These Are The Countries With The Highest Corporate Tax Rates

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/these-are-countries-highest-corporate-tax-rates

从1980年起,全球平均企业税率达40.2%。 这比目前 23.5% 的平均水平要高得多。 在过去的几十年里,所有地区的企业税率都显着下降。 美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦等人主张实行普遍的最低企业税,以阻止跨国企业通过将收入转移到避税天堂来逃税。 然而,支持者认为,企业税收的减少使企业能够申报更多的收入并刺激真正的商业活动。 接下来,我们将通过 Visual Capitalist 展示根据普拉纳夫·加瓦利 (Pranav Gavali) 的说法,企业税率最高的国家,然后根据数据基金会的统计数据描述过去四十年主要征税国家的变化。 非洲和南美洲国家的税收水平最高。 阿根廷的企业税率为 35%,在经济严重低迷的情况下,该国于 2022 年将税率从 25% 上调。 阿根廷政府是全球基础税的重要支持者,建议将其提高到最高 25%。 马耳他是欧洲唯一上榜的国家,拥有复杂的税收框架。 当地公司减免 35% 的收入税; 与此同时,外国实体在马耳他只需支付 5% 的费用,并在其本国支付额外 10% 的费用。 相反,请参考下图,显示自 1980 年以来企业税率最高的国家。此前,印度、中国和英国的企业税率已超过 50%。 此后,中国实施了包括关键减税在内的经济改革,推动了非公有制领域的扩张。 同样,在英国,税率从 1980 年的 52% 骤降至目前的 25%,而美国也呈现出同样的趋势。 1980 年,美国的企业税等级很高(46%)——远高于现有税率。 值得注意的是,在 20 世纪 80 年代里根任期内,美国企业税大幅减少,降至 35%。 此外,2017年



In 1980, the global average corporate tax rate stood at 40.2% - a level notably higher than today...

Over the last several decades, corporate tax rates have declined across every region, with the average now falling at 23.5% as of 2023. As tax rates have sunk lower, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and others have called for a global minimum corporate tax to prevent multinationals from sheltering profits in tax havens.

But on the other hand, some argue that lower corporate rates allow corporations to report more income and boost real business activities.

The graphic below, from Pranav Gavali, via Visual Capitalist, shows the countries with the highest corporate tax rates since 1980.

Below, we show how countries with the highest corporate taxes have changed over the last four decades, based on data from the Tax Foundation:

As the above table shows, countries clustered in Africa and South America have the top rates globally.

Argentina, with a corporate tax rate of 35%, hiked up rates from 25% in 2022 as the country was mired in a deepening economic crisis. The country has also been a key supporter of a global minimum tax, suggesting it should be raised as high as 25%.

Malta, the only European nation on the list, also has one of the highest rates. Yet its tax system is complex: local businesses pay a 35% rate on profits, but international firms can pay as low as 5% in Malta with an additional 10% tax paid in their originating country.

By contrast, we can see that in 1980, countries including India, China and the United Kingdom had corporate tax rates above 50%. Since then, China underwent a series of economic reforms that included key tax reductions that helped drive the growth of its private sector.

In the United Kingdom, tax rates were 52% four decades ago and now fall at 25%. The U.S. tells a similar story, with corporate rates standing at 46% in 1980—more than double the rates seen today. Major corporate tax cuts were seen during Reagan’s presidency during the 1980s, when rates were cut to 35%, and later in 2017 when they were further reduced to 21% under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

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