
原始链接: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43183131

我建立了一场类似突破的游戏,这是我第三次尝试,这是受女友对Lbreakouthd的热爱而启发的,但旨在解决其缺陷。我最初的实验Breakout-V1引入了战略性升级选择,但感觉过于复杂。然后,我创建了Breakout-V2,这是一款分屏的多人游戏游戏,玩家收集了砖头掉落的硬币,争夺被爆炸爆炸的硬币,甚至互相借出的球。它可以用键盘,鼠标或电话作为控制器播放。 我的最新版本《突破》强调了游戏的感觉和进步。玩家在每个级别的末尾折断砖块,收集硬币并选择升级。您的分数解锁了新的升级和水平,从而增加了多样性和可重播性。目前有31个升级和91个级别可以解锁。该游戏旨在在各种浏览器和设备上平稳运行。它可在F-Droid和Play Store上使用,源代码在GitLab上。我很想听听您的反馈!

Hi HN ! This is an open source project I've been working on for a while. It's actually the third breakout-like game I've built. I really like the simplicity of the concept, having just one input (the puck horizontal position) and a simple gameplay that gives a low skill floor.

My girlfriend and I played a lot of the excellent LBreakoutHD, an open source breakout game that follows the traditional formula of having multiple lives, scoring points by breaking bricks and catching the good upgrades that spawn randomly and fall down, while avoiding bad upgrades.

She liked this game because it is non-violent, and doesn't make her sick like the first person 3D games. There are some issues though, it gets boring to break the last bricks, it's a bit unfair or slow sometimes, and the run length is too long with 30 something levels to clear for a high score.

I wanted to make a clone that would be fix those issues. I first tried to introduce more strategy by making the upgrades visible from the start, instead of them appearing randomly. You'd then strategize what to break first to earn more points. That first version is playable (https://breakout-v1.lecaro.me/) but a bit too complex.

I then wanted to simplify the gameplay, but make the game multiplayer in split screen (https://breakout-v2.lecaro.me/). Instead of bonus and malus, each brick drops some coins, and you need to catch them with the puck. This worked pretty well. You can play with the keyboard (A/D and LEFT/RIGHT keys) or mouse or both. The bomb explosions will blow coins around, including the coins of other players, and if you lose your ball, then a gap opens between your screen and the guy next to you, to give him a chance to lend you his ball. You can play using your phone as a controller by scanning the QR code, but make sure everyone is on the same Wi-Fi and that the the firewalls are down.

For my last version (https://breakout.lecaro.me/) is focused on the game feel and juice. It is about breaking bricks and catching coins, like the v2, but you can now pick upgrades at the end of each level. Your score unlocks more upgrades and levels that are added to the pool for the next runs. There are currently 31 upgrades and 91 levels to unlock.

Please have a try and tell me what you think. The game should run well on Firefox, safari and chrome on mobile and pc. It is available in F-Droid and on the play store, The source code is on GitLab. All links are in the game menu.

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