Putin Pressures Trump To Recognize Annexed Eastern Territories Captured

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/putin-pressures-trump-recognize-annexed-eastern-territories-captured

据报道,普京总统正寻求美国承认俄罗斯吞并顿涅茨克、卢甘斯克、赫尔松和扎波罗热地区,以换取不进一步侵占乌克兰领土的承诺。据俄罗斯《商业日报》(Kommersant)报道,普京认为这些地区永久属于俄罗斯。尽管克里姆林宫否认在普京和特朗普最近的通话中特别讨论了这些地区,但一项潜在的协议正在谈判之中。 埃隆·马斯克此前曾预测,如果战争持续下去,俄罗斯可能会攻击敖德萨,这可能会切断乌克兰与黑海的联系。他主张通过谈判解决冲突。 通话之后,白宫特使史蒂文·维特科夫宣布,将于3月23日举行一次美俄会议,讨论停火事宜。维特科夫称这次通话“史诗般”,“为了人类的福祉”,但也承认关于双方停止重新武装的具体细节仍未解决。


The readouts from the Tuesday Putin-Trump phone call made no mention of the Russian-annexed territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia - but what has remained clear to all observers is that Moscow is not going to give them up.

Russia's privately owned Kommersant business newspaper reports that President Putin is pushing his US counterpart to grant recognition of Russia's annexation of the four territories in exchange for a pledge not to seize more land.

Kommersant says that Putin is fundamentally arguing that "there’s no taking back what Russia has gained" - and that the eastern territories are now permanently part of the Russian Federation.

Image source: NY Times

Back in September 2022 Moscow oversaw war-time elections there, and the vote among the Russian-speaking population was overwhelming to come under Russia. The West and Kiev condemned these as a "sham" referendum.

"If this [recognition] happens soon, Russia will not lay claim to Odesa and other Ukrainian territories," Kommersant writes further of Putin's aims in negotiations.

However, the Kremlin has said that the annexed territories were not specifically dealt with in the Tuesday Trump phone call.

While the key southern port city of Odessa has come under occasional major missile attack since the war's start, it has thus far been sparred of full-scale military assault or invasion.

One year ago (in March of 2024), Elon Musk predicted that Odessa would become the next big city Russian forces would eye after solidification of their hold over the Donbass region.

The Tesla and SpaceX CEO explained at the time that Ukraine's position continued to weaken even as its leadership refused negotiations while pressing the West for more weapons. "Whether Ukraine loses all access to the Black Sea or not is, in my view, the real remaining question," he stressed in his commentary posted on X.

"The longer the war goes on, the more territory Russia will gain until they hit the Dnepr, which is tough to overcome. However, if the war lasts long enough, Odessa will fall too," Musk wrote at the time.

And that's when he concluded, "Whether Ukraine loses all access to the Black Sea or not is, in my view, the real remaining question. I recommend a negotiated settlement before that happens."

One year later, and there's a glimmer of hope for such negotiated settlement under Trump. Commenting on the Tuesday phone call with Putin, White House Special Envoy Steven Witkoff unveiled that the next meeting between the US and Russia is set for Sunday, March 23 - to discuss ceasefire in Ukraine.

And on the phone call specifically, Witkoff said in a fresh Fox interview, "It was these two great leaders coming together for the betterment of mankind." He also referred to the call "epic".

Witkoff was asked, "Does that mean that they [Russians] themselves won't rearm also? Will there be reciprocity there?", Witkoff replied: "Well, I think the devil's in the details."


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