以色列对叙利亚发动多年来最大规模袭击 造成40多人死亡
Israel Mounts Largest Attack On Syria In Years, Over 40 Dead

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/israel-mounts-largest-attack-syria-years-over-40-dead

以色列对叙利亚北部发动大规模空袭 造成40多人死亡 上周,以色列对叙利亚发动了近代历史上最具破坏性的空袭之一,造成 40 多人死亡。 事件发生在叙利亚北部阿勒颇省附近。 悲惨丧生的人包括叙利亚军队、真主党武装分子和平民。 报道称,这是以色列单次袭击中叙利亚士兵死亡人数最多的一次。 尽管以色列不愿声称对此事负责,但以色列历史上多年来一直对叙利亚进行定期空袭。 这些袭击通常旨在消除所谓的伊朗在该地区的影响力。 初步报告显示,这次袭击发生在凌晨,目标是真主党军火库或大本营; 然而,精确的核实仍然难以实现。 关于沙姆解放组织等恐怖组织与以色列空军在行动期间勾结的报道相互矛盾。 初步损害评估显示遭到严重破坏。 早些时候的交战涉及以色列对大马士革郊区的空中轰炸,估计造成两名平民受伤。 作为以色列针对伊朗介入叙利亚的既定使命的一部分,这些袭击标志着日益动荡的中东局势再次升级。



On Friday Israel conducted its deadliest strikes on Syria in months, or perhaps even years, given the immense death toll is mounting into several dozens killed amid a large emergency response to the scene.

The airstrikes were conducted deep into Syria, in northern Syria's Aleppo province, and left over 40 people dead. This reportedly included Syrian soldiers, Hezbollah militants, and civilians. Most international reports are saying 42 were killed, but the Syrian government did not initially give a precise casualty count.

Stillframe of local footage showing massive attack on northern Aleppo.

The anti-Assad opposition and UK-based organization Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) described that the Aleppo attack left the highest number of dead among Syrian soldiers in a single such Israeli attack. While Israel doesn't typically directly own up to or confirm such attacks on Syrian soil, its military has been conducting sporadic attacks on Syria going back years.

The attack happened in the pre-dawn, overnight hours - with state-run SANA emphasizing that many civilians were killed and wounded, but without giving a figure.

Syria's defense ministry pointed to the airstrikes having some level of coordination from "terrorist organizations" on the ground which "in conjunction" to the air raid carried out drone attacks, presumably from Al-Qaeda (Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham) occupied Idlib. Some reports are saying that Israeli warplanes hit a "Hezbollah warehouse" - though there's no ground confirmation of this.

This new major attack comes the day after Israeli airstrikes on a suburb of Damascus, which reportedly wounded two civilians. Israeli officials and media have long claimed to be waging a campaign against Iranian and IRGC operatives and assets in Syria.

Sky News has verified social media video showing massive explosions from the site of the overnight Aleppo attacks:

After the Oct.7 Hamas terror attack, this 'counter Iran' campaign has also focused on Lebanon, where Tehran-backed Hezbollah has entered a hot conflict with Israeli forces along the border.

The Syrian government under President Bashar Al-Assad has frequently lodged formal complaints at the United Nations that the country's sovereignty is constantly being violated by Israeli aggression, however, this is by and large fallen on deaf ears.

In the initial days and weeks after Oct.7, Syria had lobbed several rockets toward the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, which left no casualties. Much of the Syrian populace has meanwhile become frustrated and expressed growing anger that the Russian military, has has long had a significant presence inside Syria (especially since 2015), has not done more to try and intercept inbound Israeli jets.

As far as Israeli attacks, Moscow has long been content to stay on the sidelines, so long as the ostensible targets are said to be 'Iranian-linked'.

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