ZeroHedge 报告福奇比格犬实验后,NIH 陷入混乱,清理数据库,然后向 WaPo 提供虚假信息
NIH Scrambled After ZeroHedge Report On Fauci Beagle Experiments, Scrubbed Database, Then Fed WaPo Disinformation


众议员马乔里·泰勒·格林在上周的一次激烈听证会上指责安东尼·福奇博士参与了涉及比格犬的残酷动物试验。 她展示了这些测试的图像,据称这些测试是由美国国立卫生研究院 (NIH) 下属的国家过敏和传染病研究所 (NIAID) 资助的。 格林谴责福奇的这些做法,并表示他应该因涉嫌虐待动物而受到调查,甚至入狱。 这些指控引起了强烈反应,包括福奇和美国国立卫生研究院的否认。 《华盛顿邮报》进行了更深入的调查,发现有证据表明美国国立卫生研究院可能在资助这项研究的角色上撒了谎。 这项实际研​​究的重点是人畜共患内脏利什曼病(ZVL),对六到八个月大的比格犬注射镇静剂,并暴露于多种感染该病的白蛉中。 该研究是在突尼斯巴斯德研究所进行的。 最初,研究人员声称 NIAID 被错误地称为资助者,但进一步调查发现他们的声明不一致。 尽管最初否认,但后来的电子邮件显示,NIAID 员工了解这些研究,并且知道小猎犬的使用。 该研究以及相关信息随后从 NIH 拨款数据库中删除。 此外,美国国立卫生研究院针对也在突尼斯进行的一项据称不相关的研究发表了相互矛盾的声明。 最终,《华盛顿邮报》得出的结论是,美国国立卫生研究院在危机中缺乏透明度,而且他们之前关于这些研究的说法是有问题的。



Last week, Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene took a detour from grilling Anthony Fauci over COVID-19, to confront him with photos of beagles who had been subjected to animal testing experiments widely reported to be funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under the National Institutes of Health (NIH), following a 2021 investigation series by the group White Coat Waste Project.

"We should be recommending you to be prosecuted," Greene told Fauci. "We should be writing a criminal referral because you should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. You belong in prison," she continued, adding "That man does not deserve to have a license. As a matter of fact, it should be revoked and he belongs in prison."

This opened up a can of worms which includes a response from White Coat Waste, and triggered the Washington Post's Glenn Kessler to do a deep dive into 'Beaglegage' in an effort to debunk Greene.

When we first saw Greene hold up the photo, we figured this would be easy to debunk — another in a string of misleading attacks against Fauci, who became the public face of the government’s response to the pandemic. -Washington Post

Only to discover that the NIH appears to have lied about funding the experiment, which involved beagles between 6 and 8 months old obtained from the kennels of the Pasteur Institute of Tunis. In the study, the beagles were sedated and then exposed to hundreds of sand flies that had been deprived of food for 24 hours. This exposure took place as part of research into zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (ZVL), a disease carried by sand flies that can affect dogs and humans.

After ZeroHedge amplified the White Coat Waste report (archived), there was a full blown panic.

In late October 2021, CNN asked Fauci to appear for an interview, and one of his staff members suggested late on Oct. 24 that Fauci pause any TV interviews “until we get a handle on this.” Early the next morning, Fauci emailed 12 officials and asked them to “tell me what grant or contract they are referring to.” Within two hours, one replied that they might have identified the grant. (Most staff members’ names are redacted.)

“Let us find out for sure if it is that grant, and then let us take a look at what the experimental design is, and importantly whether it has received the appropriate ethical and animal care consideration,” Fauci replied in an email. “I want this done right away since we are getting bombarded by protests.”

Within two hours, one of the researchers involved, Abhay Satoskar, a professor of pathology and microbiology at Ohio State University, emailed to say that NIAID had been mistakenly cited as a funder of the study and that he would seek a correction from the journal. One NIAID official wrote in an email that Satoskar “stated that it was mistakenly cited because he was not clear of the true purpose of US funding acknowledgment” and that the program in question had been funded only by the Pasteur Institute.

Satoskar, meanwhile asked Shaden Kamhawi, the editor of the journal, to correct the article. Kamhawi initially agreed, but noted internally that she may have a conflict of interest as a NIAID employee. She then sent an email in a panic over the ZeroHedge article potentially inviting "a lot of noise & unwanted attention for [Fauci]. They also called us an "illegitimate blog of no credibility," which is high praise considering the source.

Study disappears from the database

When the story broke in 2021, the NIH scrubbed it from its database and then fed WaPo disinformation:

When The Post reported on the controversy in November 2021, the article noted: “The trapped-beagles study does not appear in a database of NIH-funded projects.” The emails show that, while it was removed before the publication of The Post article, the study had been listed in the database for months and was still listed as of the previous month, when Fauci first asked about the controversy.

We need that to be corrected too, ASAP please,” one NIH staffer wrote on Oct. 27. The anxiety level rose as officials realized it would take several days, until Nov. 1, before the project would be removed from the database — where reporters could not then find it. -WaPo

What's more, The NIH also issued a statement in 2021 insisting that they funded a separate study in Tunisia involving a vaccine and that the controversial experiment involving sand flies was not funded by them.

Except - internal NIH communications reveal they had no independent proof other than the principal investigator's statement that NIH did not fund the controversial study.

Meanwhile, other documents obtained by White Coat Waste reveal that their cover story about the more benign beagle experiment was bullshit too!

Finally, other documents obtained by White Coat Waste suggest the Tunisia study funded by NIH was not as benign as the agency suggested. Instead of an “enclosed open space,” the study’s grant application shows a photograph that indicated that the dogs were kept in a cage as they were “exposed to sand fly bites each night through the sand fly season to ensure transmission.” The grant application also described how, separately, dogs would be sedated and placed in cages for two hours while they were exposed to 15 to 30 female sand flies. -WaPo

Here's WaPo's bottom line:

"The emails show that NIH was not fully transparent as it tried to handle a public-relations nightmare. Perhaps there was little reason to doubt Satoskar, but officials embraced his explanation without confirming as they rushed out a statement. They made no acknowledgment that they had removed the study from the NIH grant database or that the editor of the journal that quickly issued the correction had a potential conflict of interest. Moreover, the NIH study in Tunisia that the agency said it funded was cast in a positive light that is undermined by the grant application that has since been made public."

Sounds like a National Health Institute of no credibility to us... but then again, what's new.

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