CVE-2025-29927 – Next.js (这个不需要翻译,因为已经是英文缩写和专业术语了)
Next.js version 15.2.3 has been released to address a security vulnerability


Next.js 15.2.3 版本已发布,用于解决 CVE-2025-29927 安全漏洞。该漏洞影响使用 `next start` 和 `output: 'standalone'` 的自托管部署。此漏洞允许绕过中间件,可能跳过重要的安全检查,例如授权。 此漏洞特别影响依赖中间件进行身份验证或安全检查,且随后未进行验证的应用程序。 **受影响的:** 使用中间件的自托管 Next.js 应用程序。 **不受影响的:** Vercel、Netlify 或静态导出。 **修复方案:** * Next.js 15.x: 更新到 15.2.3 * Next.js 14.x: 更新到 14.2.25 * Next.js 13.x: 更新到 13.5.9 如果无法立即进行修补,请使用 `x-middleware-subrequest` 头阻止外部请求。v12 版本的补丁也计划推出。 Next.js 正在改进其漏洞管理流程,并创建了一个合作伙伴邮件列表以进行主动沟通。请联系 [email protected] 加入。

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  • 原文

    Next.js version 15.2.3 has been released to address a security vulnerability (CVE-2025-29927). Additionally, backported patches are available.

    We recommend that all self-hosted Next.js deployments using next start and output: 'standalone' should update immediately.

    Continue reading for more details on the CVE.

    • 2025-02-27T06:03Z: Disclosure to Next.js team via GitHub private vulnerability reporting
    • 2025-03-14T17:13Z: Next.js team started triaging the report
    • 2025-03-14T19:08Z: Patch pushed for Next.js 15.x
    • 2025-03-14T19:26Z: Patch pushed for Next.js 14.x
    • 2025-03-17T22:44Z: Next.js 14.2.25 released
    • 2025-03-18T00:23Z: Next.js 15.2.3 released
    • 2025-03-18T18:03Z: CVE-2025-29927 issued by GitHub
    • 2025-03-21T10:17Z: Security Advisory published
    • 2025-03-22T21:21Z: Next.js 13.5.9 released

    We are also publishing a backport for v12. We will update this post as they are released.

    Next.js uses an internal header x-middleware-subrequest to prevent recursive requests from triggering infinite loops. The security report showed it was possible to skip running Middleware, which could allow requests to skip critical checks—such as authorization cookie validation—before reaching routes.


    • Self-hosted Next.js applications using Middleware (next start with output: standalone)
    • This affects you if you rely on Middleware for auth or security checks, which are not then validated later in your application.
    • Applications using Cloudflare can turn on a Managed WAF rule

    Not affected

    • Applications hosted on Vercel
    • Applications hosted on Netlify
    • Applications deployed as static exports (Middleware not executed)
    • For Next.js 15.x, this issue is fixed in 15.2.3
    • For Next.js 14.x, this issue is fixed in 14.2.25
    • For Next.js 13.x, this issue is fixed in 13.5.9

    If patching to a safe version is infeasible, it is recommended that you prevent external user requests which contain the x-middleware-subrequest header from reaching your Next.js application.

    We are also publishing a backport for v12. We will update this post as they are released.

    Next.js has published 16 security advisories since 2016. Over time, we've continued to improve how we gather, patch, and disclose vulnerabilities.

    GitHub Security Advisories and CVEs are industry-standard approaches to notifying users, vendors, and companies of vulnerabilities in software. While we have published a CVE, we missed the mark on partner communications.

    To help us more proactively work with partners depending on Next.js, and other infrastructure providers, we are opening a partner mailing list. Please reach out to [email protected] to be included.

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