Let's take the toy problem of getting the user's name and printing out a rainbow greeting banner. An inexperienced developer might solve the problem like this:
import { exec } from "node:child_process"
import { promisify } from "node:util"
const execPromise = promisify(exec)
const username = prompt("Hello, what's your name?")
const banner = (await execPromise(`figlet "Welcome, ${username}" | lolcat -f`)).stdout // security vulnerability!
This works as you might expect:
However, you might notice the bug when you run this with untrusted user input!
The constructed command was:
figlet "Welcome, "; ps; echo "" | lolcat -f
This kind of bug makes its way into production surprisingly often, although usually with trusted input. Even with trusted input, it can be a problem because you get strange bugs when your arguments contain spaces or something.
The obvious solution is to use execFile rather than exec and pass the arguments directly to the command with no shells parsing user input. It looks like this:
import { execFile } from "node:child_process"
import { promisify } from "node:util"
const execFilePromise = promisify(execFile)
const username = prompt("Hello, what's your name?")
// now we have to spawn the two processes and pipe the output of figlet into lolcat manually:
const lolcat = execFilePromise("lolcat", ["-f"])
const figlet = execFile("figlet", [`Welcome, ${username}`]).stdout.pipe(lolcat.child.stdin)
console.log((await lolcat).stdout)
I think this is a rather ugly solution. An alternative is to continue using shells, but pass the inputs in as environment variables:
import { exec } from "node:child_process"
import { promisify } from "node:util"
const execPromise = promisify(exec)
const username = prompt("Hello, what's your name?")
const banner = (await execPromise('figlet "Welcome, $username" | lolcat -f', { env: { ...process.env, username } })).stdout
We get the same, correct, result.
In JavaScript, we can take this one step further! Tagged templates allow you to write functions that receive the arguments to a template literal and return whatever you want. Here's an example implementation of safe interpolation:
import { exec as exec } from "child_process"
import { promisify } from "util"
const execPromise = promisify(exec)
async function shell(fragments: TemplateStringsArray, ...values: unknown[]) {
const env = { ...process.env }
const command = fragments.reduce((constructedCommand, fragment, i) => {
if (i < values.length) {
const varName = `_val${i + 1}`
env[varName] = `${values[i]}`
return constructedCommand + fragment + `$\{${varName}}`
return constructedCommand + fragment
}, "")
return await execPromise(command, { env })
const username = prompt("Hello, what's your name?")
const banner = (await shell`figlet "Welcome, ${username}" | lolcat -f`).stdout
This allows you to safely do string interpolation with untrusted user input on shell commands! There are still plenty of footguns depending on the command you're using, like how the env
command will start parsing out args if you start the first arg with -S
. In general, be careful that the command you're passing untrusted user input to doesn't do unexpected things when given maliciously-crafted input.
Now how about in other languages? In most cases, the best you can do is the environment variable method. Here's an example in Python:
import subprocess
import os
def shell(command, **values):
return subprocess.run(
env=os.environ | values,
username = input("Hello, what's your name? ")
banner = shell('figlet "Welcome, $username" | lolcat -f', username=username)
There is a proposal, PEP 750, that would enable something like:
shell(t'figlet "Welcome, {username}" | lolcat -f')
It is expected to land in Python 3.14.
Swift, however, is the only language other than JavaScript I have identified that has the equivalent feature today. It allows you to write structs extending ExpressibleByStringInterpolation
in a similar fashion to JavaScript's tagged templates.
I had not written a line of swift since I was eleven years old, and I didn't want to go learn Swift for a quick proof-of-concept, so this code is largely LLM-assisted.
import Foundation
struct Shell: ExpressibleByStringInterpolation {
private var command: String
private var env: [String: String]
var result: String
struct Interpolation: StringInterpolationProtocol {
var command = ""
var env: [String: String] = [:]
private var argCount = 0
init(literalCapacity: Int, interpolationCount: Int) {}
mutating func appendLiteral(_ literal: String) {
command += literal
mutating func appendInterpolation(_ value: Any) {
argCount += 1
let varName = "_val\(argCount)"
env[varName] = "\(value)"
command += "${\(varName)}"
init(stringLiteral value: String) {
command = value
env = [:]
// We can't use the run() function until all of our properties are initialized
// so we need to set result to "" first.
result = ""
// I'm not totally sure how this try? syntax works, the LLM generated it
// Presumably, it does run() and returns null if it fails, then we optional-chain to "" if it fails
result = (try? run()) ?? ""
init(stringInterpolation: Interpolation) {
command = stringInterpolation.command
env = stringInterpolation.env
result = ""
result = (try? run()) ?? ""
private func run() throws -> String {
let process = Process()
process.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/bin/sh")
process.arguments = ["-c", command]
var environment = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment
for (key, value) in env {
environment[key] = value
process.environment = environment
// Combining stdout and stderr is different
// than what I did in the Python and JS implementations.
// This function is purely LLM-generated (excluding this comment).
let pipe = Pipe()
process.standardOutput = pipe
process.standardError = pipe
try process.run()
let data = pipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""
print("What is your name?", terminator: " ")
let username = readLine()
// Swift doesn't have single-quoted strings, so we need to escape the double quotes
// in the figlet command.
let banner: Shell = "figlet \"Welcome, \(username!)\" | lolcat -f"
I wanted to see if it was possible to make shell(f'figlet "Welcome, {username}" | lolcat -f')
not vulnerable to shell injection. Nobody should ever use this, but I managed to bludgeon it into doing what I wanted. It uses a decorator function that grabs the function's source code, manipulates it with regexes (I suppose you could use the AST for this, but editing code with regex makes the fun even more fun – nobody is putting this in production hopefully), and executes the newly updated code.
import inspect
import os
import re
import subprocess
import uuid
def with_shell(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# Horrifying hack within a horrifying hack:
# Delete the first line of the function source code,
# which is the decorator itself.
# This is necessary to avoid infinite recursion.
# It will break if there's a decorator above this one.
function_source = "\n".join(inspect.getsource(f).splitlines()[1::])
pattern = r'shell\(f(["\']{1,3})(.*?)\1\)'
# We could replace all of the interpolated values with "?" or something,
# but what if the command itself contains a "?"?
# Instead, we generate an unpredictable placeholder.
placeholder = str(uuid.uuid4())
def replace_shell_invocation(match):
cmd = match.group(2)
placeholders = []
def replace_braces(match):
return placeholder
cmd_no_braces = re.sub(r"\{(.+?)\}", replace_braces, cmd)
placeholders_str = ", ".join(placeholders)
if placeholders_str:
return f'shell.internal({repr(cmd_no_braces)}, "{placeholder}", {placeholders_str})'
return f'shell.internal({repr(cmd_no_braces)}, "{placeholder}")'
new_code = re.sub(
pattern, replace_shell_invocation, function_source, flags=re.DOTALL
exec(compile(new_code, f.__code__.co_filename, "exec"), f.__globals__)
# We can't use f(*args, **kwargs) because it would call the original function,
# so we need to eval its name to get a reference to the newly-generated function
# from the exec.
eval(f.__name__)(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def shell(command: str) -> str:
Run a shell command and return the output. Prevents shell injection.
command: The shell command to run
The output of the shell command
raise NotImplementedError("Make sure you're using the with_shell decorator")
def shell_internal(command, placeholder, *args):
i = 0
env = {}
while placeholder in command:
var_name = f"_val{i}"
env[var_name] = args[i]
command = command.replace(placeholder, f"${{{var_name}}}")
i += 1
return subprocess.run(
env=os.environ | env,
shell.internal = shell_internal
def main():
username = input("Hello, what's your name? ")
banner = shell(f'figlet "Welcome, {username}" | lolcat -f')