
原始链接: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40041198

标题:使用 SDR 技术从头开始创建国产 GPS 接收器 这位科技爱好者去年[2021 年 10 月]成功开发了 iOS 4 越狱,然后开始了一个新的爱好项目——使用软件定义无线电 (SDR) 技术构建 DIY 全球定位系统 (GPS) 接收器。 他利用通用 SDR 以及 Python 标准库和 NumPy,设计了一个复杂的信号处理系统,能够在几分钟内定位和跟踪 GPS 卫星。 这项创新不仅可以识别和捕获卫星出现和消失的情况,还可以在 59 秒内计算出准确的位置坐标和时钟校正。 他的博客记录了他的冒险经历,发现了检测和捕获以前人耳无法检测到的微弱卫星信号背后的复杂性。 在完成这一壮举后,他对 GPS 技术背后的天才表示了深深的赞赏,然后由于即将到来的就业承诺而完成了他的公共项目。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅提供的链接。 [2021 年 10 月:https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37736318]


Hi everyone!

Shortly after publishing my iOS 4 jailbreak last October[1], I got to work on my next hobby project: a from-scratch homebrew GPS receiver, which can solve the user’s location solely from billions of radio antenna samples.

I took a commodity SDR (alongside the Python standard library and numpy) and built a signal processing pipeline that can detect and track GPS satellites over many minutes, drop and pick up satellites as they come in and out of view, and precisely determine the user’s position and clock inaccuracy.

All told, gypsum can go from a cold start to a fix on the user’s position, and the precise time, in less than a minute of listening to the antenna. I went on a journey of learning how to detect and track satellite signals that are literally too quiet to hear, and I hope that some of the magic comes through in the posts!

After implementing this myself and walking the long road of getting it working, I’m left completely stunned by the brilliance of GPS, across so many axes. I hope you enjoy the read!

On a more personal note, I’ll be starting a new job next week which isn’t as amenable to publishing side projects, and therefore this will be my last publicly-published project for some time. I’ve had great experiences making and sharing projects on here, and I’m really grateful for the positive feedback that’s been shared!

[1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37736318

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