Map Shows Latest Cartel Activity In Mexico As Drug Lords Should Fear A Potential Trump Victory

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/map-shows-latest-cartel-activity-mexico-drug-lords-should-fear-potential-trump-victory

每六个月,美国的毒品死亡人数就会超过越南战争期间的死亡人数。 大多数死亡是由源自墨西哥的受芬太尼污染的药物造成的,由于白宫进步人士主张边境不安全,这些药物最初来自中国。 最近,众议院中国问题特别委员会披露,北京采用税收优惠措施来资助芬太尼成分的制造和国际运输。 大约一年半前,保守派政策研究所“美国复兴中心”建议向全球非法毒品网络宣战。 最近,有报道称,鉴于前总统特朗普可能赢得 11 月份的大选,他打算动用美国特种部队打击贩毒集团头目。 在此次行动升级之前,人们越来越多地讨论对处理卡特尔资金的墨西哥银行实施经济处罚,并利用精英部队战略性地消灭卡特尔关键人物。 然而,此类激进措施可能会导致对美国公民,特别是居住在墨西哥的游客和外籍人士的报复性威胁。 此外,重要的卡特尔派系在墨西哥境内运作,包括强大的锡那罗亚卡特尔和哈利斯科新一代卡特尔,它们在全国范围内都有影响力。 拜登政府此前对卡特尔同伙和公司处以罚款的努力还不够,而且毒品通过漏洞百出的南部边境持续涌入,继续困扰着美国社区。 在拜登任职期间,主要由华人和墨西哥组织助长的整个美洲贩毒活动猖獗,每年夺去数万名美国人的生命。



Every six months, the US drug death catastrophe eclipses the Vietnam War. The vast majority of deaths are derived from fentanyl-laced narcotics, which come from Mexico (and chemicals sourced initially from China), via open southern borders pushed by radical leftists in the White House. More recently, the House Select Committee on China revealed that the Chinese Communist Party used tax rebates to subsidize the manufacturing and exporting of fentanyl chemicals abroad.  

About a year and a half ago, the conservative think tank Center for Renewing America penned a note titled "It's time to wage war on transnational drug cartels." In recent weeks, a Rolling Stone report said former President Trump is seriously considering deploying America's Special Forces operators to combat cartel leaders if he wins in November. 

The conversations are growing louder that if Trump clinches victory in November, the drug cartels behind the fentanyl overdose crisis are in for a reckoning. The first strike? It is likely the US Treasury Department is zeroing in on Mexican banks that launder cartel cash. Today's sanctioning of cartel members has yet to crush these drug empires. 

As David Asher, a senior fellow at Hudson Institute and former senior advisor to the State Department on China, recently described:

"There needs to be a top-down targeting approach against the Mexican cartels and their Chinese partners with military force being part of the strategy ala Pablo Escobar. 

"As we approach 100,000 American deaths yearly from fentanyl, we must truly go to war against drug traffickers and designate them as the terrorists that they are. 

"The Treasury Department should sanction and DOJ indict Mexican banks holding cartel cash — it's hard to believe that a major Mexican bank has never been taken down before. No more "too big to fail, too big to jail.""

If Trump wins, there's an increasing likelihood that the era of defense against cartels will be over, and counter-offenses will begin. Strike Mexican banks with sanctions, then as the Rolling Stone report laid out, Use Tier 1 operators to take out cartel leaders surgically. 

The problem with this offensive move is spillovers. This would likely include cartel members targeting US tourists and expatriates across Mexico. Then, cartel leaders could activate sleeper cells in major US cities and spark chaos. 

A new cartel activity map of Mexico, published by the research firm Bismarck Analysis, shows that "cartels have regional strongholds where they originate, but only the Sinaloa Cartel and the CJNG have regular national reach." 

Biden's sanctioning of cartel members and affiliated companies has proven ineffective so far as open borders still permit the flow of fentanyl across the southern border to American neighborhoods. The weak, leftist administration is doing very little while out-of-control drug trafficking in the Western Hemisphere, driven by China and Mexican cartels, is killing a record number of Americans. 

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