Europe's Suffering From "War Psychosis" In Its Unyielding Military Support For Ukraine, Hungary's Foreign Minister Claims

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/europes-suffering-war-psychosis-its-unyielding-military-support-ukraine-hungarys

匈牙利外交部长彼得·西雅尔托在最近举行的欧盟外交事务理事会会议上声称,欧盟当前和拟议的措施非但没有找到实现和平的方法,反而延长了乌克兰持续的冲突。 他建议,重点应该是建立和平,而不是为战争做准备,就像西欧目前所做的那样,通过生产并向乌克兰提供军事装备,同时预测其不可避免的后果。 外交部长声称,由于持续缺乏和平对话,该地区正遭受着只能被描述为“战争精神病”的痛苦。 西雅尔托解释了为什么持续向乌克兰提供武器并不能解决问题,并补充说这样的计划将欧盟拖入一场迫在眉睫的战争。 这位外交部长反对武装乌克兰军队,他表示欧盟不应损害匈牙利的关键能源资源,也不应仅基于军事考虑证明加入的合理性,并指出一些欧盟成员国在与俄罗斯谨慎互动方面的虚伪。 因此,西雅尔托敦促欧盟集中精力促进外交解决方案,而不是加深对武器的依赖。



Via Remix News,

Instead of looking for ways to foster peace, the European Union’s current and planned actions only serve to extend the war, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said after a meeting of the EU’s Foreign Affairs Council.

“It is all about war, there is no peace. Brussels is still pro-war, as shown by the fact that they would give €5 billion a year for arms over the next four years, which also shows that they expect the war to continue,” Szijjártó said.

“No one in Western Europe is talking about peace, Europe is suffering from a war psychosis.”

He added that it is clear there will be no solution to the war on the battlefield. Europeans expect nothing but destruction and death, and the conditions for peace are getting worse.

“Taking arms production and training to Ukraine would drag the EU into an immediate war. We find this totally unacceptable. Nor should arms transfers be just about supplying the Ukrainians with as many weapons as possible, because the EU is not a security organization, and justifying a country’s future accession on security grounds is completely unacceptable,” Szijjártó added.

Speaking of the EU’s bans on Russian fossil fuels, Szijjártó said that Hungarians do not want to give up energy security in the name of some ill-defined ideals.

“On energy supplies: We didn’t talk nonsense by saying that it’s not a political issue, it’s a physical issue. We are not willing to risk the security of Hungary’s energy supply or the results of cuts in tariffs. Hungarians are not responsible for the war, we are not willing to make them pay for it,” he said.

The Hungarian foreign minister accused other member states of being covert about its dealings with Russia...

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