Tesla Is Once Again The World's Best-Selling EV Company

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/tesla-once-again-worlds-best-selling-ev-company

2023年第四季度,中国汽车制造商比亚迪的销量超越特斯拉。 然而,2024 年第一季度报告显示,比亚迪销量较第四季度大幅下降 43%,而特斯拉则下降 20%。 随着全球电动汽车销量下降,这一趋势仍在持续,导致两家公司加剧了价格竞争。 为了应对特斯拉频繁降价,比亚迪在 2024 年第一季度宣布节省成本。海鸥等价格实惠的车型起价为 69,800 日元(9,700 美元),Yuan Plus 起价为 119,800 日元(16,000 美元),而特斯拉最便宜的 RWD Model 3 的起价为 10,000 日元(16,000 美元)。 245,900(34,000美元),比亚迪的目标是在需求下降的情况下吸引更多客户。 有关 Tesla 销量的全面见解,请参阅此信息图,该图展示了 Tesla 自 2016 年以来的销量进展。



China’s BYD made waves for outselling Tesla in Q4 2023, prompting many to believe that the once dominant EV king would fall further behind in 2024.

However, as Visual Capitalist's Marcus Lu details below, figures for Q1 2024 are now out, and they reveal a dramatic 43% decline in BYD sales from the previous quarter. Meanwhile, Tesla reported a slightly less painful 20% drop in sales.

To see how this battle is playing out, we visualized the global BEV sales of both companies over the past several years.

Exact figures can be found in the table below.

The steep drops reported in Q1 2024 are the latest sign that consumer appetite for fully electric vehicles has slowed, prompting both companies to escalate their ongoing price war. In February 2024, BYD responded to Tesla’s repeated price cuts with its own round of discounts.

BYD Offers a Significantly Lower Entry Point

As shown in the above graphic, starting prices for some of BYD’s electric cars are incredibly low.

In China, the BYD Seagull now starts at 69,800 yuan ($9,700), while the Yuan Plus (BYD’s Model Y competitor) starts at 119,800 yuan ($16,000). On the other hand, Tesla’s cheapest model (RWD Model 3) costs 245,900 yuan ($34,000). It’s interesting to note that the cheapest Model 3 in the U.S. costs $38,990, according to reporting from CNN.

Learn More About Tesla

If you like seeing data visualizations on the world’s largest EV maker, check out this graphic that breaks down Tesla’s sales by model since 2016.

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