Bonus points if you have played around with Gaussian splatting or other radiance field techniques, have experience in C/C++ or computer vision.

Banana For Scale (working title) allows anyone to record any space, then edit it in 3D. Think Matterport + Polycam for interactive space design.

I am currently looking for my first hire, initially as a paid contractor so that we can both test out working together. Ideally this would move to a much larger full-time role as part of the founding team. You don't have to be experienced or interested in management, but you should be comfortable with self-directed work.

I previously founded Hunter2 (YC18), scaled to $1M ARR in

To apply, use https://forms.gle/oCp1X3Mc5xfwqboBA

I don't have any of this experience you're looking for but just wanted to say that I love the working title of your company, hope it sticks around in some form.

Thanks, flanbiscuit! I hope so too. We might have to professionalize this one, but I've managed to build a company on a meme before :)

Sourcegraph | REMOTE | Full-Time | Applied ML Scientist, Engineering Manager, DevOps, Machine Learning Engineer, Software Engineer, Developer Advocate, Product Manager, Technical Program Manager, Enterprise Technical Advisor | https://sourcegraph.com

Sourcegraph is a code AI platform that makes it easy to read, write, and fix code–even in big, complex codebases.

We are building Cody, an AI coding assistant that uses code search and code intelligence to help devs quickly understand what's happening in code and generate new code that matches the best practices in your codebase. Cody supports AI-enabled autocompletion, fixing bugs, refactoring, test generation, code explanation, and answering high-level questions. You can read Steve Yegge's (our Head of Eng - Cody) post on why Cody's code context engine differentiates it from the fast-moving field of AI dev tools: https://about.sourcegraph.com/blog/cheating-is-all-you-need.

Apply here: https://grnh.se/0572f98b4us

REMOTE | Writer/editor at LWN.net

Come join us and write for one of the smartest and most engaged reader communities on the net. We've been covering the Linux and free-software communities since 1998 and don't plan to stop anytime soon.


Would you be okay if someone applied who could only do part time?

Two Six Technologies | Reverse Engineer/Vulnerability Researcher | Arlington, VA or Dayton, Ohio | ONSITE | Full Time |https://boards.greenhouse.io/twosixtechnologies/jobs/4947695...... Two Six Technologies is seeking a Reverse Engineers & Vulnerability Researchers to perform in-depth reverse engineering and exploit development with the goal of transitioning those findings into capabilities. We are looking to hire a number of Security Researchers with experience in the following categories: firmware reverse engineering, hardware reverse engineering, and Linux/UNIX kernel development. Additional opportunities are available for embedded software engineers, RF electronic design engineers, FPGA/ASIC design engineers, hardware reverse engineers, firmware reverse engineers, and low-level developers looking to enter the security field. If you work in the embedded security domain, we would love to hear from you. Preference is for applicants who hold a TS clearance at the minimum with the ability to obtain SCI. If interested, please reach out to our team @ [email protected]

FSP required?

Señor Wooly (https://senorwooly.com) | Software Developer | REMOTE (North/South Americas) | Full-time

Señor Wooly is an eLearning company specializing in second language acquisition of Spanish and French via story-based graphic novels and music videos. Students and teachers are passionate about our snarky and devilish stories and love acquiring language via our progression-based eLearning system.

We're looking for both Golang and Typescript/React roles, or indeed Fullstack skills. We're a team of 4 based in Chicago and Colombia. Inglés no es esencial.

Contact: tom@[our domain name]

My 6th grade Spanish teacher showed us Señor Wooly on YouTube 10+ years ago, what a throwback. I still have "Soy Guapo" stuck in my head. Glad to see it's been turned into a full operation!

Railway | Product Engineering, Platform Engineering (Infra), Developer Relations | REMOTE | https://railway.app/careers

Tired of trying to beat kube into shape? Does writing YAML to ship code fill you with utter dread? Dream of a future where deploying software is simple, and you don't need an army of infrastructure engineers to build that perfect janky bash script™ to make life easy?

We're Railway, and we think infrastructure can be better. So far we've built out a platform loved by hundreds of thousands of users who simply tell us "Give me Postgres", "Deploy this repo", and we make it happen

Fair warning! The problems are complex: home-rolled hypervisors, cut-above container orchestration, over/under/whateverlay networks, virtio device drivers, edge proxies, IAM that doesn't suck, kitchen sinks - we need to build it and we're looking for likeminded individuals who think this stuff is fun.

If that sounds like you, please apply at railway.app/careers. We have a number of roles, but are prioritizing the following three roles:

+Product Engineer

+Developer Relations

+Infrastructure Engineer

See you soon, and happy shipping.

We’re looking for remote candidates to join our team of kind, hardworking, and creative people!

Our company, Combinaut, creates tools for healthcare organizations that help patients find care (https://www.sparkle.health/). We need an experienced Ruby/Rails developer to help build new features and to optimize the existing product.

* Backend powered by Ruby on Rails

* The app has a significant amount of frontend JS components

* We are in the process of migrating front-end components to Vue.js but still use backbone as well

* We have multiple clients with different deployments and customizations to business logic and look’n’feel

* We use Github version control

Our developers work with near-autonomy toward shared goals. We don’t micro-manage. Everyone on our team is trusted to manage their own day, and we value good results over process.

About the project:

* Our team is international (Germany! New Zealand! Spain! Canada!) and all remote, but mostly overlaps with the Pacific or Central time zone.

* It is a large app, been around for many years, so there is a mix of greenfield new features as well as maintenance and improvement of existing features.

* Well-funded team with great cashflow and an established client base.

This is a company that actively maintains work/life balance and rejects crunch culture. We work hard to foster an atmosphere of independence and trust in our developers.

To apply: Please email me directly (lily @ combinaut.com) with your résumé and examples of your work. Subject line: Senior Ruby/Rails Dev.

Character.AI | https://beta.character.ai | Full-time | Palo Alto and NYC

Want to build at the intersection of cutting-edge LLMs and rocketship consumer products? Apply to Character.AI. We’re building personalized superintelligence and looking for excellent people across the stack.

Our momentum is incredible, and – since we build everything from the LLM to the UI – we have been able to create a product that already has millions of active users (30x DAU in 6 months).

Now we are assembling a top-tier team to create even more delightful applications. The goal is to empower everyone to access infinite AI capabilities, so the opportunity for creativity and impact is massive. If you’re a rockstar in frontend, backend, data engineering, or data science, we would love to chat with you.

We are also hiring for a variety of other roles. If you want to build AI that feels alive, please apply through our career page with a resume and a short description of why you are interested: https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/character

Any chances of considering remote(outside US timezone) rockstars ?

Maven (https://maven.com) | Senior Software Engineer (Full-stack, product) | US, Canada Remote | $160-200k

About us: building the university of the future, starting with the largest marketplace of expert-led cohort-based-courses on the Internet.

We're a 5 person eng team and a 15 person team led by the founders of Udemy, Venmo, Socratic. Raised $25 million from a16z and First Round in 2021, have 3+ years of runway, and are hitting our best months every month.

You'll own major parts of the system, build end-to-end features, and have a voice in shaping the roadmap and company.

React (Nextjs), Python (FastAPI), Postgres (RDS). TipTap, Stream, OpenAI embeddings, dbt, Tailwind, Vercel, etc.

A Loom about the company, our progress, team, and the role: https://www.loom.com/share/5177344569214eeab996029bf64fe4cd

Apply here: https://maven.com/careers

Prompt NZ | Software Developer | Full-Time | ONSITE (Auckland, New Zealand) | Competitive Pay

About us: Prompt NZ is a consultancy specialised in fintech, legal tech, and security/compliance. We are a trusted IT/development partner to NZ's top startups in payments, open banking, lending, and legal tech.

We are also working on developing our own product in-house.

We have an office in Takapuna and would prefer candidates to be onsite for the majority of the work week.

Stack: AWS, full-stack Typescript, React, a small amount of C#, Postgres/SQL Server

Role: We're looking for a talented developer (anywhere between junior - senior) who would be a good cultural fit, has an interest in working with startup/scale-ups on fintech/legal tech & is able to be onsite with us in Takapuna.

The right passion & drive matters more to us than years of experience.

(No experience needed in these industries)

Apply: Send through your CV to [email protected] and include that you found us on "HN"

Equal Experts | Multiple Roles | Bengaluru/Pune, India - Hybrid/Remote | Full-time | https://equalexperts.com

Equal Experts is an innovative consultancy specialising in the delivery of custom software solutions for blue-chip enterprise and public sector clients across a range of industry sectors. We work on important projects for our clients, deliver market-leading propositions across the digital, online and mobile channels, and are recognised for our leadership in the application of agile and lean delivery methods to assure delivery.

At Equal Experts, we foster a collaborative environment where you can use your diverse skills and work closely with clients, enabling them to enhance their products and add tangible value. It's a world where you collaborate with talented individuals who share your passion, continuously learn new technologies, and implement best practices.

Currently, we are actively recruiting for several senior or lead roles, requiring relevant industry experience:

  - Front-end Engineer - 6+ yrs
  - Data Engineer - 6+ yrs
  - DevOps Engineer - 6+ yrs
  - Tech Principal - 10+ yrs
If you are interested, please send your resume to [email protected] and include "HN: Who is Hiring" in the email subject line.

Tawkify | Senior Software Engineer | Full-Time | REMOTE (US time zones) | $150k–$190k + Equity

About us: Tawkify is a personalized matchmaking service that blends technology and human expertise to foster genuine relationships beyond traditional dating apps.

Challenges: Recent advances in LLMs create opportunities for us to (i) supercharge the tools used by our matchmakers, and (ii) create innovative new products. We're expanding our engineering team to take advantage of those opportunities.

Stack: AWS, mostly Typescript (front and back), MySQL and Elasticsearch. We also have an iOS app in the works, and maintain some legacy PHP.

Role: We're looking for a Senior Software Engineer who can not only code features and fix bugs, but also design architecture to lay the foundation for others' work. If you like https://grugbrain.dev/ you may enjoy working with us.

Apply: Send your CV/résumé (*no cover letter please*) to [email protected] (your mail will go to an engineering manager, not a recruiter!).

MONOKEI | Singapore / Malaysia or Remote | Full-time | Hardware / Electronics

We're an input device studio currently building mechanical keyboards, and we believe that good input devices are important. Come build metaphorical shovels with us.

We're hiring for the following roles:

- mechanical engineer (please reach out directly)

- electronics hardware engineer

- senior firmware engineer

More information about the roles here: https://monokei.co/careers

We'll be happy to sponsor your work visa (if on-site work is required) to SG.

Md anderson cancer center | programmer | full time | remote from within texas | salary 80-100k | can sponsor j1 visa if needed

I am a radiologist / ai researcher looking for a programmer to join my lab. We work with radiology and electronic medical record data to automate detection and quantification of cancer on ct, pet, and mri images. You will be working with large language and vision models. Send cv to ngarg @ mdanderson.org Cc my email from my profile, as the institutional spam filter can be very aggressive.

Surge AI (https://surgehq.ai) | Software Engineers (full-stack or applied ML) | Full-time | SF or Remote

Our mission at Surge is to build the human infrastructure powering the next wave of AI and LLMs. We’re building a data platform that powers AI teams at OpenAI, Anthropic, Meta, Google and more. Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback is the critical technique behind the new generation of AI assistants, and that human feedback comes from us. Our product has been a game-changer for the top AI teams in the world. Here are some example of our past work:

Creating the GSM8K dataset: https://www.surgehq.ai/blog/how-we-built-it-openais-gsm8k-da... Collecting data for Anthropic's Claude: https://www.surgehq.ai/case-studies/anthropic-claude-surgeai...

You’d be joining a small, rapidly growing team of former engineering and ML leaders from Google, Meta, Twitter and Airbnb. We ship quickly, deeply care about the problems we are trying to solve, and value autonomy and ownership. No previous AI experience is required, if you have the engineering skills you can learn what you need on the job.

We're looking for engineers with a few years of experience and you can work out of our office in SF our remotely. Please reach out to us at [email protected] with a resume and 2-3 sentences describing your interest. Excited to hear from you!

Descript | Research Scientist/Research Engineer | Head of Applied AI | Remote | San Francisco, CA | Montreal, CA

We're building a cloud-based collaborative video editor and a screen recorder that transcribes and aligns your audio with text - letting you edit videos like a word doc. We have built and shipped cutting-edge AI speech technologies like voice cloning, one-click speech enhancement, etc. used by the world's top podcasters, influencers, and businesses including BBC, ESPN, Hubspot, Shopify and Washington Post.

We're a team of 125 with a proven founder, and have raised $100M from some of the world's best investors like OpenAI, Andreessen Horowitz, Redpoint Ventures and Spark Capital.

We're seeking exceptional researchers to join our team tackling unique, challenging, and useful problems in generative modeling, and advance the frontier of AI speech, audio, and video.

Hi kundan, is there any email address I can reach out to, or is it just applying through the website?

pls include the url to ur site!

Sudowrite | REMOTE | Full-Time | Competitive Salary + Equity | Hiring: AI Engineer

- We believe the future of writing is AI & human collaboration. Sudowrite is the best AI for creative writers.

- We are profitable with a rapidly growing paying user base.

- We've been featured in The New York Times, New Yorker, Verge, etc.

- We believe new tools will enable a renaissance in art & creativity and we want to help the next generation of storytellers tell better stories.

Wanted: AI Engineers (who also write!)

- We’re 100% remote and support work-life balance. We meet up in person a few times of year, last time in Hawaii. We encourage diverse candidates from all over the world to apply.

- Details: https://sudowrite.notion.site/We-re-hiring-engineers-to-make...

Nominet | Senior Front-end engineer | Full-Time | ONSITE / Hybrid (Oxford, UK) | £55k - £75k plus bonus and great benefits

About us: We run DNS for the .uk domain space, and a growing number of other TLDs as well. My team is currently working on a complete re-write of our flagship customer UIs used by domain owners, sellers and TLD admins.

Stack: At the moment we're an Angular / TypeScript / Java shop (but I'm secretly not convinced about Angular so I'd be happy to hear from people with experience in other frameworks and even happier to hear from people who've done migrations!).

Role: This is a key hire for me, all the frontend engineers in my team are contract at the moment and you'd be my first permanent frontend specialist. The team is cross-functional so you'd be working with backend engineers and QA folk on the day-to-day, and regularly talking to our DevOps, SA and Product teams too. NB the company is also hiring for a bunch of other posts, see jobs.nominet.uk.

Apply: https://jobs.nominet.uk/job/Oxford-Hybrid-Front-End-Engineer... - all applications are read by a human but that human isn't me in the first instance, if you don't hear anything feel free to leave a comment and I'll chase up!

Jill's Office | Hybrid Remote (US only) | UT, USA | Senior Full-Stack TypeScript Developer | $150k-$175k

Launched in 2015, Jill’s Office was created to provide small business owners with a live receptionist service so they don't need to take calls themselves or hire a full-time receptionist. We have an in-house call center to achieve this and all our software for this operation is also in-house.

Some facts:

- full-stack TypeScript: Node.js on backend, native web components (through lit) on frontend

- exceptional TypeScript knowledge and skills are a must (both of the JavaScript web-dev side of things and the TypeScript typing system side of things)

- very small dev team: we report directly to the CEO

- getting started with CDK

- full support of Ubuntu, macOS, and Windows dev machines

- located in Utah but in-person attendance is only required for a few annual activities (like hackathons) (with paid travel if needed)

- lots of opportunities to find your niche from backend to frontend to feature dev to tech debt squashing

Apply here! https://www.indeed.com/job/senior-full-stack-typescript-deve...

Your the first company that actually posted about using CDK.

I actually wrote a lot of CDK at AWS and I would love to apply but I’m a little hesitant in terms of my experience.

I have about 3 years of Experience writing software

Upnext | 100% Remote | Full Time / Contract | Software Eng / Design / ML

At Upnext, we are passionate about solving information overload. Every day we get bombarded with content from social networks, news sites, blogs, messages, etc. It’s hard to keep up and it’s even harder to find the content that really matters to you. It takes time and energy to sift through the noise and find what really matters. That's why we created Upnext, our flagship product that lets users easily organize reading, audio, and video content in one neat space. We’re not stopping there, our latest app helps you stay up to date on the topics and news that you care about by aggregating updates into a single place. Using our own AI models we’re building in deep personalization from the beginning so Upnext users will always have the most important updates about topics they care about. We've got open roles for:

- Software developers: our tech stack is TypeScript / Node / React / Python - Designers: we're creating a seamless, beautiful experience across desktop, native and web - ML research / ML engineer: help us design build and deploy our first generation of recommendation and understanding systems - Marketing / growth: help us get the word out!

If you'd like to chat, email me at joe [at] upnext [dot] in!

Better Stack | https://betterstack.com | /^(Full-?stack|Frontend) Engineer$/i | EU or remote

We are software builders at :heart:

CEO is a software engineer, COO is a software engineer and you guessed it; CTO is an engineer, too.

We're helping developers in building a better internet. If you love building amazing software, you're at the right address.

How we operate:



email me at [email protected]

Autokroma.com | C / C++, or Graphics Programming (OpenGL, CUDA, Metal, Shaders etc.) | Full time | Freelancing | Lisbon hybrid remote

We do audiovideo software (video editing, visual effects) and work remotely. We always need more engineers to expand our products and create new ones. I'm especially looking for self motivated individual, who are good at remote text communication and able to organize, plan, manage the work themselves.

Send me an email, the first part of the email is "contact" and after the @ it's the domain name. Tell me your story, what you're looking for in your life now, previous bad work experience you'd like to void and good work experience that inspire you for the future !

This looks pretty interesting. Are you hiring FFMPEG devs? I have been learning the C API but it's somewhat difficult getting a job

Are you able to pay US-level hourly rate?

ReframeAI | 100% Remote | Full Time / Contract | Software Eng · Design · AI/ML

ReframeAI enables anyone to build intelligent AI agents without coding that automate repetitive workflows in datatables. Our low-code AI database allows users to create multifunctional agents that can perform research, gather data, and mimic human-level cognition leveraging state-of-the-art NLP models like GPT-3/4 under the hood.

We make AI accessible to a broad audience beyond just technical experts. ReframeAI saves teams time on manual tasks by applying AI to workflows like lead generation, customer research, content creation, data extraction, and more.

We're looking for:

- Frontend Engineers: to enhance our no-code web app experience. Our tech stack is TypeScript, NodeJS, ReactJS, GraphQL.

- Backend Engineers: to scale our agent automation engine. Our tech stack is Python, FastAPI, Postgres, GraphQL.

- UI/UX/Product Designers: to reimagine AI-powered workflows.

- Marketing / growth: help us get the word out!

email us: [email protected]!

Please state the role you are applying for.

Sent an email. You guys should make it obvious it’s reframe.is, not reframe-ai.com which is first on search

I emailed at [email protected] (as shown in the website), but the email account doesn’t exist.

Stainless | Founding Engineer | NYC ONSITE | Full-time

Stainless is building the platform for high-quality, easy-to-use APIs.

Our first product is SDKs as a service – you send us your OpenAPI spec, and we generate packages in all the major languages and publish them to npm/pypi/etc (e.g., `npm install openai`, which is a package we produce).

These SDKs are world-class: you get an idiomatic wrapper with autocomplete, types, etc. (I built a version of this at Stripe for their SDKs, and am now building a better version for everyone.)

Next, we want to make it easy to build amazing REST APIs. REST is simple and ubiquitous, but right now it’s also messy, chaotic, and hard to get right. We’re going to build great open-source standards and tooling that bring the benefits of GraphQL (types, field selection/expansion, standards) and gRPC (types, speed, versioning) to REST.

From there, we plan to build out a rich family of developer platform products – everything an API team would need to deliver a terrific DX to their partners and/or customers.

We’re about 1.5y old, under 5 people, have strong revenue, and are selling to companies you interact with every day. We’re backed by Sequoia, a bunch of (ex-)Stripe people, and founders of Next.js, Prisma, and Segment.

As a founding engineer, you’ll get autonomy to build great products, skilled peers, opportunity for tremendous impact, competitive salary, and a very competitive ownership stake.

We’re looking for exceptionally productive, thoughtful, tasteful, and kind people with a passion for making software development better for everyone. Want to build the future of API tooling? Say hi: alex at stainlessapi.com

AuxHealth | Senior SWE -- EHR Integration + Backend | Remote / Carlsbad, CA | US Only | FULL TIME | https://auxhealth.io

At AuxHealth, we are building generative AI systems that facilitate clinical workflows by interviewing patients, writing notes for their clinicians, and performing chronic disease management. We aim to allow clinical teams to offload clerical tasks so that they can care for patients at the top of their license. We are seeking a Senior Software Engineer to lead the development of Electronic Health Record (EHR) integrations within our state-of-the-art AI chatbot platform.

We've just raised a pre-seed round ($2M) back in June, the team consists of 3 engineers and 2 medical SMEs.

We're looking for someone with:

* At least 3 years of specialized experience in EHR integrations, with an expert understanding of technologies such as FHIR and HL7

* Direct experience with integrating with one or more of the following: Epic, AthenaHealth, and Elation EHRs.

* Expert level of knowledge of Python

* Also interested in doing full stack development, we are small, so we need someone who can wear many hats!

Bonus points for:

* Prior experience in a startup environment

* Proficiency with Typescript and frontend frameworks like React

* Proficiency with setting up SOC-2 compliant environments on cloud computing platforms

* Proficiency with infrastructure as code languages such as Terraform

Interested? Email: [email protected] More info: https://auxhealth.io/jobs/swe-ehr

Waitwhile | Stockholm, Sweden | Onsite/hybrid remote | Full-time

Waitwhile works to eliminate the 1 trillion hours that people spend waiting in lines every year. Our platform is trusted by over 10,000 companies worldwide and has helped more than 250 million people enjoy a radically better waiting experience at places like IKEA, Louis Vuitton, Costco, Tribeca Film Festival and more.

The following languages preferred: English and Swedish

Hiring for multiple roles for our Stockholm office. Come join our wonderful, supportive team!

- Software Engineer: Experienced generalist with deep knowledge of building scalable and maintainable apps and backends https://careers.waitwhile.com/jobs/3244968-software-engineer

- Solutions Engineer: Customer facing product expert and problem solver based in Stockholm https://careers.waitwhile.com/jobs/3245527-solutions-enginee...

- Web Developer: Lead the technical design, implementation, and maintenance of our homepage (waitwhile.com) in collaboration with our UX, Graphic Design and Marketing team https://careers.waitwhile.com/jobs/3259188-web-developer

Sphinx Defense | Engineering, DevOps, & Product | Remote (US Only), Washington, D.C, Colorado Springs, CO | https://www.sphinxdefense.com

Sphinx Defense builds software to solve complex national security problems for America and its allies. Founded by engineers and technologists with deep experience across commercial and defense technology, we’re building a vehicle-agnostic communication infrastructure to enable satellite operators to securely utilize antenna networks and maneuver satellites in real-time. We're bootstrapped, profitable, and growing aggressively.

To learn more about who we are, our engineering culture, and whether this is the right place for you, read our Key Values profile: https://www.keyvalues.com/sphinx-defense

If you have specific questions, or are interested and don't see a role that looks like a good fit, email me directly at hunter (at) sphinxdefense.com

Check out our open roles: https://www.sphinxdefense.com/#Careers

Tech Stack: Programming: Python, Flask, pipenv, JSON Data: PostgreSQL, Vault, ActiveMQ Infrastructure: Docker, Terraform, Ansible, AWS, Linux

Materialize | Full-Time | NYC Office or Remote | https://materialize.com

Materialize is an Operational Data Warehouse: A cloud data warehouse with streaming internals, built for work that needs action on what’s happening right now. Keep the familiar SQL, keep the proven architecture of cloud warehouses but swap the decades-old batch computation model for an efficient incremental engine to get complex queries that are always up-to-date.

Materialize is the operational data warehouse built from the ground up to meet the needs of modern data products: Fresh, Correct, Scalable — all in a familiar SQL UI.

Senior/Staff Product Manager - https://grnh.se/69754ebf4us

Senior Frontend Engineer - https://grnh.se/7010bdb64us

Datadog | Software Engineers | ONSITE (Boston, Lisbon, Madrid, NYC, Paris, Tel Aviv) and (some) REMOTE | Full-time

Datadog is a monitoring, tracing, logs system, and more, for your infrastructure and services. We build our own tsdb, event store [1][2], distributed tracing tools, cutting edge visualizations, and more. We love shipping great experiences for customers just like us and are growing fast! We write a lot of Go, Java, Python, Typescript (with React), and a bit of other languages. We run on k8s, and are multi-region and multi-cloud.

We're looking for people who can build systems at scale as we process trillions of events per day. Let us know if that's you!


[1] https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/engineering/introducing-husky

[2] https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/engineering/husky-deep-dive

Tidalflow | Hybrid | Amsterdam, NL | Full-time | Senior Software Engineer

We're a VC-funded (Gradient Ventures & Mulesoft founder) startup building an end-end platform to turn existing software products into LLM usable versions. We are hiring our first engineers both front- & back-end. They will work closely with our experienced CTO who became the first dutch YC founder back in 2010. Check out this recent TechCrunch article on us for more background: https://techcrunch.com/2023/10/10/tidalflow-software-llms/


Website: https://tidalflow.ai

Job Board: https://scratched-philosophy-a51.notion.site/Job-Board-874ac...

Turo | San Francisco, USA | Hybrid/Remote | Full Time

Staff Software Engineer (Backend)

At Turo, we're not just a car-sharing marketplace; we're a community of innovators and travelers who are growing fast and expanding our team across the US, Canada, the UK, France, and Australia. We're on the lookout for brilliant software engineers who share our passion for consumer products and want to be part of an energetic team that's changing the way people think about travel. As a Turo engineer, you won't just write code; you'll collaborate with product managers, designers, and fellow engineers to bring new product features to life. We ship code daily, constantly test, and play a pivotal role in the entire product development process. If you have a strong background in computer science and enjoy solving problems, our creative and fluid work environment could be the perfect place to accelerate your career. Join us in shaping an exciting app that's transforming the way people travel and think about car ownership. Check out more about our engineering team here: https://www.beforeyouapply.com/team/engineering-at-turo

What you will do: - You will collaborate extensively with product management, design, and engineers to develop product features that drive our metrics. - You will produce high-quality maintainable code, test it, collaboratively review it and ship it. - You will identify areas to improve and scale our architecture and application design. - You will develop tools and utilities to diagnose and fix problems. - Ensure proper technical design and documentation. - Work efficiently in a constantly changing and growing environment where the process is fluid and creative solutions are desired.

Apply here: https://boards.greenhouse.io/turo/jobs/5330346 Or reach out to: [email protected] (Senior Engineering Manager for the team this role is on)

BotBuilt (YC-W21) | INTERNS | VISA | ONSITE | Durham, NC

We build homes with robots!

We stick frame homes using traditional American building approaches but we use robots to do it.

We're looking for Software, Firmware, Electrical, Mechanical, Creatives, Makers, Civil Engineers, and Carpenters to join our eclectic group. This small band makes progress every day towards the end goal: End Homelessness. We've got a long way to go, but that's why we need you.

Apply here: https://ats.rippling.com/botbuilt/jobs

Check us out at: https://www.botbuilt.com

Senior Software Engineer (Backend or Fullstack) | Splash.tech | remote | full-time | EU timezone

We build games that sports fans love to play. Based in the UK, we're a top B2B provider in the gaming sector, powering fan engagement in over 50 countries with notable names in sports and entertainment. Founded four years ago, our company has seen a 100%+ revenue growth annually for three consecutive years. The 15-strong team at Splash works fully remote and values independent and self-motivated members.

We’re looking for several experienced Software Engineers. Based on your area of expertise, you’ll build frontend and/or backend components and contribute towards system architecture, security and scalability. As part of the engineering team, you’ll own the whole development lifecycle from receiving/aligning requirements to development, test and operations.


- You own the development of backend or full-stack (depending on your expertise and focus area) features end-to-end.

- Collaborate with stakeholders, ensure product quality and impact decision making.

- Optimize applications for speed, security and scale.


- 5+ years of relevant engineering experience at tech and product-driven companies

- Proficiency with some backend language (we use Java)

- Some experience with relational databases (we use Postgres)

- Desire to work fully remote and to proactively approach issues

- Fluent English

Depending on your location we’ll offer a competitive market rate salary for your experience level as well as stock options.

Contact: Oliver Renner, CTO - [email protected]

JW Player | REMOTE | NL/UK/US/MK | Full-time | Engineering

JWP is the game-changing video software and data insights platform that's revolutionizing the Digital Video Economy. With our cutting-edge technology, we give our customers unparalleled independence and control over their digital video content. We began over a decade ago as an open-source video player, but today, JWP is the driving force behind digital video for hundreds of thousands of businesses worldwide. And with over 1 billion viewers tuning in every month across 2.7 billion unique devices, there's no limit to what we can achieve. We're on the lookout for passionate and innovative candidates who are ready to join us on this journey of transforming the world of digital video.

Open positions from Associate Engineer to Senior levels for both backend and frontend roles.

See https://jwplayer.com/careers/ for a list of open roles.

Cogram | Sales Development Generalist | Full-time | Remote (GMT +/- 6 hours) | Artificial Intelligence / B2B SaaS

Cogram is an AI company creating a virtual assistant for teams. Our software integrates data from meetings and other sources, and lets users summarize, synthesize, and derive insights using large language models. We have a fast-growing customer base, are backed by Y Combinator, and very well-funded. We're a remote-first, kind, and welcoming team, and meet up regularly for amazing off-sites in different locations.

Over the past 12 months we rapidly scaled through founder-led sales and are now making a first sales hire. We're looking for a candidate with experience in outbound lead generation and a strong writing ability. As the first sales hire, you will have a high-impact role in bringing a fast-evolving, powerful product to market.

Please reach out to alex [at] cogram [dot] com, with a few sentences on what you find interesting about Cogram and your experience.

Canvas (The Spatial Computing Company) | Full-time | Onsite | Remote |

At Canvas, we’re working on spatial computing - using computer vision to 3D reconstruct and understand your surroundings so that software can operate over real-world spaces. We believe it will power the next generation of augmented reality and some of the key parts of virtual reality as well.

C++ Engineer (Portugal/Remote) | Full Stack QA (Portugal/Remote) | WebGL Engineer (Portugal/Remote) | Financial Planning & Analysis Manager (Remote, US) | Inside Sales Rep (Remote, North America)

For detailed information check out https://canvas.io/jobs.

Keywords: 3D, computer vision, photogrammetry, geomatics, SLAM

Texture | NYC or Remote (U.S.) | Full-time | Full Stack and Data Engineers

We are building a software platform to consolidate all of the energy data from the increasing network of energy devices that are out there (solar inverters, chargers, smart hvac systems, batteries, evs, and any other device that produces or consumes energy).

Texture is my 6th startup and I have seen the impact great developer tools have on industries and it was shocking to me that no such tool existed in the climate tech/energy space. Every company in this space is doing the same thing with their first year of resources, just building a team to build out integrations with devices. It feels like Fintech before Plaid with a whole industry held back due to lack of a great platform.

So we are building that and our hope is to bring the industry forward and not only empower and enable existing companies in the space, but also open the space to a new class of developers that have thus far been unable to take advantage of it due to lack of great systems and tooling.

Come join us and be a part of the early team!

More info: https://www.texture.energy/careers

Course Hero | Toronto, Canada; Vancouver, Canada; Remote - India | Various Engineering, Product, Machine Learning, Analytics roles | Full-time, Hub-Based / Remote | https://grnh.se/2ywlpf Course Hero is an online learning platform where students can access over 40 million course-specific study resources contributed by a community of educators and other students. We envision a world where every student graduates, confident and prepared. We were recently valued at $3.6B and are actively hiring!

We are hiring for the following roles: - Senior/Staff/Lead Software Engineers - Front End, ML Platform, & Full Stack (5+ YOE) - Senior Data Scientists

Our tech stack: React, Typescript, Sass, Go, Python. Come join us on our journey to help invent the future of student learning!

Does it mean only people from Toronto, Canada; Vancouver, Canada can apply for the role?

If you click through, many of the roles are listed as hiring in India.

They say in other roles (Lead Product Designer), "We are a virtual-first company and have employees dispersed throughout the United States and Canada." and "This role is eligible for hire in the San Francisco Bay Area (US), Vancouver (Canada), and Toronto (Canada)."

Joule | Climate Tech | Senior Software Engineer | REMOTE | Full-time

Hi HN! Joule is a climate-focused software solution tailored for the home inspection industry. We collaborate with inspection software vendors and transform field data collected by inspectors into an energy assessment. Our solution integrates energy metrics, carbon emissions, suggested improvements, and available rebates and incentives into the home inspection report. This ensures potential homebuyers are fully informed about a property's energy footprint and opportunities for improvement before making a purchase.

We have our first customer under contract and have several others in the pipeline. The initial version of the product has been built and will go live in January with our customer. You will be a key contributor in preparing for product launch and building additional integrations with all of our customers.

Come join the Joule team if you are interested in:

* Working on climate change and having a real impact on a major challenge facing society today

* Accelerating the residential electrification movement through practical software solutions

* Jumping in on the ground floor of an exciting, early-stage startup

If you are interested in learning more, send an email to [email protected].

Respondology | REMOTE (US Based only) | Senior Backend Engineer | Full-time | https://respondology.com/

Respondology is working on an important mission to eradicate hate, abuse and spam online, starting to dive headfirst into LLM / Generative AI technologies to make social media a better place. We are a small team that just raised our recent Series A round and are rapidly growing. We are looking to hire a Senior Backend Engineer with significant experience with Ruby-on-Rails [130k-160k + equity]. Our core tech stack is: React, a core Ruby-on-Rails monolith with Python+FastAPI microservices, Postgres, AWS. We are based out of Boulder, CO, but the engineering team is distributed across the US. Learn more here: https://respondology.com/careers/ or reach me at huan at respondology.com

TrueVault | Senior Software Engineer | San Francisco, CA | FULL-TIME | US REMOTE

TrueVault (https://truevault.com) builds software tools that help businesses comply with consumer data privacy laws. We believe that if businesses can access products that make compliance simple, respecting consumers' data privacy becomes the sensible default—and we all benefit from that.

We are a YCombinator startup based in Silicon Valley. Our team is passionate about data privacy and building products that make people's lives easier.

At TrueVault, you will have the opportunity to work in arguably the most significant market opportunity of this coming decade: data privacy. Plus, you’ll get to work with a warm and welcoming, no-nonsense team of engineers, designers and lawyers to build a product that businesses actually need and use every day.

We’re hiring 2 Senior Software Engineers to join our small product and engineering team.

If interested please apply at: https://careers.truevault.com/jobs/9007-senior-software-engi...

MAJORITY | Stockholm Sweden | ONSITE Full Time | Backend C#/.NET developer

Hi Everyone!

MAJORITY is a fintech focused on digital financial services for immigrants in the US. We provide things like a Visa debit card, money transfers, mobile top-ups and much more! And compared to many others we allow users without Social Security to use our banking services.

In contrast to many other companies we do our product development from our office in Stockholm, Sweden (we use a hybrid model, meaning if you are not already in Stockholm you would need to relocate.

We have a Microsoft stack, with C#/.Net6 hosted in AKS in Azure, with Azure SQL Server. Its microservices but very consistently built with common libraries for most non-businesslogic like logging, controllers, messaging etc.

Personally I think it would be great to find someone with deep SQL Server experience (or other SQL DBs), since we are a bit thin in this department. But generally any experienced .Net developers are very welcome!

See https://www.majority.com/en/company/career

Hey there! Is there any chance you guys sponsor visa.

I have worked extensively with SQL Server as a data engineer in healthcare.Currently working with UHG and am based out of India.

Digital Mint | Backend Engineer | Remote or ONSITE Chicago, IL | Full time

Digital Mint is a small but growing financial services company. We are hiring for an experienced developer that enjoys dev-ops, Golang, and security. Our team is currently very small- you can have a big impact in a low overhead environment.


Audiotool (https://www.audiotool.com) | Germany (or EU, UK) | Full-time employees | Hybrid | Visa | Engineering

Join our team and build the future of music production on the web! Audiotool is an award-winning, cloud-based digital audio workstation (DAW) that runs right in your browser. Making music production accessible to everyone and connecting creators globally.

For our new product, we’re looking for passionate and talented people ready to join us on our challenging journey. Are you an experienced Developer and interested to support our team working on the Audiotool web app - the part where the music is created?

Open positions: * Senior Frontend Developer (TypeScript) * Senior Fullstack (ideally incl WebGL, TypeScript)

Our core team is in Cologne, Germany, with a few being remote in Europe who come to Cologne for week-long workshops from time to time. We sponsor visas, if needed.

See our jobs page for more info: https://www.audiotool.com/jobs

CodeWeavers | St Paul, MN, USA | Full Time | REMOTE | Wine and General Open Source Developers | C-language systems programming


CodeWeavers needs new, full-time developers to improve Wine's ability to run games and other types of software and integrate well with the native operating system and other system components. Positions are available to work on a variety of Wine-based software, including CodeWeavers's own CrossOver product; the Proton project for Valve Software; and projects for other clients and software internal to CodeWeavers.

We are hiring remote programmers, US or international, as well as workers local to Saint Paul, Minnesota. We will consider relocation, if desired, on a case-by-case basis. Please see link above for information, benefits, requirements, and how to apply.

Please direct any questions to the email address on our Jobs page.

Platformed | London, UK | Founding Software Engineer | Full-Time | Hybrid | £70-90k + Equity

Rust / TypeScript / Postgres / GCP

Platformed's mission is to help Sales and CS teams to meet their customers’ procurement and compliance requirements from pitch to renewal. Our workflows, AI and integrations help our customers to grow faster, save time and reduce frustration while still meeting the demand imposed upon them by customers. And in the future, we’ll move this communication away from natural language altogether.

This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced full stack engineer to join our team early in our company journey, reporting to the CTO and working alongside the founders.

Platformed Careers: https://platformed.com/careers

Founding Software Engineer: https://platformed.notion.site/Founding-Software-Engineer-56...

Hightouch |Remote (North America)|Full-time|

Some background on Hightouch - our mission is to help companies leverage their customer data to grow. We started with the problem of “Reverse ETL” or helping companies sync data from their data warehouse (e.g. Snowflake, Databricks, etc.) to 200+ SaaS tools (Salesforce, Marketo, Facebook Ads, etc.) without coding. Since then, we’ve evolved into a suite of tools around the warehouse (identity resolution, data enrichment, event streaming, etc.). We’ve raised a Series B and scaled to $15m+ ARR in 3 years with 500+ customers including Fortune 500 co’s like Blizzard Activision, LVMH, PetSmart, etc.

We are looking for an Engineering Leader, reporting into our VP, Engineering. This role will manage our two most central backend teams that power the core of our product. The role is both technically complex & high impact. We have challenges like operating a large-scale distributed system that’s both multi-region and multi-cloud. In addition, you can help shape our core platform’s roadmap. In addition to leaders interested in deep backend technical challenges, this role is a great fit for someone who is looking to take a VP/Head of Engineering role next!

Learn more here: https://boards.greenhouse.io/hightouch/jobs/4580317004

onXmaps, Inc | Montana or REMOTE, USA only | https://www.onxmaps.com/careers ABOUT – Are you an Engineer who loves the outdoors? Join onX! onX is a suite of digital navigation apps (Hunt, Offroad, and Backcountry) that empower millions of outdoor enthusiasts. If you’re passionate about writing great software, love playing outside, believe in protecting access to public lands, and want to dominate the off-pavement mobile GPS market – then join our team, where we empower millions of outdoor enthusiasts to explore the unknown!

We have multiple openings! View them here: https://www.onxmaps.com/join-our-team

Here are some of the technologies we work with:

3D (OpenGL, Metal, C++)

Data Automation (Python, PostgreSQL, GIS)

Android (Kotlin)

iOS (Swift, SwiftUI)

Backend (Go, Elixir, GraphQL, GCP, Kubernetes)

Web (Vue JS)

Quality (Cypress, XCUITest, Espresso)

Any chance you might have part-time openings?

I'm a mostly frontend JS dev with a bit of open-source GIS experience, and love the outdoors. I've been trying to do more mapping and would love to work on something like onX Backcountry, but can't do full-time right now (school).

I used to work at onX and they are a great company to work for (I had to leave due to health reasons, otherwise, I would probably still be there).

Harvard Library Innovation Lab | Senior Software Engineer: Backend + Data | Full time | Cambridge, MA (hybrid schedule, REMOTE possible)

The Harvard Library Innovation Lab explores the future of libraries by building tools and communities for open knowledge. We build long term services like https://perma.cc, https://opencasebook.org, and https://case.law, and we host fellows like Molly White, creator of Web3 is Going Just Great. We are a creative, experimental place to build open source code that makes a difference.

As part of our new focus on making library materials compatible with new modes of consumption, such as by Large Language Models, LIL is looking for someone skilled at processing large amounts of data with high fidelity. Through their understanding of libraries, this person will help us shape the wealth of data these institutions hold to meet the needs of data and AI engineers.

You can read the job description and apply here: https://sjobs.brassring.com/TGnewUI/Search/Home/Home?partner...

Can you sponsor visas?

says no visa on the job posting.

Continue | Founding Engineer | ONSITE | Full-Time | San Francisco | $130-$170K + 1-2% Equity

At Continue, we are on a mission to make building software feel like making music. We are creating the open-source autopilot for software development—an IDE extension that brings the power of ChatGPT to VS Code and JetBrains (https://github.com/continuedev/continue).

You are likely a good fit if you

- have founded or want to found your own startup one day

- have experience with frontend, backend, and ML technologies

- are enthusiastic about AI/LLMs, open-source, developer tools

- get excited about supporting users and helping customers

- want to work in-person in SF the majority of the time

More info: https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/continue/jobs/smcxRnM-...

CredCore | UI/UX Senior Developer | Remote | Anywhere | Full-Time

CredCore is a well-funded early-stage startup based out of New York City building solutions for the $10 trillion US debt sector. Our product suite helps funds and companies navigate the complex landscape of corporate debt deals and make better decisions with AI-assisted data analysis.

We are hiring for a Senior UX/UI Engineer role. The ideal candidate should have a keen eye for detail, and be good at unifying design and code. Expertise in React, Typescript, Storybook, and Figma is required. We offer a competitive salary with equity, a remote-first work environment, and health insurance coverage.

Please email your resume to [email protected]

MotherDuck | NYC, Amsterdam, San Francisco, or Seattle (Onsite preferred) | Software Engineers in AI, Database, and Ecosystems | Full-Time | $140K – $275K + Equity | https://motherduck.com/

Don’t let the quirky name fool you! We’re on a mission to radically transform the data analyst user experience. We think we can empower and delight analysts using a novel cloud architecture built on top of DuckDB, an open-source foundation with a vibrant community. Our team is a diverse mix of passionate, collaborative, and empathetic data industry veterans from Google, Amazon, Meta, Snowflake, SingleStore, Databricks, and the like.

We're expanding our focus on AI, and are looking for Python/C++ engineers to help us bring the power of large language models into the hands of database users. Check out the open role here: https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/MotherDuck/b485b0d6-2cbe-4083-b253-...

We also have open positions in our Database and our Ecosystems teams. Come work with us and disrupt the future of data analytics. https://motherduck.com/careers/

Please tell me your employees are known as Mother Duckers...

Nooks (https://nooks.ai) | Software Engineers (full-stack & backend/applied ML) | Full-time | SF or Remote

Hi, I’m one of the founders of Nooks — we’re trying to re-invent how sales teams work with real-time collaboration and AI.

Nooks is: - A virtual office: you can work from anywhere in the world, but still work with your team and get feedback and coaching like you’re sitting side-by-side. - and an AI co-pilot. We learn how your team works, identify “winning” strategies behaviors, then share them with the whole team during and after calls!

We’re working on fun engineering challenges including complex distributed systems, low-latency algorithms & infrastructure, and modeling sales calls with large language models. You'll also have the chance to make a huge impact on our customers (sales reps who spend 80% of their work day on Nooks.)

Right now we’re a small team (~25 ppl) growing super quickly - doubling revenue every quarter, and recently hit $2M ARR!

Looking for experienced engineers who love tackling difficult product questions and working closely with customers. Excitement about language models, few-shot learning and other recent AI advances is also a plus :)

I’d love to chat: reach me at nikhil [at] nooks.in or apply at the link below: https://nooks.breezy.hr/p/bbc06c1a1bb4-software-engineer

TriumphPay | https://triumphpay.com | Senior Engineers | REMOTE (USA only) | Full Time | $170-$218K

At TriumphPay, we are building the transportation payments network for the future. With our payments and audit products, we touch approximately $47 billion in unique brokered freight transactions across the United States. Our customers use our products to solve real world problems and operate in our software all day every day. This is both exciting and also an incredible responsibility.

We are looking for experienced full-stack engineers to join our team of 40+ engineers. You will work closely in a team of 3-5 people on a specific project. Inside this team, you will manage your own backlog and schedule. We rotate teams and work areas quarterly to give you a breadth of experience. We are a fully remote engineering organization that believes strongly in work life balance and strong boundaries. We care about our environment because we know that we do our best work when we are happy and feel valued.

We have two stacks we're looking to fill positions in. One made up of .NET/React, and another utilizing Rails (with Sorbet) and Elm.

Engineering Role ($170-$218K): https://jobs.tfin.com/senior-software-engineer-open-to-remot...

FUTO | https://futo.org | Austin, TX or Remote | Full time

FUTO is an organization dedicated to the development of software that returns control of computers and technology to the people. We’re particularly interested in giving people more privacy and control from big tech. We also give grants to open source projects in line with our mission (see our site).

We just launched Grayjay, an Android app with a universal subscription feed for all creator video platforms that lets creators and audiences be less reliant on a single platform, and makes directly supporting creators easier than ever.

We're hiring an electron/vue and/or android engineer to help bring the product to more people


ROCKSTAR GAMES | NYC-San Diego-New England| FULL-TIME | .NET SOFTWARE ENGINEERS | Existing Visa Transfers Welcome

A career at Rockstar Games is about being part of a team working on some of the most creatively rewarding and ambitious projects to be found in any entertainment medium. You would be welcomed to a dedicated and inclusive environment where you can learn, and collaborate with some of the most talented people in the industry.


Develop highly scalable server-side features for our online game console clients using object-oriented development in C#, ASP.NET, and SQL Server.

Develop back-end services and APIs. Actively practice Test Driven Development (TDD) while developing new features and refactoring existing code.

Work in an AWS cloud-based, event-driven microservice architecture with a high priority on web performance optimization.

Collaborate with other Rockstar technology teams across our worldwide studios.

New York: https://www.rockstargames.com/careers/openings/position/4187...

San Diego: https://www.rockstargames.com/careers/openings/position/4110...

New England: https://www.rockstargames.com/careers/openings/position/4161...

You can see our other openings here: https://www.rockstargames.com/careers/

OpenRent | London, UK | Full-Time | ONSITE+PART REMOTE | https://www.openrent.co.uk

What sucked the last time you rented a house or flat? Come and fix it.

OpenRent is a force for good in an industry tarnished by rip-off agencies. Enabled by an unrelenting focus on technology, we now let more properties than any agency in the UK. In the last 12m we let over £50 billion worth of property, to over 6 million registered users, without ever charging any admin fees.

You'll be working on solving every aspect of the rental journey, from machine learning models to predict the right price of a property, to building the future of property management, all to help tenants find their dream home, and landlords their ideal tenant.

We're VC backed, profitable, and have plenty of ambition to maintain our fast growth in this absolutely massive market.

We have a bunch of roles available at the moment and keen to find great people like you!

- Senior DevOps Engineer | Equity | 75k-100k+ (based on experience) + Quarterly Bonus

- Senior Web Designer | Equity | 75k-100k+ (based on experience) + Quarterly Bonus

- Full Stack Engineer (C#) | Equity | £45k-£120k+ (based on experience) + Quarterly Bonus

All roles visible here: https://www.openrent.co.uk/jobs

OpenRent is already impacting millions of tenants and landlords each year, join us and make every tenancy better than the last.

Datadog | Senior Software Engineer | NYC/Paris/Madrid | Full-Time | Static Analysis

We are building a static analysis engine (https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-static-analyzer) that works across the development lifecycle: IDE -> git hook -> git pull request -> git push. Our product is currently in private beta (see https://www.datadoghq.com/static-analysis/) and we are working hard on expanding its capabilities.

If you work with Rust and/or Tree-Sitter, we would love to talk to you!

Apply here > https://careers.datadoghq.com/detail/5382867/?gh_jid=5382867

I just built a tree-sitter parser for Presto. Does that count? But it seems like static analysis is more involved than just a parser.

Farther | Senior Backend Software Engineer | Fully Remote (US only) | Full-time

Farther is a Series B (we just raised our round in September) fast-growing wealth management firm and platform (though not a robo-advisor). We help families and people grow their wealth and feel confident they can accomplish all they want financially from today to tomorrow.

We’re looking for FP obsessive & strong type-loving Scala senior engineers (6+ years of professional/production experience). We’re on the Typelevel ecosystem (Http4s, Cats Effect, Fs2, Circe, etc.). You’ll be responsible for building composable micro-services, designing forward-compatible database schemas (we use CockroachDB) with efficient SQL queries, and APIs that delight your consumers but aren’t brittle. We have an interesting mix of domains from trading to portfolio management to automated account opening.

We’re a highly autonomous and fully-distributed company looking for product-minded engineers who want to get started from the first week deploying code.

Email us at [email protected]

Cleary.ai | Berlin, Germany | Full-time | Founding Engineer

We’re hiring our 2 founding engineers. We are looking for Fullstack JS & Backend/ML Python Engineers (on-site in Berlin) and offer real equity far above market standards.

You need to be excited about our vision to use AI to make regulatory approval for medical innovation 10x easier. We accelerate the process of bringing crucial treatments to the patients who need them the most.

You can find some more info under http://bit.ly/join-cleary

If this is interesting to you or someone you know, I'd love to hear from you!!

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/florian-scherer-26769884/ E-Mail: [email protected]

Juniper Systems | Logan, UT or Costa Rica (Hybrid) | mid - Sr. | Frontend Web, GIS | Typescript, C#


About Us With a legacy spanning over 30 years, Juniper Systems is a well-established company with a rich history in hardware innovation for rugged field environments. As we continue to evolve, we're pioneering the future of mapping, GIS and field data management through cutting-edge software solutions. Join our team and play a pivotal role in architecting and designing the frontend of our groundbreaking Uinta mapping & field data management platform.

Job Description: Are you an experienced frontend web developer eager to shape the future of geospatial data and in-field project management? Juniper Systems is actively seeking a highly motivated and talented individual to join our software engineering team. In this role, you will play a pivotal role in building and scaling the web frontend of our Uinta platform, a revolutionary product positioned for substantial growth. This is a unique opportunity to join us during the exciting early stages of product development. You will have the chance to drive key decisions regarding the technology stack and development processes we employ in creating frontend web applications at Juniper Systems. Simultaneously, you can take confidence in the knowledge that you'll be contributing to a product that has already demonstrated significant success in the marketplace. You'll be an integral part of a seasoned team with a well-established track record of excellence.

If senior, pick your frontend framework React, Vue or Blazor! No visa, no-relocate

Layer | San Francisco Bay Area | Full-Time | Founding engineer

We’re building SMB accounting software API-first so that it can be integrated directly into software platforms where business owners already work. Our customers are vertical software platforms in the vein of Toast, MindBody or Housecall Pro that help small business owners start, run and scale their business with workflows and financial products. We help them serve their customers who are stuck exporting all their data out of these systems into CSVs and importing it back into other accounting software.

Integrating with our accounting APIs gives business owners automation & accounting workflows directly within their core software while the software platforms get to solve one their customers’ biggest pain points: worrying about bookkeeping & finances.

We’re looking for a founding engineer who is excited about building a company and team as well as building a fresh take on accounting software. We are well funded by top tier investors and are live with hundreds of small businesses.

Tech: Kotlin (KTor) / Docker / Postgres / AWS (ECS, RDS, ALB)

If you’re passionate about building software that real small businesses use every day, get in touch with me at daniel [at] layerfi.com

More about the role and team here: https://layer-financial.notion.site/Founding-Engineer-7998cb...

Treatment Technologies & Insights (TTI) | Android Engineer & Frontend | ONSITE | Los Angeles, CA. | https://tti.care

Treatment Technologies & Insights, Inc. (TTI) aims to improve treatment experiences and outcomes for cancer and chronic illness patients. We develop custom software and mobile applications to help patients manage their treatment and generate insights on their personal experiences with high acuity or chronic conditions.

We have aggressive plans to continually enhance our infrastructure, and due to ongoing partnerships and strategic growth, we’re seeking to grow our Engineering Team.

We are hiring for several positions in our engineering team:

- Android Engineer: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3729336541 - Frontend Engineer: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3752039449

Invisible | Remote (GMT +/- 4) | Full Time | https://www.invisible.co/technology-careers/ Invisible builds a platform for Operations to run Business Processes. We stand at the intersection of humans and machines building scalable, repeatable processes for business using a combination of automation and human interaction. We've built an in house platform that handles the execution of these processes (think Zapier or IFFT that combines automations and human agents) and are solving interesting problems on teams ranging from Infra (Kubernetes, GCP) to UI (Python, Django, Typescript, React, Next.js). We're currently focusing on hiring Principal and Senior level Full Stack and ML engineers, but we are interested in dynamic engineers at any stage in their career.

Recital | Remote (Global, core hours: North America mornings) | Full-time | https://recital.software

Recital is the negotiation workspace for contracts professionals. We're bringing the table stakes of today's programming world to contract negotiations, such as easy version control, diffs, and other features you'd find in an IDE.

We're a small, global, all-remote startup. It's our second startup in the space (the first was acquired). We follow modern product management (discovery) & development (DORA) practices, emphasize developer experience as an accelerator of customer value, and use provably effective management techniques (à la Manager Tools).

We're looking for intermediate/senior/staff full-stack developers, with solid professional experience in both Ruby on Rails and a modern frontend framework (Vue, React, etc)


Hey, in addition to being a software engineer, I am an ex-lawyer. I also previously founded a legal tech startup where we built an IDE for lawyers.

I'll submit an application, but worried it will get overlooked for lack of RoR experience.

Let me know if you are open to connecting directly: [email protected]

Sirona Medical| REMOTE| Full-time| Senior Quality Assurance Engineer |San Francisco

Sirona is a SF based Series B healthcare startup with a mostly remote team, including about 25 engineers and data scientists. We have a seasoned, high performing team and are looking to add one Senior Quality Assurance engineer to work on building and shipping features used by radiologists every time they sit down to care for patients.

About us: Python (Django), React, AWS, CI/CD, deploy minimum every 2 weeks. Work with product team, other engineers and internal and external radiologists (tons of voice of customer!) to solve problems of scale, latency and 2 and 3D image rendering (WebGl, D3, Three.js ) of radiology images (massive images rendered via Chrome browser)

You: US based and able to write and read Python code. Javascript experience (read and write) would be very nice to have as well.

Learn more: https://sironamedical.com/join/

Salary ranges posted on each job description.

Qventus | REMOTE (USA & LATAM) | Engineering / Product | www.qventus.com

Qventus provides a real-time decision-making platform for hospital operations. Our mission is to simplify how healthcare operates, so that hospitals can focus on delivering the best possible care to patients. We use artificial intelligence and machine learning to create products and solutions that help nurses, doctors, and hospital staff anticipate issues and make operational decisions proactively. We work with leading public, academic, and community hospitals across the United States

We are actively hiring for the following positions:

*Remote US:

Data Platform Architect - 5+ YOE, Multi-cloud architectures, Supporting DS/ML Models

*Remote LATAM:

Data Engineer ll - 3+ YOE, Python, ELK, DBT, Snowflake, AWS

Front End Engineer - 2+ YOE, React, ES6, Typescript, React Native, AWS

Useful experience: Previous Healthcare/ Health tech experience

To see a full list of openings, and to apply, follow our Join Us page: https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/qventus?utm_source=DQpNjMYvxb

NOTE: We are currently unable to support visa sponsorships or transfers at this time.

Solar Monkey | Engineering Manager | Remote or On-site | The Netherlands - The Hague | Full-time | https://jobs.solarmonkey.nl/o/engineering-manager-job?utm_ca...

At Solar Monkey (https://solarmonkey.io/), we love making an impact by accelerating the transition to solar energy. We do this by giving solar installers super powers with our innovative software. This allows them to work much more effectively and install even more solar installations.

We are well funded and expanding, and currently looking for a full time Engineering Manager with a passion for leading high-performing software development teams. Do you thrive in fast-paced environments and want to be part of a SaaS scale up that's revolutionising the solar energy industry? If so, we have the perfect opportunity for you!

We are looking for a technical leader to inspire, mentor and grow an effective team of software engineers. You have a background in software engineering and your passion for problem solving will be pivotal in helping us scale our team, processes and product. You promote high standards, leading the team by creating a challenging environment and providing the support and guidance needed to succeed.

Interested? Here’s the job link: https://jobs.solarmonkey.nl/o/engineering-manager-job?utm_ca...

Location: Remote | Equity-only (for now)

I am the founder/CEO of an early stage startup, and we're looking for Node/React/full stack developers, plus anyone with experience with building applications on top of LLMs. We have some revenue and a good pipeline of leads. We're bootstrapped for now and depending on how things go in the next 4-5 months, we will raise external funding. The gig length is flexible -- can be short term (1-3 months) or longer. If we raise money and if we like each other, this may convert into a full time role, but no guarantees. My post on the "Who's hiring" October thread got me one developer (we'll start working together this week), so trying this again.

My email is in my profile.

DSQ Technology | Full-Time | Sr. Software Developer | $100k base + benefits & bonus | Remote (2x/yr travel to Pittsburgh, PA) | Profitable company in resilient industry (B2B Waste/Recycling)

At DSQ, we’re all about empowering decisions through data. Our Discovery (https://discoveryapp.io) platform drives informed, real-time decisions for waste and recycling management using data lost in documents, web portals, and our Pioneer sensors (https://pioneermonitor.com).

Why Join?

* You're Important: Our team of 35 NEEDS YOU to accelerate the business

* Impact: Our software informs decisions for many of the largest waste management companies in North America

* Stability: Profitable, bootstrapped company responsibly growing from $0 - $100m ARR

What We Seek:

* 5+ Years Laravel experience or other server-side PHP web application frameworks

* Experience with Tailwind, JavaScript, and creative design tools.

* Designing with accessibility in mind

* Experience tackling complex business problems and domains


* Comprehensive health benefits, 401k with match, quarterly bonus, plus

* tuition reimbursement, paid leaves, company events, and more.

Be part of a team reshaping waste management with data-driven decisions. Join DSQ! Apply here: https://dsqtechnology.bamboohr.com/careers/28

Hey my name is Charlie and I am one of the founders here at DSQ. Happy to answer any questions or provide further info here.

Why such a low rate?

I'd be curious to hear your benchmarks that give you the impression this is a low rate.

When accounting for total compensation including base salary, benefits, bonuses, 401k programs, time off, and non-monetary benefits like a clean codebase and positive team, we find our total package exceeds most/all comparable offerings on the market (such as those seen on https://larajobs.com/)

Ziprecruiter gives $131,390 national average for "Senior PHP developer salary"

Glassdoor gives $135,000 average for "Senior PHP Developer"

My experience: The lowest I've seen for a Sr. Dev in my area is $120k base salary.

However, this looks like a fullstack engineer since you mention frontend components so that may mean even more.

It's fine to set the pay at whatever you want, but it's objectively low for the role. If you have calculations on what the overall comp would be that would probably help.

If you benchmark based on other posts on this month’s “Who is Hiring” thread, I currently see two other roles with a low bound at or below $100k. Both have upper bounds much higher than $100k, though. If we assume that most other posters here will have similar PTO/benefits policies, then $100k is on the very low end unless the bonus component is very large. (I have no dog in this fight but thought it was an interesting question.)

> non-monetary benefits like a clean codebase

“We’re going to pay you less because our code is clean” seems... odd.

Comparing to Larajobs is comparing yourself to a very narrow slice of the job market which (admittedly based on my limited understanding) is populated by a larger-than-average number of offshore contractors. This likely skews the average compensation package lower compared to other types of roles.

Based on your description, this role seems to be more of a Senior Full Stack Engineer, a title with significantly more responsibility than "Laravel Developer."

Until your clean codebase and positive team can pay my mortgage or other bills, I will not factor them into compensation comparisons.

The national average for a senior full stack engineer, according to Glassdoor, is $160k. You could probably argue that Pittsburgh is a lower-cost area than average, but I still think you're 10-20k low in base salary alone, at bare minimum.

If you find your package compelling, that’s all that matters really.

Hey Charlie - I reached out on Twitter as I tend to not keep up with comment chains very well here and you don't have any alternative contact methods on your HN profile.

Are you open to part-time/contract folks instead of full-time?

Is there equity available?

Motive | Electrical Engineers, Product Managers, Engineers, Firmware, Dev Ops, AI | Remote | Motive builds technology to improve the safety, productivity, and profitability of businesses that power the physical economy. The Motive Automated Operations Platform combines IoT hardware with AI-powered applications to automate vehicle and equipment tracking, driver safety, compliance, maintenance, spend management, and more.

Motive serves more than 120,000 businesses, across a wide range of industries including trucking and logistics, construction, oil and gas, food and beverage, field service, agriculture, passenger transit, and delivery. Motive is proud to be a Forbes Cloud 100 company and a 2020 Career-Launching Company by Wealthfront.

We are looking to hire team members that are passionate about building products that will have a massive impact on the lives of people. We seek and embrace diversity in all of its forms. We continuously push ourselves to think differently and take ownership wherever it's needed. This is a place for dreamers and doers to succeed. If you share our passion for achieving what some say is impossible, join us.


Visa Sponsorship: We can transfer H1b visas, we are also hiring in India, Canada, Taiwan, and Pakistan

Sample Tech Stack: Golang, Ruby, Java, AWS, PostgresSql, DynamoDB, Redis, Cassandra, Kafka, etc.

Cohere Health | Software Engineer | Boston, MA | ONSITE OR REMOTE

Cohere Health is simplifying healthcare for patients, their doctors, and all those who are important in a patient’s healthcare experience, both in and out of the doctors office. We build software that is expressly designed to ensure the appropriate plan of care is understood and expeditiously approved, so that patients and doctors can focus on health, rather than payment or administrative hassles.

We are actively hiring to further our capabilities with data and expand into new products. This is an opportunity to have an outsized impact on a small, highly autonomous team.

Senior Software Engineer, Data Platform: https://coherehealth.com/careers/?gh_jid=5674440003

Zattoo | Berlin | Full Time | ONSITE / HYBRID | Principal QA Engineer - Video Technology

Zattoo: Back in 2005, we pioneered Europe’s first TV streaming service. Today, we’re the world’s first certified climate neutral TV streaming provider. 3 million users across three countries. Over 230 colleagues of 47 nationalities.

// Principal Software Engineer (QA) - Video Technology https://grnh.se/e978a822teu

Video Technology at Zattoo: Our video teams develop the software which drives our carrier-grade streaming platform, covering the full processing chain from content ingest, transcoding, storage and stream delivery as well as putting the streams into action with our own playback SDKs for many platforms. Additionally we operate our inhouse SSAI solution based on the streaming stack mentioned before.

Bomello | Hybrid, ~3 days a week in office | Austin | Full-time

$160-185k base, with founding engineer equity

Looking for a founding fullstack engineer who will work alongside me (CTO of Bomello), as a peer, to build out a product from scratch. As revenues grow, I am committed to only hiring experienced and self-starter type engineers so that we can do more with fewer people.

Starting date Jan 2024, but we are flexible.

Message me via the email on my profile, or https://www.linkedin.com/in/roberttod/

Tech stack (open to change): Vercel, Typescript, React, RedwoodJS, Postgres, GraphQL

martini.ai | Remote | Worldwide (UTC−05:00) | Full-time | Multiple Roles | $70k - $150k (location-based) + equity

Join martini.ai as we transform the $2 trillion private lending industry. We use cutting-edge AI and deep market insights to provide credit risk estimates for private companies.

We are a small, scrappy team (3 engineers + UX consultants + CTO) with VC funding. The co-founders (CEO and CTO) are repeat entrepreneurs, ex-YC, and ex-Wall Street.

We are looking to bring in people to fill multiple roles.

- Senior Full-Stack Software Developer

- Senior Machine Learning Engineer

- Quantitative Analyst

We need people who are resourceful, independent and curious, who can thrive in a startup environment. But above all we need people who can be generalists; we are a small team and everybody wears multiple hats. So if you're a dev who is looking to learn a bit about finance, or a quant who is looking to learn a bit more about software, martini.ai is the place for you.

Tech stack: Python, Pandas, React, Next.js, AWS, Pytorch

Interested applicants should reach out to me, Martin Dupont, at my email: martin [dot] dupont [at] martini.ai

Role: Sr. RoR/React Developer | Location: Remote |

About Us: We're pioneering precision agriculture, meshing sustainability with tech. Backed by top VCs, our platform supports eco-farmers by optimizing resources, reducing waste, and promoting data-driven decisions.

Role: Drive the development of our web-based platform using Ruby on Rails for the backend and React for the frontend. Ensure high-quality user experience, seamless API integrations, and uphold coding and testing best practices.


5+ yrs in full-stack dev with expertise in Ruby on Rails and React. Experience in designing, developing, and implementing complex React applications. Familiarity with design systems usage and automated testing with Cypress (other tools will also be considered). Proficiency in version control with Git and CI/CD experience with GitLab/Jenkins or another similar tool. AWS experience and efficiency in database usage with MySQL, dealing with relational tables of billions of records is a big plus.


100% remote with flexible hours. Comprehensive health benefits. Regular virtual team hangouts. Apply: Excited about sustainable farming tech? Send resume and projects to alexandersouza80 (at) gmail (dot) com. Subject: “RoR/React Dev Application - Your Name”.

Langfuse (YC W23) | https://langfuse.com | Full-Time | Berlin, Germany | on-site | LLM Observability and Analytics

Langfuse is open source [1] observability and analytics tool for LLM applications — think Amplitude and Datadog for LLM apps. Our users use Langfuse to understand what happens in production and use our insights to improve their applications. We have built a number of LLM applications during the last YC winter batch and realized how hard it is to debug and improve them and move beyond an MVP.

Details on the job:

- We work in-person in our office in Berlin, Germany - We heavily use the T3 stack [2] (Nextjs, Prisma, Tailwind, tRPC, shadcn) and have client SDKs in TS and Python and expect you to have experience with full-stack Typescript projects. - You will work on topics such as improving DX on the SDKs, think about and implement architecture improvements, or re-think how we illustrate LLM traces in our UI. - We want to build a tool that is recommended here on HN: you can build a tool you would want to use yourself.

Please see more details here: https://langfuse.com/careers or reach out directly to me: [email protected]

[1] https://github.com/langfuse/langfuse

[2] https://create.t3.gg/

Third Eye Health is hiring a 100% remote (must live in New England for easy occasional dev team meetings) Junior Software Engineer if you know anyone interested. Starting pay is $95k. Insurance, dental and 401k


SRLabs | Security Engineer | Berlin, DE | Full Time

Our security team is growing across offices, and we are looking for Security Engineers that are knowledgeable in blockchain security, application security, and vulnerabilities.

Here are a few things that you will be doing:

- Review systems to secure digital assets (e.g. cryptocurrency) from attackers

- Analyze and present results to team member and clients

- Work closely with security engineers and development teams in IT security projects

- Participate in hacking exercises, and conduct developer trainings

- Code review of blockchain implementations

Take a look at the job description: https://srlabs.breezy.hr/p/186f2fd150a001-security-engineer-...

Take a look at our research blog: https://www.srlabs.de/blog

Early-Stage Startup | NYC or Remote (US) | Full-Time | Front-End JavaScript Engineer | $140-190k

Stealth startup (ex-Google and other companies that you might like/dislike) looking for an experienced front-end (web browser) engineer. Must understand fundamentals of JS, HTTP, and the browser. Must have experience building data-intensive front-ends from scratch. Must understand state management and effective management of network calls.

We have a small existing React code base, but this opportunity is nearly green field - you will define/drive the next phase of architecture and implementation, with an eye toward performance and production-readiness. If you like small teams that value technical chops over office politics, then this role may be what you're looking for.

Respond with resume to aG5qb2JAY2FsbG93aGlsbHRlY2hub2xvZ2llcy5jb20= (not a test, simply anti-spam maneuver).

Including a note about who you are/how you like to build things would simply be helpful, but cover letter not required per se.

ABN AMRO | software developers, data scientists, data engineers, architect | ONSITE | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | full time

I’m hiring for a few positions at the Strategy & Innovation (S&I) department of ABN AMRO. ABN is the third largest bank in the Netherlands. We’re the technology team within S&I and work on things ranging from the introduction of GPT support for bank employees to data analytics for strategy to apps and websites for new products. What’s special about us:

1. Speed: we typically work on projects that go live between 1 month and 6 months. (We launched GPT based summaries and knowledge base in the contact center in 4 weeks).

2. Lots of greenfield work: we have the privilege of building the apps and sites that support new products. Lots of opportunities to build things from scratch here. (For examples of our products, see doorpakken.abnamro.nl)

3. Mixed teams: our total group is about 70 people, which contains everything from data scientists to software and platform engineers. For proposition development we pair with internal entrepreneurs.

We're doing a lot of work on the Generative AI side and are looking for people to join that team. An idea of the available roles:

- Starting and junior developers. Our stack is Vue3 with backends in Java or Python. Work would be on new propositions or on GPT (mainly engineering our internal tools)

- Great data and AI profiles. Generalists that want to make impact with data and AI. We currently have people ranging from hard-core deep data scientists to practical integrators that build deliver data enabled solutions very quickly.

- Proven project managers with interest or experience in GenAI. This is your role if you love leading projects. We have very different people in this role, but the common thread is that they all love delivering valuable solutions.

- Experienced architect both able to design good solutions as well as socialise them in the wider organization. Experience with Azure is a must.

We’re open to various profiles, as long as you get energy from delivering working software/solutions to clients quickly. If you think you might be a fit, feel free to reach out for a discussion.

Must live in the Netherlands to be employed, but we’re very flexible about remote work . Most people work remote 2-4 days per week though and fully remote is not an option.

Email is in my profile!

Canny | Software Engineer | REMOTE | Full-time | https://canny.io

Canny helps software companies keep track of feature requests to build better products.

* Early-stage startup, 17 person team, $3m+ annual recurring revenue

* 100% remote, distributed across US, Canada, Spain, Turkey

* Bootstrapped and profitable


Why work at Canny: https://canny.io/blog/work-at-canny/

Friendly Captcha | Software Engineer (Full-stack) | REMOTE within EU | PART-TIME or FULL-TIME | Office in Munich, Germany | https://friendlycaptcha.com

At Friendly Captcha we do one thing and we do it well: we protect websites from malicious actors and bots.

We provide privacy-friendly and accessible anti-bot solutions that don’t annoy users with tasks like clicking fire hydrants. We make the internet a bit better every day by winning over customers currently using Google reCAPTCHA.

We’re a fast-growing, profitable, fully bootstrapped company. Our revenue mostly comes from medium to large European enterprise and governments.

A great fit would be someone who contributes across the entire stack, and prefers to keep things simple (perhaps boring is the right word even?). Good knowledge of the web and browser APIs is useful in this company. At our scale we are looking for generalists more than specialists.

Our engineering team is fully remote across Europe, we meet up once per quarter or so. You can work either 4 or 5 days per week, fully remote or (partially) from our Munich office. Please note that we ONLY consider candidates located within the EU.

Stack: Golang | Typescript | Clickhouse | Postgres | Redis | Terraform

Form with some more information: https://tally.so/r/3xrgyJ

Cordial | San Diego, CA | full-time | US | Southern California only REMOTE | Salary: $150k-$300k + equity


Cordial is the next-generation messaging and data automation platform, built on real-time data.

We empower brands to create rich personalized experiences across multiple message channels and simplify data management for marketers.

We're a true next generation technology platform, leveraging AI/ML and solving truly interesting problems while processing many terabytes of data per day. Our stack includes a lot of React, PHP 8/Laravel, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Kubernetes, as well as Python, Rust, and IaC; and we work with some of the biggest names in commerce.

We are growing with several openings across engineering including roles of:

- Senior Platform Engineer https://boards.greenhouse.io/cordial81/jobs/6947423002?gh_ji...

- Machine Learning Engineer, Predictive https://boards.greenhouse.io/cordial81/jobs/6947384002?gh_ji...

- Engineering Team Lead https://boards.greenhouse.io/cordial81/jobs/6947430002?gh_ji...

In addition to competitive salary, full healthcare, and equity we offer:

   unlimited time off
   parking reimbursement
   child-care reimbursement
   continuing education reimbursement
   gym reimbursement
   phone reimbursement

> Southern California only REMOTE

Can you clarify what this means please?

One job posting states just "Remote (US)". This makes me wonder whether there is some idea that you can work remotely but only if you are physically located in Southern California.

I suspect I am misinterpreting since the job posting does not mention this.

Yes, We're fully remote friendly (have been long before Covid).

We have an office in downtown San Diego, but its 100% optional.

What we would like to do though, is weight this engineering team expansion in the general area so that we have the option to do more/occasional meetups for brainstorm/innovation sessions (think like maybe once a month with different teams), as well as have these engineers in the same timezone as product leadership (which is largely in the San Diego area)

> This makes me wonder whether there is some idea that you can work remotely but only if you are physically located in Southern California.

This is also the impression I got. Ie; they want the ability to have people on-premise but not all the time.

KREA | Software engineers | SF | FT | ON-SITE

KREA is building the job requirement for creatives after AI has become the norm in the media and entertainment industry.

In other words, we are building a next generation creative tool—we just don’t like to over-use powerful terms like “next-gen”.

What are we looking for?

In a nutshell, insanely hungry engineers.

Internally, talking about SOTA research in diffusion models, the role of WebGPU (and other Graphics APIs), and how traditional software intertwined with AI is the norm.

If this sounds interesting to you, send me an email at d at krea dot ai.


website: https://krea.ai/

Bluesky Social, PBC | Backend Developer | Full-time | Remote (US timezone)

+ Scale our existing services to millions of users

+ Develop and maintain the AT Protocol implementation (See: atproto.com)

+ Create SDK and API tools for an ecosystem of protocol developers

+ Have experience with TypeScript and/or Go

+ Have a strong knowledge of data structures and software design principles

+ Have built scalable and high-performance server-side applications

Our tech stack includes TypeScript, Go, ScyllaDB, SQLite, Redis, memcached, Protobufs/gRPC.

To apply, email [email protected] with:

+ A resume or CV (link or PDF)

+ A cover letter that tells us why you care and how you can contribute (link or PDF)

+ A link to your GitHub, GitLab, or a portfolio of past work

More details: https://blueskyweb.xyz/join/backend-developer

(For HN users, optionally feel free to CC [email protected] and I'll try to take a look.)

Mastercard | US Remote, Salt Lake City, Ireland, Mumbai | Full Time | Cloud and Platform Engineers at all levels.

Come work on a growing sector of fintech in Mastercards Open Banking division. Work with large scale AWS systems and design and implement state of the art distributed systems. We’re looking for cloud engineers, platform engineers and distributed systems engineers from Junior to Principal.

Email your resume to [email protected].

Puma Browser | Remote-first with PST overlap | Engineering & Growth | $75-150k base & 200k+ equity | http://join.puma.gg

We made two great hires from "Who is hiring" so here we go again :)

Hi all, I’m Yuriy, founder of Puma Browser. I've previously worked in developer relations at Cloudant (YC S08), Meteor (YC S11), Parse (YC S11), and explored AI/ML (computer vision for self-driving cars) before diving deep into crypto.

We started with the idea of a privacy-first browser with built-in micropayments (via the Interledger Protocol) and have since added support for identity (HNS, ENS; Unstoppable Domains in testing) and storage (IPFS; Arweave in testing).

We are about to launch Anthropic and OpenAI integrations and excited to make your browser smarter, do more things for you and further explore intersection of crypto & ai.

We recently surpassed 750k downloads and are excited to grow our team. Our investors include Protocol Labs, Hard Yaka, Shima Capital, Fenbushi, Don Ho (Orange DAO), Sridhar Ramaswamy (Neeva, Greylock), Jason Warner (ex-GitHub CTO), Illia Polosukhin (NEAR Protocol, Google Deep Learning, TensorFlow) and many more.

Our Values:

- We value Optimism, Kindness, Curiosity, Speed and Grit.

- Two recurring weekly meetings to maximize state of flow – Monday all-hands, Friday Demos.

- Careful with growth and never had to do layoffs.

- Capital efficient with 3+ years of runway.

Open Roles: Ai/ML Engineer, iOS Engineer, Head of Memes & Growth, Internships: Eng, Design, Growth

How to Apply: visit http://join.puma.gg or email careers+hn [at] pumabrowser.com

Thank you!

Playboy | USA (Los Angeles) or REMOTE | Full-time | SWE and Design Roles | https://www.playboy.com/app

Playboy is an iconic brand recognized globally as a trailblazer in the realms of adult entertainment, style, and culture for over seven decades.

We are seeking skilled Software Engineers and Designers eager to influence and evolve our digital presence. Our technical environment thrives on Ruby on Rails/PostgreSQL, React/Next.js/TypeScript/Redux, and AWS. We encourage a culture of innovation, continuous learning, and collaboration to create a compelling user-centric experience.

Open roles:

Senior Software Engineer, Backend Software Engineer, Backend Senior Product Designer, Digital Product Designer, Digital

Reach out with resume to spearl at playboy dot com

AllSpice | https://allspice.io/ | Boston, MA | Full time | Remote/Onsite | Sr. - Principal| golang, Vuejs

At AllSpice, we're building the future of hardware development and collaboration, applying modern software design principles to the hardware industry with revision control, design review, and automated test (think GitHub/Bitbucket for hardware). AllSpice is unlocking the next generation of smart vehicles, IOT devices, rockets, medical devices, robotics, and much more.


We have a highly-capable, tight-knit, remote-first team with a flex office in Somerville, MA and competitive benefits. We strongly value continuous communication and personal development. See more on our careers page [https://allspice.notion.site/AllSpice-Careers-3173d0cd518b42...]

We’re hiring primarily for:

Senior / Principle Infrastructure Engineer - Join our incredible engineering team by helping coordinate our infrastructure team and supporting enterprise clients. You'll work on automating our deployments, scaling infrastructure, and testing/planning architecture to support new feature development. More info here: https://allspice.notion.site/Sr-Principal-Infrastructure-Eng...

Tech Stack: Docker, Terraform, GoLang, Rust, Python, Vue

Apply by emailing us at jobs@allspice[dot]io with [HN] in the title and a link to your GitHub/GitLab profile and/or resume.

Ride with GPS | Experienced Linux Systems Engineer & Senior Rails Developer | Systems Engineer within 2 hours of Portland OR, Rails Developer Remote OK | Full Time | https://ridewithgps.com/about We are the world's largest library of bike routes, and we enable cyclists to go on better rides, more often. We have a website and mobile apps that allow people to discover the best riding in their area, and get turn by turn navigation using either our mobile apps or the bike computer of their choosing. Come join us in taking Ride with GPS to the next level! We have one opening right now:

- Linux Systems Engineer: https://ridewithgps.com/careers/systems_engineer - Work the full deployment stack, from hardware to containers. We are looking for an experienced engineer practiced in the deployment of Linux based machines and services on top of them. We run on a rack of machines that we own, co-located in the Pittock, and we deploy services both directly on Linux as well as via containers. This is part SRE, part DevOps, part classic SysAdmin, with the occasional networking issue. We need someone who is within driving distance of our rack in Portland and who has experience working in a datacenter, but the majority of the job is in the deployment of services on those machines, not the machines themselves. Are you a jack of all trades, comfortable occasionally working with hardware, while being highly proficient in Linux and container based deployments? Maybe you are light on modern container orchestration but are highly capable and interested in learning? We'd love to talk to you!

- Senior Rails / API engineer: https://ridewithgps.com/careers/rails_developer - Support new feature development for all our teams, and scale our API to our next 10 million users. Rails monolith, in addition to supporting microservices. Pragmatic, solutions oriented, high impact.

Kombo (YC S22) | €70K - €90K EUR | Full-Time | Berlin, Germany | ONSITE

Kombo builds a unified API for HR, payroll and recruiting systems. We're working with companies of all sizes - from Fortune 500 companies down to early stage startups - to help them integrate dozens of software vendors within a few days instead of months.

Reasons you might want to work at Kombo - Modern, yet robust tech stack (TypeScript, Prisma, tRPC, PostgreSQL, Docker, Kubernetes)

- Extremely high bar for talent - backgrounds from Oxford, Harvard, TUM, CODE; 50% of employees are ex-founders

- Grew from 4 to 14 people within a year, and looking to 2.5x next year as well

- Early enough to make a significant contribution and have the 'early stage' startup' feeling; late enough to be significantly derisked (we are already profitable)

- Strong onsite culture in hip Berlin office

- Competitive salaries and equity compensation

We're looking for senior engineers to join us in various positions and are actively hiring! :) We are into radical candor, shipping code fast and sometimes being a bit crazy. Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or apply at https://www.workatastartup.com/companies/kombo (mention Hacker News) if this sounds interesting!

Hackensack Meridian Health | Remote (ESTish preferred) | Full Time | Sr. Software Engineer

HMH is NJ's largest healthcare provider, has a strategic partnership with Google Cloud, and is leading the country in building cloud-native tools and solutions to improve healthcare provider experiences and patient care.

We are looking for a seasoned developer and engineer to join our team and help us build out our data pipelines, full-stack web applications, and AI solutions in Python and Typescript on Google Cloud. Lots of opportunities here to make a difference in improving the lives of healthcare providers, the patients they care for, and the other teams in the hospital system that depend on the solutions we are building.

Apply here > https://jobs.hackensackmeridianhealth.org/job/edison/digital... or reach out to me directly at "michael dot stubna at hmhn dot org"

ID.me | Remote - Anywhere Continental US | Full-Time | SDE III, SDE IV, SDE V, SDM-III | No Visa Sponsorship

ID.me simplifies how people securely prove and share their identity online. The company empowers people to control their data through a portable and trusted login, which means they don’t need to create a new password when visiting sites that have the ID.me button.

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digital migration for many critical services. Those services require a trusted identity to safeguard against fraud and help ensure people are who they claim to be. With ID.me, login and identity credentials move with people, which can reduce the time and frustration of having to verify at multiple sites and set up multiple passwords.

ID.me is a credential service provider compliant with federal standards for digital identity verification.

We're hiring for SDE III/IV/V (tech lead) and SDMs. We're looking for dedicated, experienced engineers passionate about scalable system architecture, able to lead initiatives in areas like monitoring, automated testing, experimentation, and infrastructure as code. Ideal candidates will champion innovative solutions and exhibit leadership in these critical domains.

Our Stack: Ruby on Rails, Sidekiq, PostgreSQL, Redis, React, Terraform.

Check out all our roles at: https://boards.greenhouse.io/idme

Phileas Energy | Vienna / Austria On-Site | Principal / Senior Data Scientist | Full-Time 45-90k Euro | employee stock options

We are a young startup developing forecasting algorithms for wind and solar power production. We’re applying bleeding-edge ML to reduce costs for green energy producers. You have the opportunity to make a tangible impact towards sustainable energy!

* Be the third in our small, ambitious, tech-driven team

* Shape the future of our company and grow with us together

* If you consider yourself a junior data scientist, but are experienced with meteorology modelling, please still apply

We particularly encourage women and candidates from under-represented backgrounds to apply

Must be authorized to work in EU and willing to relocate to Austria.

Tech: Python, PyTorch, AWS, Time Series Forecasting, Meteorology

Send an email to (my first name)@phileas.energy. My name is in my HN profile.

SpaceX | Onsite positions located in LA, the Bay Area/Sunnyvale, Seattle/Redmond, and Washington DC | Full Time

SpaceX engineers support the development of reusable rockets, spaceships & satellite constellations! Check out our latest updates: http://www.twitter.com/SpaceX


Principal Security Engineer: https://grnh.se/d6dee44d2us

Sr Security Engineer: https://grnh.se/2b7f59522us

Security Engineer: https://grnh.se/1f559cc32us

Security Software Engineer: https://grnh.se/2a8165c92us

Sr Detection Engineer: https://grnh.se/beb29f452us


Software Infrastructure Engineer: https://grnh.se/9e9f635b2us

Software Engineer: https://grnh.se/3d8cd9fc2us

DSP Software Engineer: https://grnh.se/9c1be44a2us

Sr. Electrical Design Engineer: https://grnh.se/c860cbed2us

SpaceX conforms to U.S government ITAR regulations: https://www.pmddtc.state.gov/?id=ddtc_kb_article_page&sys_id...

Vivid Machines | Remote | Canada/US | Full-time | Research Engineer, Computer Vision

At Vivid Machines we fuse high-tech with agriculture to shape the future of fruit farming. Wake up every day to innovative challenges, use cutting-edge technology and openly collaborate with great minds in our mission to increase food production and reduce waste.

Apply here: https://vividmachines.bamboohr.com/careers/64?source=aWQ9MjE...

Lassie | Software Engineer | ONSITE (San Francisco) | Full-time

We're building the financial OS for independent doctors. Today, 80% of payments are on paper.

We digitize and completely automate their finances, merging insurance payments, bank accounts, and billing systems into a beautiful, unified ledger. Our product saves practices 10+ hours a week and reconciles their business in real-time. They love us for it :)

We have exceptional product-market fit with 150+ practices relying on us to run their business, and can't meet the demand of our 1,000+ waitlist. That's where you come in!

- Architect a data pipeline to reliably ingest and process millions of insurance claims across all the major insurance carriers.

- Develop smart bank ledgers using raw payment rails, enabling perfect reconciliation across any bank account and accounting system.

- Design an onboarding experience that feels like magic and gets us to 50% market share in 2 years. Typically measured in weeks, we already do it in 1 hour. Now, we want to fully automate it.

- Drive the industry-wide shift from paper to electronic payments by automating processes that are made to be manual and cumbersome.

- Shape the financial dashboard for independent doctors, allowing them to understand and control their finances for the first time.

We are a small, in-person team with outsized impact and care deeply about the quality of our work. Our founding team brings together serial founder experience, early growth at Robinhood, Coinbase, and HealthTap, early product at Superhuman, and engineering at Ramp, Citadel, and Uber.

We are backed by great investors (Homebrew, SV Angel, Unusual, Sequoia scouts), founders (TransferWise, Commure, NexHealth, Superhuman), and early employees/execs (Stripe, Ramp, Plaid, Robinhood, Coinbase, Palantir, Venmo).

If this sounds interesting, check out the details!


Automattic | Remote | Full-time | Senior Systems Engineer (Systems Wrangler)

We're looking for the world's best systems engineers to help build and maintain the infrastructure that powers tens of billions of page views and supports over a billion people each month across our entire line of products and services, including WordPress.com, WooCommerce, WordPress VIP, Jetpack, Tumblr, and many more.

As a member of a compact, vertically integrated team overseeing all of Automattic's core services, you'll seize the unique opportunity to foster innovation and enhance our platforms' reliability, scalability, and efficiency. Your skills will be vital in identifying bottlenecks, addressing risks, augmenting infrastructure resilience and performance, and simplifying intricate system design and architectural challenges into scalable solutions.

Automattic is globally distributed and has been since its founding in 2005. Embracing a remote-first work culture, we prioritize flexibility and communication in our collaborative environment.

If you're passionate about simplicity at scale, let us know.


We have a lot of flexibility with this role, and I'm happy to spend time personally with whoever joins. :) I love Hacker News and people who read it.

Viator | Software Engineer all levels and Managers | Full time | Remote & Hybrid On-site | Portugal, UK

Viator connects suppliers to travelers, creating the world's largest platform for travel experiences.

We are growing fast and have many positions to fill in Portugal and the UK. We are looking for managers and engineers at all levels for full-stack, backend and data teams. Roles in Portugal require you to be in the office in Lisbon part time. UK roles can be part time in an office in London or Oxford or fully remote. For the remote roles you still need to be based somewhere in the UK.

The full list of open roles is here: https://bit.ly/viator-jobs

46elks | Social Web Developer | Sweden/Finland | Part or full time | ONSITE

We are looking for an additional community builder for our two-way SMS and phone calls API service. Finland most urgent but we are open to additions in Sweden too.

A lot of the work can be done remotely, but going to events (meetups, hackathons) require physical attendence.

Part time can be a good start if you are unsure if you enjoy looking up from the keyboard as much as community building requires.

Email me at johannesl at 46elks dot com if you want to apply or are curious about the position.


Looking for exceptional quant-trader to join our highly successful HFT firm.

You’ll be joining a small, fun, highly collaborative team with deep experience in the most competitive trades on the planet.

Feel free to drop me a line with informal questions, as well as to apply: [email protected]

Unit 410 (https://www.unit410.com) | USA Remote | Full-time employees |Engineering

Unit 410 is an experienced team of security, infrastructure, and cryptocurrency engineers. We empower the largest stakeholders to use their crypto in secure and novel ways. To do so, we build institutional-grade systems and solutions for secure network participation. We’ve long believed in the potential of cryptocurrency and are excited to continue pushing forward the state of the art through industry-leading key generation, encryption, and network participation. As we engineer systems and solutions, we often find pieces that we think should exist. So we build them, and whenever possible share those back with the community.

Open positions: * Product Engineer (Full Stack) * Cryptocurrency Infrastructure Engineer

See our jobs page for more info: https://boards.greenhouse.io/u410

Tidepool | Android Mobile Engineer | Remote | Full-Time | https://www.tidepool.org/jobs

Are you interested in working on apps that are already improving the lives of people with diabetes and want to help bring it to many more? As a Senior Mobile Developer, you will be responsible for developing the Tidepool Mobile and Tidepool Loop apps for iOS and Android.

Android, Kotlin, Jetpack Compose


SKULabs | Coral Springs, FL | ONSITE | Full stack Node/React | 120-160k

SKULabs helps ecommerce operations scale effectively. We're launching new products and need more great engineers especially if you have experience in the ecommerce or warehouse operations space. You'll join an existing well-rounded team and have the opportunity to make tangible product improvements and iterate on them over time.

We are only accepting applications from those with at least 3 years professional full-time experience outside of bootcamp.

Full Stack: https://jobs.lever.co/skulabs/338dd628-5281-4423-bad7-6b68e7...

We're also in great need of a full time community manager. Know someone? https://jobs.lever.co/skulabs/cb732bcf-a2bc-420e-b151-d0b4f4...

Resemble AI | San Francisco Bay Area | Full-Time | Full-Stack Engineer, Frontend Engineer, Product Designer

Resemble AI creates high-quality synthetic voices that capture human emotion. We're a venture-backed high-growth startup that's looking to shake up an entire industry with state of the art AI. Our product changes the way that thousands of brands, media companies, creative agencies, and game studios create speech content. We believe that to build an enticing product and solid team is by encouraging innovation is by enabling continuous education. That's why every Friday is a day that you can use to work on anything you want, Resemble-related or not. We're hiring for four roles:

Full Stack Engineer - Can you break the entire stack? You're the right person for this job. Work on our Rails app, with sprinkles of React, and Python for the deep learning. Everything is dockerized, and we use Kubernetes to deploy.

Frontend Engineer - We're hiring a Frontend Engineer proficient in React, TypeScript, and Ruby on Rails to shape our user experience. Join our team to develop user-friendly interfaces and collaborate on building exceptional web experiences.

Product Designer - As a Product Designer, you will lead the end-to-end design process, from concept to implementation, ensuring a seamless and delightful user experience. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams to define product vision, conduct user research, create visually compelling interfaces, and develop interactive prototypes.

If interested, reach out directly to me: zohaib [at] resemble.ai

I think you only posted 3 roles, but said you're hiring for 4?

Remote or office? :)

Office only, when I spoke to them.

Gruntwork | Remote (US/Canada) | Full-time | Staff product engineers

We're on a mission to transform the way DevOps is done. The status quo for creating and managing infrastructure is still a terrible experience for most organizations, and we'd like to change that by creating a next-generation DevOps platform.

Gruntwork is globally recognized both for our open source tools (Terragrunt, Terratest, Cloud Nuke) and our thought leadership (blog.gruntwork.io, books). Now we're looking for staff-level product engineers to help us build out our vision.

Our stack includes Go, Python, Bash, NextJS/Node, Terraform/OpenTofu, and new tools as needed. You'll work directly with the CEO/co-founder, Head of Product, and Head of Product Design to build a great product.

More info: https://gruntwork.io/careers

Overleaf | Multiple Roles | Full-time | REMOTE | UK, EU, US

Overleaf (www.overleaf.com) builds modern collaborative authoring tools for scientists — like Google Docs for Science. We have over 14 million registered users from around the world. Our primary product is an online, real-time collaborative editor for papers, theses, technical reports and other documents written in the LaTeX markup language. It’s used by around 500,000 people each day and hosts over 100 million projects.

We’re looking for:

1. A Senior Information Security Manager to lead the next phase of our security and compliance programme. We’ve now (as part of our parent company) achieved ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification. We are now working toward FedRAMP, and SOC 2 is likely up next. We are open to full or part time candidates for this role. Apply: https://digitalscience.pinpointhq.com/en/postings/c957958e-a...

2. A Senior DevOps Engineer to help us with scaling, observability and continuous delivery. Apply: https://digitalscience.pinpointhq.com/en/postings/103ef078-3...

3. Two Senior Full Stack Engineers as general ‘all-rounders’: people comfortable with backend and a bit of frontend, frontend and a bit of backend, or a balance of both. Apply: https://digitalscience.pinpointhq.com/en/postings/fc496fb8-0...

Some reasons you’d enjoy working with us:

- Most of our code is open source, so you’ll often be working on open source.

- Remote is a first class citizen; all staff work remotely. We get everyone together 2–3 times each year for valuable face to face time.

- Working hours can be flexible to your needs. Core hours are 2pm–5pm UK time.

- You’ll be working alongside a cross-functional team, including designers, product managers and developers, to help Overleaf become the go-to place for scientific writing.

Loft Orbital Solutions | Various Positions | San Francisco, CA; Golden, CO; Toulouse, FR | ONSITE

Loft Orbital builds “shareable” satellites, providing a fast & simple path to orbit for organizations that require access to space. Powered by our hardware & software products, we operate satellites, fly customer payloads onboard, and handle entire missions from end to end - significantly reducing the lead-time and risk of a traditional space mission.

Our standard interface enables us to fly multiple customer payloads on the same satellite, with capabilities such as earth imagery, weather & climate /science data collection, IoT connectivity, in-orbit demonstrations, and national security missions. Our customers trust us to manage their space infrastructure, so they can focus on what matters most to them: operating their mission and collecting their data.

At Loft, you’ll be given the autonomy and ownership to solve significant challenges, but with a close-knit and supportive team at your back. We believe that diversity and community are the foundation of an open culture. We are committed to hiring the best people regardless of background and make their time at Loft the most fulfilling period of their career.

We value kind, supportive and team-oriented collaborators. It is also crucial for us that you are a problem solver and a great communicator. As our team is international, you will need strong English skills to better collaborate, easily communicate complex ideas and convey important messages.'

When you apply, let them know Reuben sent you from HackerNews!

Loft Orbital Open Positions: https://jobs.lever.co/loftorbital

Loft Orbital Federal Open Positions: https://jobs.lever.co/loftfederal

Minerva Project | Senior Full Stack Engineer | Full time | REMOTE (global, EU or Middle East preferred) | 120-205k USD + Equity

Minerva prepares students for leadership and innovation across all disciplines. We integrate advanced classroom technology with research-backed pedagogy and curriculum to help institutions of all types and sizes to improve learning outcomes for their students, including Minerva University, our accredited four-year undergraduate institution which has been ranked Ranked #1 Most Innovative University in the World.

We have a full-time, fully remote team of 12 engineers, with a few planned hours of overlap in the AM for the US west coast time zone. Salaries are based on role, not location, providing a great amount of flexibility for employees wishing to move/travel. We believe in work life balance, flexible work arrangements, close collaboration, and start-to-finish ownership. Everyone is included in our planning process and gets a voice. Our stack is Django, React, and NodeJS on Kubernetes.

You’d be joining as a full-stack engineer helping to build the next generation of Minerva Forum, our online & in-person classroom learning solution. While every engineer works on every part of the stack, there is ample opportunity for specialization, or to broaden your skill in areas new to you. For all roles, we value empathy, candor, substantive feedback, fast iteration loops, and openness to experimentation over a specific software development process.

We do our best to reach out to every applicant. Visit https://minerva-project.breezy.hr/ to learn more and apply.

Hi Hacker News, CrossnoKaye is a California-based early-stage start-up (Series B) that is mission-driven to have a measurable impact on climate change by revolutionizing the heavy industrial sector. We have had extreme success through our Energy AI application which saves an average of 40% in energy reduction and megatons of reduction in GH emissions! We are looking for top talent to join our team and dedicated to being a part of the change.

Our Software Engineering team uses the most modern cloud and edge computing technologies to build an advanced control systems platform that deploys both simple and AI-based applications. We actively use numerous open-source projects and contribute to the open-source community with projects such as the Goa microservice framework.

What we’re looking for: Senior Software Engineer-Python: Your main responsibility will be to improve features in the existing software, troubleshoot, write clean code, and grow workflows in Python. You will work in close collaboration with the applied science team to build the next-generation control system including predictive models and innovative control algorithms.

Interested: Please feel free to email me at [email protected] to send me your resume or have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!

you might want to follow the formatting guidelines

Luma Labs AI | Hybrid | Palo Alto, CA, US | Full-time | Engineering

At Luma we’re working at the cutting-edge of 3D graphics, neural rendering, web graphics, and high performance computing. We have some of the best and brightest researchers in the field, and bring lightning speed innovation to products. We are looking for strong generalist software engineers, front end web developers, and iOS engineers to join us and help make 3D accessible to everyone. See open positions here: https://lumalabs.ai/join

SPF Consulting | Senior Full-Stack Software Engineer | Switzerland | Remote + Onsite in Bern/Switzerland | CHF 110k – 140k

About Us:

SPF Consulting is a well-established consulting firm in Switzerland, with a team of around 30. We provide consulting and training services in agile methodologies, business analysis, requirements engineering, and testing, as well as develop products to enhance software quality. Our collaboration is remote, with occasional meetings at the Co-Working Space Zentroom Bern.


As a Senior Full-Stack Software Engineer in the 'SPF Solutions' department, you will undertake development work on our own products as well as for our clients. You will actively contribute your knowledge of data structures and software architecture, demonstrating a knack for well-structured and easily readable code.

What you should bring:

  - At least 5 years of experience as a Full-Stack Software Engineer

  - Proficient in Java, and either JavaScript or TypeScript

  - Capable of leading React-based projects to success

  - Comfortable in an agile project management environment

  - Strong communication and moderation skills

  - Fluent in both German and English

  - Experience with clients in the finance and insurance sector
What we offer:

  - Attractive employment conditions (110k – 140k CHF)

  - 5 weeks of vacation initially, plus an additional day per year of service (up to 30 days)

  - Choice of working tools with financial support and mobile phone contract covered

  - Public transportation costs covered

  - Flexible working options (annual work-time model, part-time employment)

  - Challenging and independent work with SPF clients across various industries within Switzerland

  - Relocation support if you're currently residing outside of Switzerland but within Europe

  - Generous financial support for personal, technical, and professional development and training

  - Frequent employee events for team building
Apply here: https://www.spf-consulting.com/karriere/full-stack-developer...

ESI | San Diego, CA | C++ Software Engineer | ONSITE

ESI North America is seeking an R&D Software Engineer to join its vibro-acoustics modeling software development team in San Diego, California.

You would be joining a small team responsible for developing and maintaining new and existing software applications in the field of vibro-acoustics for ESI's global market.

    Create robust, modularized software code that can easily be reused and updated.
    Write high-performance C++17 and newer code that solves real-world engineering problems.
    Leverage popular and powerful open-source libraries like Boost, Embree, Eigen, pybind11, and numpy.
Salary Range: $112,500 to $117,000

Please let us know if you have questions regarding the application process or require assistance or an accommodation. EOE Male/Female/Disability/Veteran

Full posting: https://esigroup.applicantpro.com/jobs/3115016

Do you take PhDs from other fields than Mechanical?

Numeric | Product engineer (4+ YOE) | ONSITE in San Francisco, CA or NYC, NY | https://www.numeric.io/

We are building the modern accounting & finance platform. Companies like Wealthfront, AngelList, Clearbit, and more depend on Numeric's workflow and data platform to collaborate, monitor and analyze data, and share insights about their financials.

We're an early company with top-tier investors, wonderful customers, and large ambitions.

Looking for product & customer-focused engineers[1]; this will fit if you like to build quickly, contribute to product direction, and know your users. We're taking on some foundational challenges and need great engineers who want to dive into the details of the domain, execute with high velocity, and have high ownership.

Bonus points for startup experience and/or full-stack experience with Typescript. 4+ YOE.

Apply: Email [email protected] (mention hackernews in subject)

[1] https://numeric.notion.site/An-80-20-rule-for-product-develo... More info: https://numeric.notion.site/Full-stack-Engineer-f641816581fc...

Tenet Bank Ltd. an engineering first bank licensed by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, features proprietary state-of-the-art software, technology sector expertise, white glove service, and a premier banking location.

We are seeking to grow our Dev team and have four (4) open positions. Software Developer, Back-End (2 mid-level and 2 experienced) .Net and C# experience. Golang a +

Location: Cayman Islands or Remote in the CST or EST time zone (sorry Europe) If you want to be a part of shaping the future of banking apply via our careers site https://careers.tenet.ky/open-opportunities/engineer-backend...

Ensemble | Remote | Any Location | Contract | Cloud Data Engineers and Clickhouse Experts

We are a startup data consultancy working on real-time analytics platforms with a few early customers.

I am looking to make contact with experts in Clickhouse (ideally) or other high performance OLAP databases, together with streaming data and the AWS stack. This would be for contract/project based work delivered remotely.

In the first instance, please reach out with an informal email describing your experience in this space.

Contact details can be found at https://ensembleanalytics.io/contact

Vitalize Care | Founding FullStack Engineer | Based in San Francisco, CA, hybrid 3 days/week | Full-time | $140-180k + 0.5 - 1% equity

Vitalize Care (YC W23) is building nurse staffing and scheduling software that helps hospitals fill staffing gaps faster and more cost-effectively. After just 2 months of selling, we’ve already secured $430K in contracted revenue from health systems and raised $3.8M.

Our current stack is Node.js, TypeScript, React, Postgres, AWS, Python

We pivoted into this new product after selling a nurse-focused mental health platform to hospitals. You will be the 2nd engineer on our team, and will work with the co-founders and our customers to build mission-critical software for hospitals, shape the product roadmap, and set cultural direction for growing our engineering team.

Email [email protected] if interested!

JD: https://vitalizecare.notion.site/Founding-Engineer-Full-Stac...

ReMatter | Product & Engineering | Remote (Optional Hybrid in Los Angeles, CA) | Full-time | https://rematter.com/careers

Our mission is to enhance the sustainability, resilience, and robustness of the global metal supply chain while minimizing its carbon footprint. ReMatter is a scrap metal recycling software company founded by Forbes 30 Under 30 Stanford grads, building modern solutions for the $100B+ scrap metal industry.

For engineers, our stack includes TypeScript, React, Node, GraphQL, AWS (Lambda, Cognito, S3, RDS), GitHub Actions, and Docker. Experience with our stack is a plus, but we believe in your ability to learn new technologies quickly.

Join us to create a meaningful impact on the lives of recyclers. We offer competitive salary, meaningful equity, flexible schedules, remote work, and engaging company events.

Apply at:

- Sr. Product Manager: https://rematter.com/careers/?ashby_jid=99e79271-47d0-415b-a...

- Software Engineer: https://rematter.com/careers/?ashby_jid=a55462d8-70d8-42ca-9...

- DevOps Engineer: https://rematter.com/careers/?ashby_jid=eae31e1a-794f-4149-9...

If you don't see a position on our site that fits your skillset or interests, reach out to jobs 'at' rematter.com

ClickHouse | REMOTE| FULL-TIME| Various locations globally

ClickHouse is the fastest and most resource efficient open-source database for real-time apps and analytics. Our engineering teams invest heavily in improving the most loved ClickHouse open source project as well as building ClickHouse Cloud a fully cloud Native SAAS offering with separation of compute and storage. We are a globally diverse and distributed team, united behind a common goal of creating industry-leading, real-time analytics. Here, you will have an opportunity to solve some of the most cutting edge technical challenges and have direct ownership of your work and vision. If you are a contributor by nature, a thinker as well as a doer - we’ll definitely click!

Lot of engineering positions open across different teams- please apply on our website: https://clickhouse.com/company/careers

hello, there appears to be a problem on the careers page. The jobs are not fetching.

Assembled | San Francisco, CA | Full-time | Software Engineer / ML Engineer — New Products

Assembled is building software to transform and elevate customer support teams. We help industry leaders like Brooks Running, Stripe, and Zoom get the right person, at the right time, with the right answers in front of their end customers. More specifically, our workforce and BPO management products enable efficient staffing of support agents and BPOs (outsourcing partners), while our AI-powered agent assist speeds up responses and facilitates deeper coaching. Founded in 2018, we’ve raised $70m in funding from the likes of NEA, Emergence Capital, and Stripe itself.

Our New Products team - a 4-person group led by our co-founder & CTO - is focused on bringing Cal, our bot, to more of our customers and into public launch. Cal's currently in private beta with ~10 existing Assembled customers. This startup-within-a-startup operating cadence is described more deeply in this post: https://johnjianwang.medium.com/how-we-built-assembleds-new-...

The specific job postings:

- https://boards.greenhouse.io/assembled/jobs/4957681004 (Software Engineer)

- https://boards.greenhouse.io/assembled/jobs/4980238004 (ML Engineer)

More about Assembled here: https://www.assembled.com/careers-at-assembled

Please feel free to email me at [email protected] if you're interested!

Flume Internet | NYC - ONSITE | Full Time

Backend Software Engineer

Go & Typescript

Flume is a rapidly growing internet service provider. Our mission is to accelerate fiber to the home deployment in the United States. We have chosen to focus largely on underserved, disadvantaged communities, which the big ISPs have neglected for years. In fact, in our affordable housing deployments, nearly 20% of our customers are getting broadband internet in their homes for the very first time, because of Flume.

We believe in empowering people with technology, which is why we focus on delivering our fiber network — capable of Gigabit and even 10 Gigabit speeds — directly to people’s homes. Only 8% of homes in the U.S. actually have fiber to the home, and Flume is looking to change that. We are building the better, faster, and more affordable network of tomorrow. Flume is well funded by VCs, strategic real estate and infrastructure funds, as well as other startup founders. Our founding team and early employees come from both startups and telecom alike.


SiriusXM | Senior Engineering Manager, Cloud Foundation | ONSITE (Hybrid 2 days/week in office) | DC, NYC, Oakland, others | Full-time

The Platform Engineering org at SiriusXM has a vision to make it effortless for our technologists to build, deploy, and run the software behind SiriusXM and Pandora. We're looking for an experienced EM for our Cloud Foundation team to help architect and drive adoption of the new AWS-based developer platform that will serve as the foundation for the re-launch of the SiriusXM digital apps later this year and the rest of our software products in the future. Cloud Foundation is responsible for ownership and governance of our AWS footprint, foundational cloud services (networking, IAM, DNS, etc), and company-wide cloud strategy.

The best candidates will have deep, hands-on experience building out and supporting AWS footprints for large organizations and a strong customer focus. You'll have a major impact on the cloud strategy and technical direction for a platform that will serve over a thousand SXM technologists.

Apply at https://careers.siriusxm.com/careers/jobs/14830 or reach out to me to chat!

What cities besides DC, NYC and Oakland do you have offices in?

duckduckgo.com/?q=siriusxmoffices and pick the first one.

Obsidian Security | Threat Backend Engineer | Newport Beach, Palo Alto, Philadelphia | Onsite or Remote | Full-Time

Obsidian Security is at the forefront of SaaS security, dedicated to detecting and mitigating threats effectively.

We are hiring for multiple roles.

Threat Detection Team:

With our advanced threat detection solution, we visualize user activity, identify employee compromise, and mitigate insider threats, ensuring data security before a material breach occurs.

Threat Backend Engineer: https://obsidiansecurity.applytojob.com/apply/wK0pJCTaKO/Thr...

SaaS Posture Security & Compliance Team:

Ensuring SaaS applications are robust and compliant with industry standards. You'll focus on real-time monitoring, proactive vulnerability mitigation, and managing sensitive data access for optimal security and continuous compliance.


  - Python (specifically experience with asyncio)
  - SqlAlchemy
  - Fastapi
  - Dagster
  - Duckdb / Postgres
For posture team email [email protected].

See all our open positions here https://www.obsidiansecurity.com/careers/

OptiRTC | ON-SITE (Boston)| Full-Time | Hiring: DevOps Engineer

https://optirtc.com OptiRTC provides a groundbreaking, autonomous, IoT-based stormwater management platform that reduces flood risk and protects water quality. Our team is focused on resilience, self-service management tools for O&M and civil design engineers, and improved multi-site control options to enable greater adoption. Over 100 communities and private entities have applied our technology to achieve their stormwater objectives at a fraction of the cost and time of traditional (passive) infrastructure. In many cases, our dynamic approach is the only way to cost-effectively manage runoff much greater than drainage systems were originally designed to handle.

We are looking for a Dev Ops Engineer who is able to independently execute projects to support our software development lifecycle, handle incident response for problems with our production and QA environments, and oversee week-to-week requirements and projects taken on by our IT Managed Service Provider to ensure laptop provisioning and maintenance for our company of fewer than 25 people continues to run smoothly. In your first year, you will work with the CTO and 3rd party contractors to conduct an SOC Type I and II audit across our organization, including the development and production environments we use to provide our products. Over time, you will play a central role in efforts to modernize our IT systems and improve our corporate security culture. Accomplishing this goal will support our ongoing security compliance initiatives, and help us continue to provide a trustworthy service for our customer communities and the people who live in them.

Find more info and apply to the DevOps Engineer position at https://optirtc.com/company/careers?gh_jid=4041042007

SerpApi | https://serpapi.com | Senior FullStack Engineer | Based in Austin, TX but everyone is remote | Full-time | ONSITE or FULLY REMOTE (We're a remote first company) | $160k 1099 for US or local avg + 20% for outside the US

SerpApi is the leading API to scrape and parse search engine results. We deeply support Google, Google Maps, Google Images, Bing, Baidu, and a lot more.

Our current stack is Ruby, Rails, MongoDB, and React.JS.

We are looking for more Senior FullStack Engineers.

We have an awesome work environment: We are a remote first company (before Covid!). We do continuous integration, continuous deployments, code reviews, code pairings, profit sharing, and most of communication is async via GitHub.

We value super strongly transparency, do open books, have a public roadmap, and contribute to the EFF.

Apply at: https://serpapi.com/careers

Clearscope | Austin, TX + Remote | Ruby on Rails engineer

Clearscope is a best-in-class digital marketing SaaS that leverages machine learning to arm content marketers with the data, recommendations, and visibility they need to produce quality content that reaches their audience. We're bootstrapped and profitable with 1,000+ paying customers like Adobe, Deloitte, Nvidia, Expedia, HubSpot, Shopify, Intuit, and Condé Nast driving multi-million ARR with 9 team members.

—> Clearscope is hiring full-stack engineers who can ship product in a small team setting

—> Ruby/Rails + TypeScript monolith with no client-side MVC

—> $120-$180k (+ health insurance + 401k for US-based)

Apply at www.clearscope.io/careers/ror-engineer

Bold Penguin | Remote (US)* | Full Time | Software Engineers Bold Penguin products help insurance agencies successfully quote and bind small business insurance policies with the click of button! We are growing fast and expanding our teams. Use Linux, macOS, or Windows along with whatever tools you enjoy using (Slack, Zoom, your choice IDE, etc.)

If you don’t meet all of the qualifications please don’t worry. Apply anyway! If you’re a current SWE that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t consider you for a senior position. We don’t bite ;)

Some current open roles:

  Software Engineer ~> https://www.thegravityapp.com/shared/job?clientId=8a7883d0676d10a10167856a16554ede&id=8a7887a18a48e51f018a669e24f93871&u=1698355755&v=9&token=eyJ1aWQiOjQzNjY3LCJwcm92aWRlciI6ImJvdW5jZSIsInR5cGUiOiJlbWFpbCJ9.gLMdEwaNEg2zzNpAYDEB1KvVHp4
  Senior Software Engineer ~> https://www.thegravityapp.com/shared/job?clientId=8a7883d0676d10a10167856a16554ede&id=8a7887a18a48e51f018a669c784637d5&u=1695142306&v=9&token=eyJ1aWQiOjQzNjY3LCJwcm92aWRlciI6ImJvdW5jZSIsInR5cGUiOiJlbWFpbCJ9.C5gFdbr3JB-qxYqfu9MOvnAg_Zc
  Staff software Engineer ~> https://www.thegravityapp.com/shared/job?clientId=8a7883d0676d10a10167856a16554ede&id=8a7887a18a48e51f018a669adad4373c&u=1695215737&v=9&token=eyJ1aWQiOjQzNjY3LCJwcm92aWRlciI6ImJvdW5jZSIsInR5cGUiOiJlbWFpbCJ9.uM0iwlfw1WnNhbWj3XCL_tNE6IA
* We are fully remote but have clusters of employees around (150 miles) certain hub cities to try and initiate meetups and other fun activities.

How about the location requirement? :P I'm a US expat living in Finland.

FYI, you mispeeelled "enginer" ;-> (did I pass this portion of the interview? )

Thanks haha

Interactive Brokers | Senior Python Developer | Mumbai India | Hybrid www.interactivebrokers.com You want to break into the finance industry? You want to learn about trading and investing? Are you tired of endless meetings and just want to code? If you love designing greenfield projects in Python, this is the job for you. We are a small technology team in a fast growing, multi-billion dollar company. We are seeking a self-starter that enjoys the craft of coding and developing innovative solutions. The ideal candidate is someone who can communicate well and design libraries and systems in Python from scratch. Experience with Object oriented design, design patterns, building systems, and SQL a plus. Positions are a hybrid model 3 days in office 2 days remote. IB has grown through tough economic times. We have continued to hire while others have cut staff. If you are looking for a great place to innovate, apply today. We have three positions open in our Mumbai India office. Apply Online here: https://boards.greenhouse.io/ibkr/jobs/6744937002

Trunk | https://trunk.io |Sr C++ Engineer| Staff Front End Engineer | Full-Time | Remote / Hybrid, SF

Trunk is an a16z funded dev tools startup, redefining software development at scale. We've built three products so far and have plans for more:

  * Trunk Check: a universal linter/formatter, available as a CLI, VSCode extension, and CI check;
  * Trunk Merge: a merge queue, to ensure that PRs are tested in order before they're merged; and
  * Trunk CI Analytics: timing & pass/fail stats for GH Actions (e.g. "how often does this workflow step actually succeed?")
In 2022, we raised a $25M Series A led by Initialized Capital (Garry Tan) and a16z (Peter Levine) [1].

Our tech stack:

  * Frontend: Typescript, React, Redux, Next.js
  * Backend: Typescript, Node, AWS, CDK, k8s, gRPC
  * Observability: Prometheus, Grafana, Kiali, Jaeger
  * CLI: C++20, Bazel
  * VSCode Extension: Typescript
  * CI/CD: GitHub Actions
  * General: GitHub, Slack, Linear, Slite
Unlimited PTO (and we all actually take PTO), competitive salary and equity packages! Please apply here: https://trunk.io/jobs

[1] https://blog.trunk.io/trunk-raises-25m-to-build-a-unified-de...

Babylist | USA or Canada REMOTE | Full-time | SRE and SWE Roles | https://www.babylist.com/

Babylist is the leading marketplace and commerce destination for baby, where 8+ million people each year buy what they need to welcome a new baby. We're looking for talented Site Reliability Engineers and Software Engineers who are excited to scale out a world-class consumer and ecommerce experience. Our stack is based on Ruby on Rails and React. We are passionate about experimentation, automation and shipping value to our customers.

Open roles: - Senior Engineering Manager, Babylist Shop

- Senior Engineering Manager, Babylist Shop

- Senior Site Reliability Engineer, Platform

- Senior Software Engineer, Android

- Senior Software Engineer, Growth

Details: https://www.babylist.com/jobs

ProPublica | Senior Product Engineer | Remote or NYC (US only) | Full-time

ProPublica is a Pulitzer prize-winning non-profit investigative newsroom that reports of abuses of trust in the public interest. You know it from stories like Clarence Thomas's relationship to billionaire funders, or Peter Thiel's investments through his Roth IRA.

The product team supports the platform for this journalism: the website, data layer, and infrastructure. ProPublica is looking for a senior developer - ideally with Node, Python, and/or PHP skills - to join this team.

Learn more and apply: https://boards.greenhouse.io/propublica/jobs/4272524006

ThreeFlow | Remote US | https://www.threeflow.com/ | Data Scientist ThreeFlow is the first Benefits Placement System, a new category of enterprise software that allows benefits brokers and insurance carriers to manage the entire placement process in one shared system.

-Data Scientist https://grnh.se/2b35f47e3us

Please apply directly!

Flexpa | Remote (US timezones) | Senior software developer | https://www.flexpa.com

Flexpa connects applications to health insurance data. We are looking to grow the team with a software developer who is excited to work on our mission of refactoring healthcare.

Our company handbook is open and available to get a sense for how we work [1]. For more details about our product, please review our developer documentation [2].

Our stack: TypeScript, Turborepo, NextJS, React, Tailwind, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Fastify, HL7 FHIR, Docker

What We Offer:

* A purposeful mission of refactoring healthcare

* Mentorship from experienced founders who have been through Y Combinator in S15 and W20.

* Support from world-class technologists, investors, and healthcare practitioners

* A unique culture where we "put the shopping cart back" and uphold values we take pride in

* Clear and competitive compensation targeting the 75th percentile rates

Skills & Experience:

* 2+ years of full-time experience as a software developer

* Proficiency in TypeScript and functional programming patterns

* History of shipping

To apply please submit an application at https://flexpa.applytojobs.ca/engineering/25554 and _afterwards_ send us an email to [email protected] about what makes you interested in the role!

[1] https://handbook.flexpa.com/ [2] https://www.flexpa.com/docs

pganalyze | Head of Sales | REMOTE (US/CA time zones) | Full-time | base $120-150k + commission/bonus + equity | https://pganalyze.com

At pganalyze, we build observability and automation tools for optimizing the performance of Postgres databases. Our product helps customers such as Atlassian, Robinhood and DoorDash to understand complex Postgres problems and solve performance issues. We are bootstrapped, profitable, with over 500 customers, small and large.

As we're growing and moving from founder-led sales to a repeatable sales motion, we're looking to make the first hire for a dedicated sales team. For this role we are looking for someone who wants to sell the product themselves at the start, establish playbooks, and then grow the sales team over time.

If you work in sales and are reading Hacker News that means you might be a good fit!

Interested? Email me directly (the Founder & CEO) at lukas AT pganalyze.com - or fill out the form on the website.

All details: https://pganalyze.com/careers/head-of-sales

EvenUp Law | US or CA Remote | Full-Time | Multiple Openings in Engineering, Product, and Others

See more detailed listings at https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/evenup?utm_source=8vmpmZkvDm

You can safely ignore all the location listings, those are there for regional job board distribution. Only requirement is United States or Canada (we're not big enough to support global remote devs yet).

About the company:

EvenUp is a venture-backed generative AI startup that ensures injury victims are awarded the full value of their claims, expanding the $100B+ in awards granted to injury victims every year. Every year, the legal system has made it difficult for millions of ordinary people to seek justice, especially for folks without means or who come from underrepresented backgrounds. Our vision is to help these injury victims get the justice they deserve, irrespective of their income, demographics, or the quality of their legal representation.

In the past year, our engineering and data science team grew to 40 team members and we rolled out infrastructure updates, new products, and updates to existing workflows - combining data, ML frontend and backend work. The next 12 months are very exciting for us; we expect the technical team to triple as we deliver on a roadmap to handle 10x our current volume. Now is the time to get on the ground floor as we scale!

Specific Roles:

* Engineering Manager (Data)

* Senior and Intermediate Machine Learning Engineers

* Engineering Manager (Dev)

* Senior Engineer (Backend / Fullstack)

* Senior/Staff Engineer (Backend / Fullstack)

* Sr/Staff Data Engineer

* Staff Engineer (Backend / Fullstack)

* Senior Product Manager: Client Portal

* Senior Product Manager: AI/Infra

I'm the head of Product and happy to answer questions, hit me up on LinkedIn and mention HN or "Who's Hiring" so I don't ignore you. https://www.linkedin.com/in/bradleyhubbard/

Vannevar Labs | REMOTE-FIRST | FULL-TIME | Offices in DC and NYC, looking to hire in the greater Tampa region as well.

Vannevar Labs brings innovative, robust, and scalable software design to the public servants working in defense and national security keeping our country safe. As a team, we exist because we believe in public service, and we think that our democracy and government improve only if we put serious, collective effort into improving them, including the technology our government uses. Our founders have 30 years of combined experience across national security, government sales and CIA, In-Q-Tel, DoD/JSOC, Harvard, and Stanford. We are a PROFITABLE Series B company and are looking to scale out the engineering team.

We're looking for engineers to lead the build out of our core data platform, amongst other roles. Apply on our website: https://jobs.lever.co/vannevarlabs-2

Medicomp Systems, Inc. | Remote/Hybrid | Chantilly, VA | Senior Front-End Developer (UI) | $130K+

Established private medical software development shop looking for an expert in front end development. DOJO and Web Components expertise especially sought. CSS, HTML, XML, JSON; API development experience. React, Angular. .NET shop primarily, so C#, SQL Server, Azure DevOps experience are valuable. SQLite, GIT, as well. 10 years of overall software dev experience.

Great company, great benefits, interesting work. 4 days/week remote, 1 day per week onsite (flexible though).

Send resume to email found here: https://medicomp.com/careers/

Uncountable | SF, NYC, Munich (In-Person) | Full-Stack Engineering


Uncountable accelerates R&D for industrial scientists across leading materials, chemicals, and life sciences organizations. With our SaaS solution, our customers get better products to the market in half the time. Uncountable was founded by MIT and Stanford engineers and has been profitable since 2016. Our team has grown from 20 to 50 over the last two years.

Full-Stack Engineers | $120k - $220k + Equity

---> Uncountable is looking for engineers who can spearhead the development of the Uncountable Web Platform. The position is heavily product-driven and comes with challenges across the stack.

--> Senior and principal positions are available.

--> Summer internships and working student positions are also available.

Learn more: https://www.uncountable.com/hiring/hn

Uncountable has offices in San Francisco, New York City or Munich.

Contact our CTO directly at [email protected]

Eightfold (https://eightfold.ai) | Software Engineers | Full-time | Bengaluru, Noida (India) and Santa Clara, CA (US)

Eightfold has created the Talent Intelligence Platform (tm), where we use AI to help companies target, hire and retain top talent. You can watch a short product demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-S8SOH7lhY. There's more but this should give you an idea.

We're valued at over $2bn and have raised funds from SoftBank, General Catalyst, Lightspeed, Citi and Capital One. We have quite a few customers including - Starbucks, American Express, Bayer, Ericsson, Siemens, Booking.com (off the top of my head)

My team is hiring for the Core Infrastructure team in India for the following positions:

1. Senior/Software Engineer - https://app.eightfold.ai/careers/job/68738138228

2. Senior/Software Engineer (Security) - https://app.eightfold.ai/careers/job/68738121513

There are other open positions in both India and the US. You can browse all open positions at https://app.eightfold.ai/careers or use my referral link - https://varunchopra.vc/ef-referrals. If you think hiring is broken and would love to get a chance to fix it, do apply. :-D

Third Polaris | Remote (North America | Europe) | Full-time | Software Engineer

At Third Polaris, our mission is to sustainably ~7x the amount of batteries we have now, to satisfy the growing demand from electrification (electric vehicles, grid storage, etc.) in order to fight climate change.

We are building software to scale up battery manufacturing. We build and deploy ML models to model and improve battery cell production processes.

We are a lean and scrappy team of 2 people, looking for the first software engineer while actively fundraising. We are fully remote and open to chat with people from between UTC-8 to UTC+3 timezones.

More details including contact info: https://www.notion.so/thirdpolaris/Software-Engineer-ab39d01...

Edit: fixed link

I can't seem to open the Notion page. I keep getting redirected to the last doc I had open in a different Notion space. Are the permissions set to public?

I’m not logged in to Notion and I just get a signup/login page

Link is fixed : )

Sorry, accidentally pasted the wrong link. Fixed : )

University of California, Davis | Davis, California, USA | Software Engineer, Product Manager, Site Reliability Engineer, Project Manager | Full-time | Remote (You must live in the USA for this job) | Salary: $40k-$120k depending on experience, interview performance, and location (if working remotely)


The University of California, Davis is an R1 research university in Davis, California, USA. It is part of the University of California system. It is a top 50 USA university.

Tech stack: JavaScript, React.js, Redux, MongoDB, Express.js, D3.js, Node.js, Python, Java, TypeScript, HTML 5, CSS 3, C, C++ (You do not need to know all of these prior to applying to this job).

Email resume to evo [at] ucdavis [dot] edu

  Developer tools for ML engineers. We need people who are passionate about building infrastructure that help ML teams manage data (large scale), make sane reproducible workflow, track models. We are building infrastructure to deal with datasets of the 5N LAION scale. Our flagship open source tool- DVC.org (12K+ stars), SaaS product - studio.iterative.ai. 

  We are looking for senior (SaaS and open source) engineers:

Deggendorf Institute of Technology | Researcher/PhD student | REMOTE | Germany | Part-time possible

I am seeking a researcher/PhD student to investigate energy-efficient and fault-tolerant machine learning (ML) hardware as part of a research project supported by a grant. As an ML hardware researcher you will collaborate with me on novel research & development related to energy-efficient training of reinforcement learning workloads, fault-tolerance of ML hardware and impact of emerging hardware architectures on ML. Your work will be crucial for improving the carbon footprint and reliability of the future of AI and its impacts on society.

Your day-to-day activities will be researching the latest developments in the field, discussing new ideas for improvement, evaluating these ideas by conducting experiments on hardware and publishing your findings. Over the course of a year, I anticipate you will have produced 1-2 leading papers. You do not have any teaching duties.

An ideal candidate would have experience in implementing reinforcement learning from scratch on an FPGA, intellectual curiosity and be skilled at communicating technical topics clearly. A Masters degree is necessary. You are (also) encouraged to apply if you have related experience and interest in this field, e.g., you only worked with FPGAs, but do not have any experience with machine learning.

More info: https://aydos.de/looking-for-a-researcher-phd-student-in-ene...

NUMI | Remote | Full Time | Founding Engineer

We're a YC-backed marketplace that gives startups a design department of vetted designers, on subscription. We're looking for a founding engineer who will work directly with me (cofounder) to build out our platform together.

Lots of interesting problems to solve in distributed systems, syncing up different SaaS services with our database in a way ensures consistent data, fault tolerance, and easy debugging for our non-technical teammates.

Looking for someone who wants to build the Whatsapp / Instagram way: a small team of extremely talented and autonomous engineers.

You can see the full JD here: https://numitech.notion.site/Founding-Full-Stack-Engineer-10...

If this is you, I want to hear from you! Email me at "agree.ahmed at numi dot tech"!

Simbe| South San Francisco, CA | FULL-TIME | ONSITE OR REMOTE

Simbe Robotics is building Tally, an autonomous mobile robot for the world's retail industry. Tally helps in-store teams by collecting and analyzing on-shelf product data and providing actionable insights.


Looking for a Customer Application Engineer (Web) bridging the gap between our product development teams and our global customer base. You will play a critical role in understanding customer needs, addressing technical queries, and ensuring the seamless application of our products in customer environments.

→ 6-10 years production site experience as a Software Development, Solutions Engineer or equivalent → Strong technical aptitude and ability to grasp complex product details. → Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills.

More info here: https://jobs.lever.co/SimbeRobotics/4d6ed92f-9566-404b-9c2b-... After you apply ping me here: [email protected]

Beacon AI | https://beaconai.co | Full-Time | SF Bay Area Hybrid

Do you want to join a company building R2-D2 for pilots? Beacon AI does this through a vertically integrated aviation platform. Our team has relevant industry expertise in aviation and autonomy, and we are building features that improve flight safety and efficiency by augmenting pilots.

Join a founding team of former Cruise AI engineers and two former fighter pilots, with a world-class advisor team, talented developers, and amazing investors, including Sam Altman, Zach Perret, JetBlue Technology Ventures, and Countdown Capital. Learn (a little bit) more at https://www.beaconai.co

We are currently prioritizing hiring for these three roles to deliver impact on ongoing and future engagements. We expect many more openings within the next 6 months: https://www.beaconai.co/careers

SWE - Robotics (Advanced Pilot Assistant Software)[Staff or Senior] This role builds the pilot augmentation features (R2-D2).

SWE React Web App (Front End) This role builds critical 3D software to support live flights and flight playback.

iOS Software Engineer [Staff or Senior] This role Develops, deploys, and maintains a safety-enhancing iOS application

Apply directly at https://beaconai.co/careers and mention that you found this post on HN!

Velvet | Remote (NYC/EST preferred) | Full-time | Fullstack software engineer | $100-200K USD + equity

Our database service captures real-time events from any source. Product teams use it to unify customer data and identify segments with OpenAI. Engineers use our personalization API to ship dynamic features - like a pricing modal, content recommendation feed, or in-app action - unique to each end user.

We have funding from institutional VCs and are seeking entrepreneurial founding engineers who love building for the 0-1 phase of product development. Our tech stack is Next.js (Vercel), Typescript, Node/Deno, Postgres (Supabase), and Clickhouse.

Apply here > https://www.notion.so/velvet-cash/Founding-engineer-cc026bd7...

76 Software Engineering Group | Oklahoma City, OK | FULL-TIME | ONSITE | U.S. CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED

76 SWEG is a civilian software engineering organization operating under the United States Air Force. We are hundreds of (civilian) scientists and engineers that provide software, hardware, and engineering support solutions to a variety of Air Force and military platforms. We are located on Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, OK. We often operate like a contractor to other parts of the military and federal government by providing independent engineering services without seeking a profit. We have dozens of active projects using C, C++, C#, Java, Python, JavaScript, LabVIEW, Visual Basic, Assembly, Ada, Fortran, and other more esoteric languages. We have immediate opportunities available to hire candidates with degrees in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or closely-related fields.

If you are interested in learning more, please e-mail [email protected] and tell them Jake sent you.

Horizon3.ai | Multiple Roles | Full Time | Bay Area, NYC, Boulder, RTP | https://www.horizon3.ai/join-our-team/

The product: NodeZero provides autonomous penetration testing delivered as a self-service SaaS offering. Red Teams use NodeZero as a force multiplier that can conduct infrastructure pentesting at-scale so humans can be a scalpel. Blue Teams rely on NodeZero to proactively harden their infrastructure. SOCs use NodeZero as a sparring partner to tune their security tools. CISOs use NodeZero’s results to prove their security posture to their boards, auditors, and regulators. NodeZero is safe to execute against production systems and is designed to enable a Purple Team culture by helping Red and Blue Teams work together to fix problems that truly matter.

The company: Horizon3.ai was founded in 2019 by former industry and U.S. National Security veterans with the mission to help organizations see their networks through the eyes of the attacker and proactively fix problems that truly matter, improve the effectiveness of their security initiatives, and ensure that they are prepared to respond to real cyberattacks.

Engineering Roles

  - Senior Software Engineer - Backend
  - Senior Software Engineer - Frontend
  - Senior Software Engineer - Systems/Platform
  - Senior Software Engineer - Offensive Security Expert
  - Technical Product Manager
  - Senior Application Security Engineer
We recently raised a $40M Series C round: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/horizon3-ai

Awwww damnit, the US citizen/resident requirement kinda sucks, H3ai is one of the few places I’d consider jumping ship to, spend all day writing exploits and integrating them.

Love the research output though, you folks have a top notch team.

TelescopeAI | Remote - GMT+-2 | Full-time - Fullstack Software Engineer (Typescript/React/GraphQl) - AI Engineer (NLP, LangChain, Weaviate) - Founding Product Designer

At TelescopeAI (https://gotelescope.ai/), we are building a product that is going to revolutionise (and we mean it) the sales industry forever, positively impacting millions of people, companies and products.

Our platform uses advanced machine learning to perform prospecting on autopilot, and can identify the right customer for the right company at the right time.

We have incredible backers in Sequoia Capital and Entrepreneur First who are partnering with us on our ambitious mission.

We are building a team of superstars to undertake this legendary journey with us. You can drop us your application at contact [at] gotelescope [dot] ai

Verint | Full-time | REMOTE (US, Europe)

Verint helps the world’s most iconic brands build enduring customer relationships by connecting work, data, and experiences across the enterprise. To learn more about what our company does: https://www.verint.com/our-company/

Job Opening:

Looking for an experienced senior software engineer to work on our platform engineering team. Key requirements:

- Design, implement, test, and release software applications for containerized and/or cloud-hosted environments

- Work on complex projects with minimal supervision

- Take the lead on projects with multiple engineers contributing

- Research new technologies to improve products, platforms, and user experience

- Quickly create Proof-of-Concept systems to validate ideas and test new technologies

Tech stack: Kubernetes/Openshift, Golang, Python, MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL (basically the right tool for a given job)

link: https://fa-epcb-saasfaprod1.fa.ocs.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/Can...

Cylitic Security | Remote (US Only) | Full Time | Senior Python Developer

We are a managed security services company that helps enterprises ensure that their smaller business partners are secure from cyber threats. We are a profitable company but operate like an early stage start up. Our environment is pretty fluid, and our challenges span across multiple domains.

We are currently looking for a senior python developer who has extensive experience designing and building modern customer facing web applications, and ideally has experience with ingesting, parsing, and unifying multiple data sources. Our tech stack consists of django, drf, postgres, and react.

This is a great opportunity to come onboard early in our journey and make a large impact. We offer very competitive salaries, equity, health benefits, and unlimited time off.

If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to [email protected]

Waypoint Netherlands | C++ Software Engineer | The Netherlands or Austria | REMOTE | Full-Time or Part-Time

We're a Dutch Startup trying to solve multimodal transport planning using algorithms! We're looking for someone to join our team, preferably experienced in C++. Having the ability to read, interpret and write code based on academic papers is a big plus! You'll have to be either working in The Netherlands or Austria.

No freelancers, contractors, recruiters or outsourcing companies please.

Send me an email at moosterveld [at] wpnl (dot) eu

AI Meeting Assistant Startup | bliro.io | Remote | Europe | Full-time or Internship | Frontend & Fullstack

Hey HN community! We're at the forefront of Germany's conversation intelligence market, transforming meetings with AI. We're seeking engineers eager to innovate in AI communication.

Why Join? Collaborate with our dedicated, tight-knit software team committed to product excellence and innovation. We carefully select team players that are individually extremely talented and have highest expectations of themselves and co-workers.

Got expertise in frontend or full stack development and feel like you could outperform 2 other developers with ease? You have a drive for high standards in coding and product? Reach out at [email protected] and attach your Github profile, CV, or any past projects you did.

ML6 | Machine Learning Engineer, Data Engineer | Python, TensorFlow, Google Cloud Platform | Full-time | Amsterdam, Berlin, Ghent (EU) On-site/hybrid

We are a Machine Learning consulting company that builds end-to-end Machine Learning solutions. By applying the latest AI research, we keep our clients at the forefront of innovation.

If you are interested check out: https://www.ml6.eu/resources/resource-library and https://www.ml6.eu/client-cases

You will mostly work with TensorFlow and Python to solve hard Machine Learning tasks and help to put these into production. As a Premier Google Cloud Service Partner, ML6 has a very strong relationship with Google, providing you options to collaborate and alpha test a lot of their latest ML tools.

We are looking for:

• Senior Machine Learning Engineer

• Machine Learning Engineer

• Senior Data Engineer

• Data Engineer

• Project Manager

• Business Development Consultant

• Cloud Partner (GCP, Azure)

• Junior Accountant

• Administration Officer

Apply at: https://ml6.eu/join-us

Loop | loop.com | Engineering | On-site San Francisco, CA, Chicago, IL | H1B OK

We build connected finance for logistics. We want to make the billing and payment process as smooth as consumers paying for online goods while unlocking hundreds of billions of working capital for businesses. Loop can help trillions of dollars move more efficiently and improve millions of people’s livelihoods.

A recent WSJ piece on Loop - on.wsj.com/3PE357W

1. Raised $65m from JPM GEP, Founders Fund, 8VC, Susa Ventures, Flexport, Index, and Expa.

2. 35 paying enterprise customers with multiple-year contracts; 60+ customers in the pipeline.

3. High-caliber team of engineers and operators from Google, Scale AI, Flexport, Uber, Rakuten, Square, Meta, Stanford, Brown, and Yale.

4. 9+ years cash runway

Fullstack Engineer San Francisco - https://boards.greenhouse.io/loop/jobs/4102236004

Fullstack Engineer Chicago - https://boards.greenhouse.io/loop/jobs/4830548004

Borrowell | Sr. Automation Tester | Remote across Canada with office in Toronto | Full Time, Permanent, Benefits from Day 1, Opportunities to Work in Another Country for up to 90 Days

Contact: [email protected]

Borrowell pioneered free credit scores for all Canadians in 2017 and now we’re focusing on building net new products that will be the first of their kind in Canada. With more than 2 million members, Borrowell is one of the largest fintech companies in Canada. Borrowell places a high value on building a diverse and inclusive workplace and is proud to have a gender-balanced team, including our VP of Engineering, COO, Engineering Managers, Lead Developers, and more who are WOC. Borrowell was named one of the Top 50 Best Workplaces in Canada, as well as one of the Best Workplaces in Tech for Women, Mental Wellness, and Work-Life Balance.

Sr. Automation Tester: https://apply.workable.com/borrowell/j/DC5B5F544E/


Nightwatch.io | 100% Remote | Full-time & Part-time Cultivating non-corporate, friendly, bootstrapped and remote environment.

Nightwatch is developing search engine and LLM tracking capabilities helping companies understand how their services and products perform and rank within LLM / GPT models in comparison to the search engines.

We value freedom, authonomy, ownership, good communication.

Back-end / Devops person (AWS, Kubernetes, Go, Rust): https://nightwatch.io/jobs/backend-developer

Back-end Developer (Ruby, Elixir, Go): https://nightwatch.io/jobs/backend-developer

Product Owner: https://nightwatch.io/jobs/product-manager

Front-end Developer: https://nightwatch.io/jobs/frontend-developer

Oh man I am trying to apply but the application has so many odd questions I have never seen on any job application before:

- "What are the most important things that shaped your personality and world-view?"

- "What are your prospects, dreams, or expectations, career-wise?"

- "Upload a screenshot of your desktop"

- "Explain the organization of your desktop"

The questions related to needing a photo of my desktop are for sure going into my collection of strange job application & recruiter interactions: https://github.com/finitelooper/recruiting-hell

> "Upload a screenshot of your desktop"

> "Explain the organization of your desktop"

OT: I know I'm a weird and a Linux user (probably redundant, I also know), but am I really the only one who just doesn't have any icons on my desktop? If I want to open something, I just use my desktop environment's search to type the name of it; for the purposes of professional work, 95% of the time it's a browser, text editor, or a terminal, and I don't feel the need to have three lonely icons in the vast sea of my desktop background. If I need a certain file for some application, like a document, I also can just search for it easily using the same method, or just hit the "open" shortcut in whatever app I'm using and find it in the file manager. These are all things that ostensibly are not Linux specific; MacOS has Spotlight (and third-party alternatives like Alfred), and Windows literally a dedicated key with with their logo on it to open the start menu, and if anything I'd expect their users to use Finder/Windows Explorer _more_ often than Linux users. I always thought this was one of those things like "leaving everything in the inbox forever" versus "archiving it once you're done and just keeping the unread things in the inbox" where most people probably do the former but a small but opinionated minority do the latter, but it sounds like whoever wrote those questions hasn't ever met anyone who doesn't use desktop icons.

Because they are trying to discourage people from applying. Given their post history on whoishiring threads, I would confidently say they are just prepping to H1B someone.

>prepping to h1b someone

How does that work?

Posting a job req for a while (with no intentions on hiring anyone) and then claiming that they are not able to fulfill it with US workers (pretending none of the people they interviewed had the “special knowledge” needed for the position)

ahahha I love your collection, gotta start one.

Yeah, oof. I was interested, but after seeing all that, hard pass.

It looks like either y'all or the Formaviva people copy and pasted the same rec.

PlantingSpace | Full-time | Remote (EU time zone) with quarterly gatherings | https://planting.space

We are building a system which accurately represents knowledge and uncertainty, to enable the discovery of insights and transparent problem solving.

Our job openings:

- Automation Software Engineering: Developing tools and infrastructure, for our engineering and research teams (TypeScript or Julia).

- DevOps Engineer: Building reliable infrastructure and machine learning deployments for our system (Terraform and Kubernetes).

- Strategy & Business Development: Defining our product, customers and go-to-market strategy.

If you want to learn more about our company, get some insights into what it’s like to work in our team and participate in our retreats, follow our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3t82qavONuLBAr_JAUCSvA

To see a full list of openings, and to apply, check out our Join Us page: https://planting.space/joinus/

Let's build a better food system together, one line of code at a time!

Ark Biotech | https://ark-biotech.com/ | Full-time | Boston, MA | On-site | Software Engineering, System Integration

About the company: Ark is a venture-backed, Boston-based, seed-stage startup accelerating the transition to a better food system for the planet and its inhabitants by creating industrial scale, affordable, and intelligent bioreactors. We're a B2B company on a mission to 100x the industry’s bioreactor capacity by 2035 - powering the most important infrastructure buildout of this generation to transform how people consume meat.

About the role: Ark's Data Systems team is hiring a software engineer to build out and own our software-in-the-loop and hardware-in-the-loop simulation test systems used to validate the functionality and reliability of our systems and the interfaces between them. These test systems ensure the safety and reliability of our bioreactors while enabling fast-paced iteration on our control strategies and hardware revisions.

I'm Matt Fay — https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattefay/ — Head of Data at Ark, former Tesla, Apple, Zipline. You can find the full job description here: bit.ly/3PD2JPT

SingleStoreDB (formerly MemSQL) (https://singlestore.com) | India, Portugal | Full Time | Remote

SingleStoreDB is a database focused on high performance and hybrid workloads (HTAP). Our customers include half of the top 10 US banks, 2 of the top 3 US telcos, and 12% of the Fortune 100.

Our product is a distributed, relational database that handles both transactions and real-time analytics at scale. Querying is done through standard SQL drivers and syntax, leveraging a broad ecosystem of drivers and applications.

We have been building SingleStore since 2011, and building a database-as-a-service product involves a bunch of interesting technical challenges such as: * Compilers and code generation

* Distributed computing and fault tolerance

* UI and User Experience

* Integrations with connectors and third-party tools (e.g., Business Intelligence tools like Tableau)

* Infrastructure that scales to dozens of thousands of database clusters across GCP, Azure and AWS

We have the following positions open:

* Software Engineer, Managed Service (Remote - India)

Careers page with individual links for each open position: https://www.singlestore.com/careers/jobs/.

If you want to learn more about the engineering work we do, check out https://www.singlestore.com/blog/category/engineering/.

Feel free to email me directly via david at singlestore dot com.

Crusoe | Onsite/Hybrid – SF, Chicago | Climate Tech, Cloud Compute, Distributed Systems, Crypto | https://www.crusoeenergy.com/

Crusoe is on a mission to align the future of computing with the future of the climate.

Data centers consume more than 2% of the world's electricity. We power data centers with stranded energy such as gas flares and underloaded renewables , so for every GPU hour you use on Crusoe Cloud, you're offsetting 0.5kg of CO2e, or approximately 4.4 metric tons over an entire year. The more compute you use, the more CO2 and other greenhouse gasses you offset.

Crusoe Cloud (https://crusoecloud.com/) offers the cleanest and lowest-cost GPU cloud computing solution in the world for workloads including graphical rendering, artificial intelligence research, machine learning, computational biology, therapeutic drug discovery, simulation and more.

Here's a quick video so you can see what the systems look like in action, flames and everything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rlt8k71Quqw

High Priority Open Roles:

- Staff/Senior Site Reliability Engineer

- Staff/Senior Infrastructure Engineer

- Staff/Senior Software Engineer

- Solutions Engineer

- Product Manager

- Engineering Manager

Full list of roles here: https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/Crusoe?utm_source=Hackernews

Questions? Email: [email protected]

Redo | Utah | Full-Time | Full-Stack Engineer | $140-190k

Fast-growing seed-stage startup looking for engineer #5. Senior/Principal.

Returns management for e-commerce. Integrations with Shopify, EasyPost, Stripe.

Team from Qualtrics, Divvy, Lucid.


Or message me on LinkedIn (see bio).

Firetiger | San Francisco, CA | Full Time, Onsite | Software Engineer

Firetiger is looking for founding engineers to shape the future of our company and the future of work. We’re a seed-stage company backed by Sequoia Capital, Matthew Prince (Cloudflare’s co-founder and CEO), Jeff Wilke (ex-Amazon CEO Worldwide Consumer), and a group of the world’s best investors and operators.

All companies exist to do two things: deliver value to customers and collect cash in return. Companies struggle to perform these fundamental processes as they get larger and more complex. Inability to observe the current state of business processes in flight mean that defects are hidden until customers complain, and accountability inside companies for poor process and dropped balls is diffuse. *We’re going to fix that.*

Please email [email protected] if you're interested!

Scribe | Senior Software Engineer, Growth Engineer | React (Next.JS), Python | SF or Remote | https://scribehow.com

Scribe is a product-led growth (PLG) startup with 1M+ users based in San Francisco that is growing our team on the basis of user love and revenue. Our product is dead simple - record yourself doing any workflow, and Scribe will auto-generate step-by-step documentation to share with colleagues or customers anywhere. Behind the scenes, we have lots of compelling engineering challenges to make that happen. Join us on our journey to make capturing and sharing knowledge fast, easy, and fun!

Apply at https://scribehow.com/careers

Contextual AI | Onsite/Flexible Hours | Mountain View, CA | Full-time | Product Engineer & AI Solutions Engineer

At Contextual AI, we are building the next generation of LLMs, from first principles, specifically for enterprise use cases.

We have 2 roles we’re hiring for:

-Product Engineer

-AI Solutions Engineer

For the Product Engineer position, we're looking for someone with strong full-stack engineering skills and can learn quickly.

For the Solutions Engineer position, we’re looking for the same profile as the Product Engineer, but with strong communication skills and customer obsession since this will be a client facing role.

Apply here for the Product Engineer: https://boards.greenhouse.io/contextualai/jobs/4097375007

Apply here for the AI Solutions Engineer: https://boards.greenhouse.io/contextualai/jobs/4084765007

Email any questions: [email protected]

AREO | Remote (EU) | Full-Time | Equity | No Visa Sponsorship Roles: [Senior Backend (Ruby on Rails) Developer, Senior Android Developer]

Hi, my name is Marius and I am the CTO at AREO (https://www.goareo.com - placeholder because we are still in stealth).

We are a young but quickly growing software startup based in Germany that specialises in the development of Augmented Reality (AR) solutions for supermarkets and grocery retail stores.

Our B2B SaaS AR platform helps store employees by providing real-time access to inventory, product information, and POIs. The founders (me and Eike) have more than 10 years of experience with grocery retail and startups.

We are currently looking for seasoned Android and Rails developers with at least 6 years of experience, a knack for crafting clear, well-documented code, a passion for comprehensive testing and an appreciation for beautifully designed products.

For the mobile devs familiarity with AR apps, AR frameworks (AR Foundation, ARCore, ARKit) and AR glasses is a big plus. For both roles being able to understand at least a bit of German would come in handy but is not a must-have :) However, you have to be located in the EU.

Backend Stack: Ruby / Rails (7.x), StimulusJS / Hotwire / Turbo, AlpineJS, Redis, Postgres, Docker, Sentry, DigitalOcean, OpenAPI

Mobile Stack: Kotlin, Room, Jetpack Compose, ARCore, Hilt

Perks: Work when and where you are most productive, potential for leadership role, sizeable equity in a rapidly growing company, work with cutting-edge AR tech.

Apply here: marius[here comes the at sign]goareo.com and mention “HN” in the subject.

We’ll respond to every application.

!!! We are not interested in working with agencies or recruiters !!!

FlightAware | Aviation Data Engineer | REMOTE (US timezones) | Houston / US | https://flightaware.com/about/careers/

Hello from FlightAware! We are hiring for a Aviation Data Engineer. Our team is headquartered in Houston, Texas, but we work as a distributed team and accept remote applicants for work within the United States.

FlightAware has built the world’s leading aviation software platform, processing over 180 million incoming messages an hour from over 30,000 feeds—over 2TB a day and growing—to provide the best, most complete, and most accurate real-time flight tracking services in the industry. We use Python, Rust, C++, JavaScript, and TypeScript. We are proud to have built a wide variety of successful products on this foundation that have become central to the aviation industry at large.

Factor.io | Sr. Backend Engineer

I am looking for an experienced backend engineer in Santiago, Chile. An engineer who loves building. Someone who is excited to create applications for customers. We have a modern stack: completely managed infrastructure, docker, kafka, java19. We are a seed stage startup, only 9 developers. We want people who want to be part of a small team, take on massive ownership, and deliver to customers. We have a great team and get a lot done. We have 4 in Santiago today and I want to expand our engineering team there

Factor is supply chain management solution to bring structure, data, and modern platform tooling to the world of manufacturing. $14T is spent on manufacturing goods. Delivering a physical product on time relies on strong vendor relationships. Today many companies manage these relationships with email, excel, and shared spreadsheets. We provide a common way to get insight from your vendors and data to know how to select the best one for your job.

You can email me jordan(at)factor.io

Factorio has certainly been compared with Kafka!

I've always wanted to do a job coding interview where they watch you solve problems, design content pipelines, apply modular blueprints, optimize throughput, and refactor production lines in factorio.



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