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Congratulations on the verification of your proof! It must be great to have your research life's crowning work being formally confirmed! Also a great victory for the new foundations of Quine.
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I would bet for this use case LLMs to be worse than random walk, as they would probably disregard certain possibilities in crucial steps, unless we are talking about easier stuff.
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I was just editing the Wikipedia article, it should be more readable now: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Foundations I think the main thing is the existence of the universal set. For my use case, the type system of a programming language, such a universal set is very useful. There are various hacks used in existing systems like cumulative universes or type-in-type which are not as satisfying - instead, I can just check that the type signature is stratified and then forget about types having numerical levels. |
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I agree, a "cool" think about NF is the universal set. Another way to be introduced to New Foundations, along with how one can use it, is the Metamath database for New Foundations: https://us.metamath.org/nfeuni/mmnf.html Metamath is a proof system, but unlike most alternative systems like Lean, it doesn't have a built-in set of axioms - you need to declare your axioms, and then you can prove theorems (using only previous axioms and proven theorems). So you can declare the axioms of New Foundations, and then use them to prove other things. One thing you immediately discover when you try to use New Foundations is that "the usual definition of the ordered pair, first proposed by Kuratowski in 1921 and used in the regular Metamath Proof Explorer, has a serious drawback for NF and related theories that use stratification. The Kuratowski ordered pair is defined as << x , y >> = { { x } , { x , y } }. This leads to the ordered pair having a type two greater than its arguments. For example, z in << << x , y >> , z >> would have a different type than x and y, which makes multi-argument functions extremely awkward to work with. Operations such as "1st" and complex "+" would not form sets in NF with the Kuratowski ordered pairs. In contrast, the Quine definition of ordered pairs, defined in definition df-op, is type level. That is, <. x , y >. has the same type as x and y, which means that the same holds of <. <. x , y >. , z >. This means that "1st" is a set with the Quine definition, as is complex "+". The Kuratowski ordered pair is defined (as df-opk), because it is a simple definition that can be used by the set construction axioms that follow it, but for typical uses the Quine definition of ordered pairs df-op is used instead." One eye-popping result is that the Axiom of Choice can be disproven in NF. See that site (or other pages about NF) for details. |
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Your comment doesn't make any sense. Also: > A language that forbids to talk about its own grammatical structures That's just not the case, and it's not what is being claimed here. |
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You just move the sorts around, you don't get rid of having to have sorts. I guess a rug with dirt swept under it is more aesthetically pleasing than a rug with dirt on top of it?
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Correct. The good news that Elements still works otherwise, you just need to add the missing axiom. But many other "proofs" have been found to be false. The book "Metamath: A Computer Language for Mathematical Proofs" (by Norm Megill and yours truly) is available at: https://us.metamath.org/downloads/metamath.pdf - see section 1.2.2, "Trusting the Mathematician". We list just a few of the many examples of proofs that weren't. Sure, there can be bugs in programs, but there are ways to counter such bugs that give FAR more confidence than can be afforded to humans. Lean's approach is to have a small kernel, and then review the kernel. Metamath is even more serious; the Metamath approach is to have an extremely small language, and then re-implement it many times (so that a bug is unlikely to be reproduced in all implementations). The most popular Metamath database is "set.mm", which uses classical logical logic and ZFC. Every change is verified by 5 different verifiers in 5 different programming languages originally developed by 5 different people: * metamath.exe aka Cmetamath (the original C verifier by Norman Megill) * checkmm (a C++ verifier by Eric Schmidt) * smetamath-rs (smm3) (a Rust verifier by Stefan O'Rear) * mmj2 (a Java verifier by Mel L. O'Cat and Mario Carneiro) * mmverify.py (a Python verifier by Raph Levien) For more on these verifiers, see: https://github.com/metamath/set.mm/blob/develop/verifiers.md |
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But like, you can look at what parts of Mathlib this development imports, it's mainly stuff imported by files in this subdirectory https://github.com/leanprover-community/con-nf/tree/main/Con... , and it's pretty basic things: the definition of a permutation, a cardinal number etc. Almost all of these are things that would feature in the first one or two years of an undergraduate math degree (from just quickly scanning it, the most advanced thing I could see is the definition of cofinality of ordinals). It seems practically impossible to me that someone would make a mistake when e.g. defining what a group is, in a way subtle enough to later break this advanced theorem. If you think that people could mess up that, then all of math would be in doubt.
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I very much like this. I wonder whether this will eventually lead to collaborative proofs , and ‘ bug fixes’ , essentially turning maths into a process similar to code on GitHub. |
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I wish I had the free time to keep up with the mathlib project - this is so cool. Is there any way someone can get involved in a super hands-off way?
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Well, thanks a lot! One minute I'm setting up a monitoring system and then ... I've just proved two is the number after the number after zero \o/ 8)
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I'm really not from the field but wasn't there some Gödel theorem showing every system strong enough cannot show its own consistency?
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Gödel's incompleteness theorems are what you're thinking of. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6del%27s_incompleteness_... That said, if you have a system X, it can't prove it's own consistency, but a stronger system Y can prove its consistency (and perhaps some other stronger system can prove Y's consistency. This gives us a chain of systems, each proving the consistency of some weaker system). That doesn't absolutely prove that the system is consistent--if Y was inconsistent, it could prove X is consistent (and also could prove that X is inconsistent). Nonetheless, it is still valuable. After all, part of our use of Y is the fact that we know of no inconsistency in it. And since formal systems often are subtly inconsistent, "consistent assuming some other system is consistent" is a lot better than "we have no proof whatsoever of consistency". |
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These are weaker than the systems Godel's theorems are referring to, as discussed in the opening paragraph. Do these systems are not "strong enough" in the sense described in this thread.
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You should take this proof as saying: if Lean 4 is consistent then New Foundations is consistent. There is no contradiction of Godel's incompleteness theorem.
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I don't think the system here is trying to prove any of its underlying assumptions, just building on some set of existing ones. I doubt the theorem you are thinking of is applicable.
There is a serious danger, which has nothing to do with bugs in Lean, which is a known problem for software verification and also applies in math: one must read the conclusions carefully to make sure that the right thing is actually proved.
I read Wilshaw's final conclusions carefully, and she did indeed prove what needed to be proved.