Far-Left "Eco-Terrorists" Attack German Power Grid, Causing Outage At Tesla's Gigafactory

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/far-left-eco-terrorists-attack-german-power-grid-causing-outage-teslas-gigafactory

最近在德国,被称为“火山组织”的生态抗议者袭击了该国的电力基础设施,放火烧毁了附近的一座高压塔,导致柏林附近 6 万多户家庭和特斯拉超级工厂停电。 该公司发言人证实,由于停电,他们的运营已停止,工厂内的人员已全部疏散。 尽管抗议者声称是为环保而战,但他们的行动似乎与这一目标适得其反,因为电动汽车减少了与传统汽油车相关的碳排放。 此外,一些人想知道黑暗势力是否也可能影响针对特斯拉一处设施的这些攻击,特别是针对其首席执行官通过使用其社交媒体平台 X 实现言论自由的承诺。尽管声称有环保意识,但最近发生的这些事件 似乎表明可能存在别有用心。 可以在 Twitter 上的@MarioNawfal 下找到对该组织和其他持续冲突的引用。



A far-left militant/environmental group, known as "Vulkangruppe" (Volcano Group), has claimed responsibility for an attack on Germany's electricity infrastructure on Tuesday, paralyzing vehicle production at Tesla's European Gigafactory near Berlin. 

Police in the state of Brandenburg said someone set fire to a nearby high-voltage tower, causing a blaze that cut off electricity to the Gigafactory and more than 60,000 people in the surrounding area. 

A Tesla spokesperson confirmed to Reuters that the attack on the grid caused a power outage at the factory, resulting in a production halt. The spokesperson added that the site was evacuated. 

"We sabotaged Tesla today. Because Tesla in Grünau eats up earth, resources, people, labor and spits out 6,000 SUVs, killing machines and monster trucks per week. Our gift for March 8th is to shut down Tesla. Because the complete destruction of the Gigafactory and with it the sawing off of “technofascists” like Elend Musk are a step on the path to liberation from patriarchy," the eco-terrorist wrote in a 2,500-word attack on Tesla. 

On X, CEO Elon Musk responded to the incident by saying: 

"These are either the dumbest eco-terrorists on Earth or they’re puppets of those who don’t have good environmental goals. Stopping production of electric vehicles, rather than fossil fuel vehicles, ist extrem dumm."

Tesla shares in New York were down about 2.5% in the early morning cash session. 

Meanwhile, there are environmental protesters near the Gigafactory... 

Why are eco-terrorists attacking Tesla when it's claimed by these groups that electric vehicles will save the planet from imminent climate doom? Or is it this eco-terrorist group is being weaponized by dark money to go after Musk for his 'free-speech' platform X that goes against the censorship-industrial complex in the West?

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