泽连斯基与西班牙签署价值 10 亿美元的武器协议,其中包括爱国者导弹
Zelensky Signs $1BN Weapons Deal With Spain, Includes Patriot Missiles

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/zelensky-signs-1bn-weapons-deal-spain-includes-patriot-missiles

西班牙签署了一项价值10亿欧元的协议,向乌克兰提供军事装备。 其中包括来自德国的爱国者防空导弹和二手豹式坦克。 在欧盟要求捐赠剩余武器的压力下,西班牙提供的是这些武器的不太复杂的版本,而不是完整的系统。 该协议旨在满足乌克兰的关键安全需求,特别是保卫出口路线。 最近在哈尔科夫和敖德萨等城市发生的袭击促使乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基因援助交付缓慢而恳求西方增加支持。 同一天,俄罗斯军队袭击了哈尔科夫市一个拥挤的市场,造成至少 12 人死亡、43 人受伤。泽连斯基指责西方盟友未能提供足够的防空系统和现代化战机,并强调此类支持对抗俄罗斯侵略的重要性。 他敦促所有领导人和国家加大援助力度,并警告由于援助不足而造成的人员伤亡。



Ukraine and Spain have inked a new military deal worth 1 billion euros ($1.08 billion), which will see the Spanish military transfer more military equipment to Kiev over the course of this year.

The commitment calls for greater supplies of modern military equipment which prioritizes "Ukraine's key capacity needs" - especially safeguarding the country's export routes.

El Pais newspaper listed that Spain has just pledged as part of the package a dozen U.S.-made Patriot anti-aircraft missiles and 19 second-hand German-made Leopard tanks.

Aftermath of Russian strikes on a busy market in Kharkiv, via Shutterstock.

Spain was among countries under pressure by EU leadership to essentially give up weapons it doesn't need at this time for its own defenses, especially the Patriots.

However, the Patriot missiles are unlikely to include the full Patriot systems and batteries, according to El Pais, and thus this will be of limited advantage at a moment Kharkiv in the north, and Odessa in the south, are getting pummeled.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said of the agreement with Ukraine, "It is more important than ever to redouble our support." This comes after Zelensky and his top officials have complained that Western aid has been too slow to arrive.

This also comes the day after a deadly Russian strike on a market in Kharkiv city over the weekend, per the BBC:

At least 12 people have been killed and 43 others wounded after Russian forces hit a supermarket in the northern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv with two glide bombs, local officials say.

A large fire could be seen raging at the Epicentr K home improvement store on the northern outskirts of the city.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said over 200 people could have been inside the supermarket when it was attacked.

With each new strike, Zelensky's lashing out at his Western backers grows louder...

"If Ukraine had sufficient air defense systems and modern combat aircraft, Russian strikes like this one would have been impossible," Zelensky stated. "And that is why we appeal to all leaders, to all states: we need a significant enhancement of air defense and sufficient capabilities to destroy Russian terrorists."

"This is a task that must be accomplished and can only be accomplished together with the world. Every day, we call on the world to provide us with air defense and to save our people," Zelensky continued. And in a veiled attack which appears aimed at Washington, he concluded with: "Every unmade decision to support us results in the loss of our people."

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