US Still Dominates The World's Largest Stock Exchanges

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/us-still-dominates-worlds-largest-stock-exchanges

根据最新统计,全球大约有 80 家重要证券交易所,总市值达 110.2 万亿美元。 值得注意的是,纽约证券交易所 (NYSE) 和纳斯达克继续主导市场,控制着全球 42.4% 的股票,紧随其后的是总部位于荷兰的泛欧交易所。 尽管新兴经济体(特别是印度)快速增长,并于 2023 年超过英国,但美国仍然引领资本市场。 其他著名的证券交易所包括日本东京证券交易所(市值 5.9 万亿美元)、深圳证券交易所和上海证券交易所(均为中国证券交易所,市值均约为 4.5 至 6.7 万亿美元)、香港交易所(市值 4.2 万亿美元)、印度国家证券交易所( 3.5万亿美元),英国伦敦证券交易所集团(目前估值3.4万亿美元)排名第七。 相比之下,沙特阿拉伯股市、TMX Group(加拿大)、德意志交易所(德国)、瑞士六所交易所、纳斯达克北欧和波罗的海国家交易所(丹麦、芬兰、挪威和爱沙尼亚)、韩国交易所(韩国)、德黑兰证券交易所(伊朗)、约翰内斯堡证券交易所(南非)、B3(巴西)、阿布扎比证券交易所(阿联酋)和 Thai(泰国)分别排名第 18 至第 24 位,各自市值约为 0.6 至 30 亿美元。 应该指出的是,国际投资提供了潜在的多元化收益,但由于各种经济、政治和监管因素,也带来了独特的风险。 最终,投资者在做出明智的决定之前必须考虑所有可用的选择。



Today, there are roughly 80 major stock exchanges worth a combined $110.2 trillion in value.

The world’s top two exchanges, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Nasdaq, command 42.4% of global market capitalization.

Despite the rapid growth of emerging economies, the U.S. continues to lead capital markets by a wide margin—even as countries such as India see considerable growth, surpassing the UK in 2023.

This visualization, via Visual Capitalist's Dorothy Neufeld and Sabrina Fortin, shows the largest stock exchanges in the world, with data from the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE).

Top Stock Exchanges, by Market Cap

Here are the top 25 largest stock markets covering 96.6% of total stock market capitalization:

Global Rank Stock Exchange Country Market Cap
Aug 2023
1 NYSE �� U.S. $25.0T
2 Nasdaq �� U.S. $21.7T
3 Euronext �� Netherlands $7.2T
4 Shanghai Stock Exchange �� China $6.7T
5 Japan Exchange Group �� Japan $5.9T
6 Shenzhen Stock Exchange �� China $4.5T
7 Hong Kong Exchanges �� Hong Kong $4.2T
8 National Stock Exchange
of India
�� India $3.5T
9 LSE Group �� UK $3.4T
10 Saudi Exchange �� Saudi Arabia $3.1T
11 TMX Group �� Canada $2.9T
12 Deutsche Boerse AG �� Germany $2.1T
13 SIX Swiss Exchange �� Switzerland $2.1T
14 Nasdaq Nordic
and Baltics
�� Sweden, Denmark,
Finland and Iceland
15 Korea Exchange �� South Korea $1.9T
16 Tehran Stock Exchange �� Iran $1.7T
17 ASX Australian
Securities Exchange
�� Australia $1.7T
18 Taiwan Stock Exchange �� Taiwan $1.6T
19 Johannesburg Stock
�� South Africa $1.2T
20 B3 - Brazil Stock Exchange
and OTC Market
�� Brazil $0.9T
21 Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange �� Abu Dhabi $0.8T
22 BME Spanish Exchanges �� Spain $0.8T
23 Singapore Exchange �� Singapore $0.6T
24 The Stock Exchange
of Thailand
�� Thailand $0.6T
25 Bolsa Mexicana
de Valores
�� Mexico $0.5T

The NYSE ($25.0 trillion) and the tech-heavy Nasdaq ($21.7 trillion) are home to many of the world’s most valuable firms, from Apple to Nvidia. Since 2016, the NYSE has grown 35.1% while the Nasdaq has ballooned 189.3% in market cap.

The vast majority of companies in the S&P 500 Index, often seen as a barometer for U.S. stock market performance, are traded on these exchanges.

With $7.2 trillion in market cap, Euronext is the world’s third-largest exchange. Since Brexit, the pan-European exchange has attracted more capital and by early 2021, it outranked the London Stock Exchange. Over the last two decades, London’s stock market has fallen from 13% to 4% of the global share.

Ranking fourth is the Shanghai Stock Exchange, at $6.7 trillion in market cap. Beverage giant Kweichow Moutai, ICBC, and PetroChina are the largest companies traded on the exchange.

Like China, as India’s economy has continued to expand, so has its primary stock market. As the twelfth-largest globally, it’s worth $3.5 trillion in market cap, growing over 133% in market value since 2016.

Should You Invest Internationally?

While U.S. stock markets are unmatched in scale in the global arena, investors may look to diversify exposure across the pond.

In fact, by 2050, Goldman Sachs projects that emerging markets’ share of global stock market capitalization will surpass America. Given the strong economic growth of emerging markets, investors may find opportunities in broad market indexes that track these countries through investment vehicles like ETFs or mutual funds.

Yet while international markets may provide opportunities for diversification, they may also present risk given political, regulatory, and economic factors.

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