原始链接: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39609336
安全并不是一个涵盖从网络战策略到密码强度等所有内容的笼统术语。 它涉及功能、易用性和风险缓解之间的复杂权衡,并且这些选择常常会给用户带来不便,有时甚至是挫败感。
不安全感往往是为了快速取得成果而采取捷径而导致的结果。 安全很少是绝对的,仔细权衡每个决策的成本与收益非常重要。
为了进一步说明我之前的观点,让我们以一个假设的产品为例,例如 USB 记忆棒驱动器。 具有内置加密功能的标准可移动闪存棒本质上不如嵌入式存储阵列安全,这主要是因为与固态嵌入式同等产品相比,可移动闪存盘在其生命周期内经历的连接和传输量要大得多。 However, this additional risk is compensated by reduced latency, lower power consumption, smaller size, lower cost, and increased reliability。 To add insult to injury, the flash disk usually requires a special device driver specifically tuned for that chipset and controller, which adds complexity and reduces portability across multiple systems and operating environments。 By contrast, embedding the storage onto the motherboard provides an excellent balance between functional requirements, environmental concerns, and cyber risks。
权衡可拆卸闪存棒与嵌入式解决方案的优缺点,我们可以看到,冒着使用可拆卸组件的风险增强了便利性、移动性、灵活性和经济性,但代价是更大的功能损失、控制损失和增加的成本。 cyber risk during operations。 And taking those cyber risks seriously entails the creation of cumbersome security features to protect against potential losses from the exposure caused by negligent error。 Ultimately, the cost of these features, including additional development time, resources, manpower, and materials, depends on the target customer segment and marketing positioning strategy, among others。
我认为,可移动闪存棒带来的网络风险,特别是在处理不当或鲁莽时,是基本设计缺陷的直接后果 - 即,尽管存在明显的网络威胁,但消费者和组织仍可以不受限制地访问敏感组件 by a mobile computing paradigm。 虽然有一小部分人真正喜欢可拆卸部件提供的自由,例如音频或视频录制设备,例如