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I gave 4chan a shot again after reading your comment. Seriously the first post that I found was: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/464559056 How do you filter out the stuff that's clearly coming from insecure teenage brains? I don't mean literally filtering it as in censoring it, I mean how do you read/navigate this forum in a way where you don't constantly have to read over childish shite? |
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Aren't most of the replies critic or posted by people disagreeing with you though?
Especially on HN, where most users would promote discussion with a reply rather than «Agreed» or «lmao»
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This appears to be true in a vacuum, but practically it's not for many "truths." For example, we can all agree that the holocaust was an atrocity that should have never happened. Certainly there are folks who don't believe that, or who don't even believe that it ever occurred, but the vast majority of reasonable people would consider those folks irrational (to put it mildly). Now, I notice that I use "we all agree" and "vast majority," which is no way to explain an objective fact, but what we all agree on as a community or society _is_ reality. A society or community that has a different reality(s) than us is probably not a society or community that we would associate ourselves with. This operates on several levels and dimensions; the common realities I share with my local Islamic community are different realities than I share with my tech community, or Toastmasters community, or even family. Going back to the original point, yes, there are no realities that the entire global community can agree on, not even something as seemingly incontroversial as medicine (Christian Science for example https://rpl.hds.harvard.edu/religion-context/case-studies/mi... ), but no individual is part of the global community. We choose our communities based on the realities that we accept to be true. |
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It's sadly not just one thing that goes wrong. But at the base of it, it's the human faults at play. It's just being amplified by social media and the easy communication on Internet.
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I’d say a lot of that is genetic and or cultural. At the very least there are many of us who do not possess that instinct. We have much lower karma scores but we don’t care.
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>The 'Redditization' I'm more worried about the Linkednization. Where people share terrible views and nobody criticizes it because they don't want to be seen as someone that criticizes things. |
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> They fail to grasp that there is a difference, treating real people like they are Reddit accounts. That's exactly correct, and now we are one step closer to understanding the precession of simulacra of identity. The crude maps of the 16th century cartographer were of such low fidelity and accuracy that it became impossible to confuse them with the territory, with all its contours and nuances elided from the scribbles of ink on parchment. Contrast with Google Maps, that has captured the earth in such exquisite detail, down to the meter, that we now regard it as a more or less one-to-one representation of the Earth in itself; a simulacrum of the "first order," which "is the reflection of a profound reality" (Baudrillard 1981). But the representation does not stop there; now with things like listings of local businesses, we have progressed to a simulacrum of the "second order," which "masks and denatures a profound reality" - does your business even exist, if I can't find it on Google Maps? If your road has signage calling it one thing, while Google Maps calls it another [0], which name is correct? How will your GPS navigate such a world when the map and the territory have diverged this far from one another? The end game of the precession is the creation of entire virtual worlds and maps (think, de_dust2) that represent no territories at all, but are a territory in their own virtual right - a simulacrum of the "fourth order," or "the hyperreal:" "it has no relation to any reality whatsoever: it is its own pure simulacrum." Alan Watts spoke of a similar phenomenon in one of his lectures on meditation [1]:
We are now at a stage where the newer generations have confused these symbols of ourselves - Reddit, Facebook, Instagram accounts - with the actual people in themselves. It has become possible to capture, record, misrepresent, mask, and denature our lives and the people within them to such a high degree of fidelity, that, just as it has become possible to confuse Google Maps with the territory of the Earth itself, it becomes possible to confuse the Reddit account for the real person. The social media account, having "precessed" far past the point of "denaturing a profound [person]" through Photoshop and Instagram filters, has now achieved "hyperreality," where the Reddit account now _becomes_ a person in its own right. The real person _is_ the Reddit account, and the Reddit account _is_ the person.If it happened with God in the quarrels between the iconoclasts and the idol worshipping iconolaters, it can happen with mere mortals, too:
[0] https://support.google.com/maps/thread/154775503/google-won-...
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thanks for articulating this. I've encountered a lot of Gen z who do this and while they are well-meaning, smart kids, I find it so difficult to have a nice conversation because of this
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A teacher with 20-30 kids under watch cannot give the same level of attention to each child as a parent with 1-3 kids under watch, all else equal, but are attention and love the same thing?
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Funny. I just tried to post my yearly attempt to communicate with people on Reddit, which got taken down immediately by the auto-moderator. https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/1c0nuy6/it_is_impos... It's infinitely sad that there's no place to just connect with people on the internet anymore. My post got 6 comments and a DM within the first minute, before the post got taken down. These people could have been new friends. I've been through this cycle so many times I have long given up on trying to post on the internet. Logging on to find people and share thoughts only to be met with this massive wall of context and janitorial standards. I gave up like five years ago. This is to say that the whole debate between "social media causes anxiety" and our landscape of social media causes anxiety makes this debate way too coarse. Getting on the internet between 2005-2012 felt happy, free, and was just a wellspring of community and connection. Post-2013 it's been a nightmarish hellscape on every platform. |
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> No longer can you just throw something out there, no matter how stupid. Back in real world, I could never do it. If you could, that just means you lived in a bubble of like minded people. |
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The situation you describe sounds familiar, but having dealt with these situations there are many potential root scenarios the facts can support. Here are a few things that stick out. There is some motive force that animates your sister. She travels to and from work regularly. Is able to go out and get surgery and cosmetics. She has reduced interaction with immediate family - more precisely, she has reduced her interactions over several years. You describe interactions as situations where “ ..doesn't share her actual thoughts and gets angry when asked about it”, / Emotional Upheaval. There are many skills that are at play here. Decision making, planning, goal setting, even basic skills like getting out of the house. It will be tempting to “judge” and comment how those skills are being used - ignore that urge. Secondly, you describe your efforts to provide assistance - suggesting Building sites, or expanding on her interests, which result in a “I dont know.” Of the methods attempted, loosely classified, they focus on action, doing things. Assuming that you are helping in the manner you would expect to be helped - it may not be the manner in which she understands help or needs to be helped. In the off chance that this extrapolation based on limited data is correct, then your sister may simply connect or need help in different ways. From experience - some people dont need a plan or help, they need to understand themselves, this is sufficient information for them to make their own plans and act on their own. Others prefer concrete, actionable plans and dont really need this kind of help. When two such individuals attempt to help each other, the usual outcome is either “You want me to do more, after I am already struggling?” Or “Why are you wasting my time when I need concrete solutions”. If it helps - ‘thinking’ something through, is also a project. You are building yourself. Often people forget who they are, what their strengths are, become too tired, expect themselves to perform even though they are dead tired - they make errors in their projects. In such cases some objective reassurance of their capabilities, a genuine analysis of their situation, helps. Often the best person to do this is a professional, because the emotional state interferes with the objective evaluation (“I will fail” vs “No shit - I cant be creative if I am this stressed”) I dont have a solution, but I hope some of these thoughts aligned with the circumstances you find yourself within. If it helps - I use something like this to work situations like this out. Over engineered: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-KD6jm0l4c-thought-council Base version: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-Cdq3drl87-two-guides Non ChatGPT + version: https://chat.openai.com/share/d37ce786-20a4-482e-b348-87cd03... |
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This sounds very much like classic addictive behavior. I recommend reading up on Al-Anon, so you can learn more about what you can and can't do, in terms of helping an addict.
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Jonathan Swift supposedly said:
You cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into. I think that's typically true but I also would try anyway. |
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Agreed. I was expecting something like asking her to go for a walk outside, visit a beach... something grounding and enjoyable away from the phone. Not trying to teach her frontend dev lol.
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> It's her life so I leave her alone, not my place to tell her what to do, and the emotional upheaval from her isn't worth it either. You are a part of the problem. |
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This is where you use your tech skills to break her addiction. Degrade her social media queries randomly. Mess up the dopamine rewards. Maybe a pihole add on or something like that?
She does this and all the while never leaves the house, other than to go to work. She doesn't share her actual thoughts and gets angry when asked about it. You might be reading this and thinking that there's more to it, but sadly there isn't. It's her life so I leave her alone, not my place to tell her what to do, and the emotional upheaval from her isn't worth it either.
But it's crazy that a person can get this lost in life and become completely devoid of purpose and meaning. It's one thing to have an issue and work through it slowly, but it's something else to isolate yourself and live your life through others - while those "others" prosper from your own ignorance.
I'm sure her past experiences are playing a role in this behavior, but the whole cosmetics things - I know for a fact there are a lot of influencers who peddle this crap, and if you lack self-awareness then I can see how easy it is to get stuck in this cycle. I just wish there was an easy way out of it.