BYD Running Into "Challenges" Expanding Overseas, Likely To Miss Internal Sales Target For '24

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/byd-running-challenges-expanding-overseas

2024年1月,中国汽车制造商比亚迪首次超越特斯拉,成为全球交付量最多的纯电动汽车。 目前,比亚迪的国际化发展面临着困难。 据《华尔街日报》报道,这些挑战包括市场需求疲软、定价过高、质量控制障碍以及有关市场渗透方法的内部争论。 具体问题包括质量问题,例如车辆发霉以及欧洲仓储设施供应过剩。 这可能导致比亚迪无法实现2024年40万辆的国际销量目标,全年在欧洲仅售出1.6万辆汽车。 尽管遇到这些挫折,比亚迪仍然对其全球未来充满信心。 王传福董事长希望效仿日本和韩国汽车品牌在全球取得的成功。 2023年,比亚迪净利润约40亿美元,市值超过700亿美元。 此前,像现代汽车这样的公司在海外扩张时也经历过类似的考验。 尽管比亚迪避免了重大质量问题,但它还是处理了一些事故,包括伦敦公交车起火以及外国人抵达时车辆状况不佳等。 一位公司代表表达了他们对国际进步,特别是欧洲团队的满意。 此前有报道称,特斯拉 2023 年第四季度生产了近 190 万辆汽车,但略低于 185 万辆左右的产量预测。 尽管如此,特斯拉声称单个季度的汽车产量和交付量均创历史新高。 尽管如此,比亚迪的电池电动产品季度销量仍超过了特斯拉,第四季度销量达到 526,000 辆。 比亚迪宣布全年新能源汽车产量接近300万辆,在总产量上连续第二次战胜特斯拉。 比亚迪纯电动汽车产量160万辆,混合动力汽车140万辆。 早在2023年9月,我们就曾透露比亚迪和特斯拉在电动汽车领域的竞争十分激烈。 届时,比亚迪在 2023 年前六个月内的电动汽车销量约为 120 万辆,是宝马、大众和梅赛德斯总销量的两倍。



We wrote back in January that BYD had surpassed Tesla in fully electric vehicle deliveries for the first time in history. But who knows how long that will last, because now the auto manufacturer is running into "challenges" in expanding overseas, according to the Wall Street Journal

Despite its domestic success, BYD is grappling with issues such as low market demand, high prices, quality control challenges, and internal debates on market share acquisition strategies, the report highlights. 

Specific problems have included mold in vehicles and excess stock in European warehouses, WSJ notes. As a result, the company is likely to miss its internal sales target of 400,000 international car sales this year, with only around 16,000 vehicles sold in Europe in 2023.

The company told the outlet, however, that it remains optimistic about its international prospects under Chairman Wang Chuanfu's leadership. Supported by Warren Buffett, BYD aims to emulate the global success of Japanese and South Korean auto brands.

BYD's profits doubled to about $4 billion in 2023, and it maintains a market capitalization over $70 billion. However, BYD's international journey has not been without its learning curves, similar to Asian predecessors like Hyundai, which faced recalls and quality issues in its early international expansion.

Despite avoiding widespread quality problems, BYD has seen incidents such as a bus fire in London and concerns over vehicle condition upon arrival in international markets, indicating challenges in handling long-distance logistics and maintaining quality standards.

“BYD is very satisfied with the achievements made by our overseas teams, including the one in Europe,” a company rep told the WSJ. 

Recall, Tesla announced back in January it had "produced approximately 495,000 vehicles and delivered over 484,000 vehicles" for Q4 2023. The company noted that its full year vehicle delivery number was up 38% to 1.81 million, slightly less than recently revised expectations for the year. Nonetheless, total deliveries marked a record quarter for the EV manufacturer. The company manufactured approximately 1.85 million vehicles for the period. 

But BYD beat Tesla's quarterly number with its battery only electric vehicle, reporting sales of 526,000 for Q4, we pointed out. 

The company said it produced more than 3 million new energy vehicles for the year and it marks the second year that BYD has beat out Tesla in total production. BYD produced 1.6 million battery only vehicles, just slightly behind Tesla, and 1.4 million hybrids. 

We wrote back in September 2023 that BYD and Tesla were the two companies neck and neck leading the EV industry. We noted then that for the first half of 2023, BYD alone sold almost 1.2 million plug-in electric vehicles (incl. plug-in hybrids), roughly double the combined total of BMW, Volkswagen and Mercedes.

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