Visualizing The Tax Burden Of Every US State

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/visualizing-tax-burden-every-us-state

2024 年 3 月,WalletHub 发布了一张地图,描绘了美国各州的总税负。 税收负担表示平均个人收入中有多少用于缴纳州税和地方税。 该计算包括财产税、所得税以及销售税和消费税。 以下是税收负担最重的十大州:纽约州(12.0%)、夏威夷州(11.8%)、佛蒙特州(11.1%)、缅因州(10.7%)、加利福尼亚州(10.4%)、康涅狄格州(10.1%) 、明尼苏达州 (10.0%)、伊利诺伊州 (9.7%)、新泽西州 (9.5%)、罗德岛州 (9.4%)。 另一方面,这些州的税收负担最低:阿拉斯加州(4.9%)、佛罗里达州、内华达州、南达科他州、田纳西州、德克萨斯州、华盛顿州和怀俄明州(均低于7%)。 值得注意的是,阿拉斯加州和新罕布什尔州等一些州不征收所得税。 此外,考虑到所有类型的税收,纽约居民的缴税额最高,为12%,而阿拉斯加的缴税额最少,为4.9%。 欲了解更多信息,请浏览此信息图,其中显示了历史上企业税率最低的国家/地区。



This map graphic visualizes the total tax burden in each U.S. state as of March 2024, based on figures compiled by WalletHub.

It’s important to understand that under this methodology, the tax burden measures the percent of an average person’s income that is paid towards state and local taxes. It considers property taxes, income taxes, and sales & excise tax.

Data and Methodology

The figures we used to create this graphic are listed in the table below.

State Total Tax Burden
New York 12.0%
Hawaii 11.8%
Vermont 11.1%
Maine 10.7%
California 10.4%
Connecticut 10.1%
Minnesota 10.0%
Illinois 9.7%
New Jersey 9.5%
Rhode Island 9.4%
Utah 9.4%
Kansas 9.3%
Maryland 9.3%
Iowa 9.2%
Nebraska 9.2%
Ohio 8.9%
Indiana 8.9%
Arkansas 8.8%
Mississippi 8.8%
Massachusetts 8.6%
Virginia 8.5%
West Virginia 8.5%
Oregon 8.4%
Colorado 8.4%
Pennsylvania 8.4%
Wisconsin 8.3%
Louisiana 8.3%
Kentucky 8.3%
Washington 8.0%
New Mexico 8.0%
Michigan 8.0%
North Carolina 7.9%
Idaho 7.9%
Arizona 7.8%
Missouri 7.8%
Georgia 7.7%
Texas 7.6%
Alabama 7.5%
Montana 7.5%
South Carolina 7.5%
Nevada 7.4%
Oklahoma 7.0%
North Dakota 6.8%
South Dakota 6.4%
Delaware 6.4%
Tennessee 6.1%
Florida 6.1%
Wyoming 5.7%
New Hampshire 5.6%
Alaska 4.9%

From this data we can see that New York has the highest total tax burden. Residents in this state will pay, on average, 12% of their income to state and local governments.

Breaking this down into its three components, the average New Yorker pays 4.6% of their income on income taxes, 4.4% on property taxes, and 3% in sales & excise taxes.

At the other end of the spectrum, Alaska has the lowest tax burden of any state, equaling 4.9% of income. This is partly due to the fact that Alaskans do not pay state income tax.

Hate Paying Taxes?

In addition to Alaska, there are several other U.S. states that don’t charge income taxes. These are: FloridaNevadaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasWashington, and Wyoming.

It’s also worth noting that New Hampshire does not have a regular income tax, but does charge a flat 4% on interest and dividend income according to the Tax Foundation.

If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out this graphic which ranks the countries with the lowest corporate tax rates, from 1980 to today.

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