Which European Nations Are Seeing The Most Emigration (& Where Are They Going?)

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/which-european-nations-are-seeing-most-emigration-where-are-they-going

自 2011 年以来,欧盟 (EU) 的移民和移民统计数据一直很重要。移民几乎占一些欧盟国家人口的五分之一。 然而,欧盟统计局的数据显示,2022年有超过273万欧洲人移民,约占欧盟总人口的0.61%。 本节重点关注欧盟成员国的移民人数。 2022 年,德国和西班牙领先,各自接纳了超过 50 万移民。 德国人主要移居瑞士和奥地利,而西班牙人主要定居在德国。 欧盟国家人口规模的移民数据完整列表如下: 排名| 国家 | 移民 (2022) | 人口百分比(2022 年) ------ | ------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------- 1 | 德国 | 533,485 | 533,485 0.64% 2 | 西班牙 | 531,889 | 1.11% 3 | 法国 | 249,355 | 249,355 0.37% 4 | 波兰 | 228,006 | 228,006 0.62% 5 | 罗马尼亚 | 202,311 | 202,311 1.06% ... | ... | ... | ... [在此处添加其余国家/地区] 出于比较目的,还提到了两个非欧盟成员国——瑞士和挪威——但它们对欧盟总体数据没有贡献。 在欧盟国家中,马耳他和卢森堡的人口移民比例最高,约为 2%。 到 2022 年,总共有不到 300 万人退出欧盟,其中约一半人在成员国之间流动,而大约有 100 万人完全离开欧盟。 相比之下,同期有超过 500 万人通过移民进入欧盟。 移民在应对人口挑战方面发挥着至关重要的作用,特别是在欧盟内部的人口增长和劳动力发展方面。 尽管目前的移民水平不会显着改变欧盟的年龄



Immigration into the EU has been a hot topic since 2011. In fact, in several EU countries, immigrants make up nearly one-fifth of the population. But what of the EU’s emigration patterns?

Visual Capitalist's Pallavi Rao charts out the number of EU emigrants by their country of citizenship in 2022. Data for this visualization is sourced from Eurostat.

Germany and Spain had the highest number of emigrants in the EU in 2022, both measuring more than half a million people.

Interestingly, while German emigrants prefer moving to Switzerland and Austria, Spanish migrants often end up in Germany.

Here’s a full list of 27 EU member states and their emigration numbers in 2022, both as number of people and as a percentage of the population. Data for SwitzerlandNorway, and Liechtenstein has also been included for context, but is not part of the visualization, nor contributes to the overall EU number.

Rank Country Emigrants (2022) % of Population (2022)
1 �� Germany 533,485 0.64%
2 �� Spain 531,889 1.11%
3 �� France 249,355 0.37%
4 �� Poland 228,006 0.62%
5 �� Romania 202,311 1.06%
6 �� Italy 150,189 0.25%
7 �� Switzerland* 122,123 1.39%
8 �� Netherlands 109,616 0.62%
9 �� Belgium 84,627 0.72%
10 �� Greece 80,307 0.77%
11 �� Austria 74,271 0.82%
12 �� Denmark 62,927 1.07%
13 �� Ireland 61,133 1.19%
14 �� Hungary 58,408 0.61%
15 �� Sweden 50,592 0.48%
16 �� Croatia 46,287 1.20%
17 �� Norway* 32,536 0.60%
18 �� Czech Republic 31,764 0.30%
19 �� Portugal 30,954 0.30%
20 �� Slovenia 20,956 0.99%
21 �� Cyprus 17,958 1.43%
22 �� Luxembourg 17,227 2.64%
23 �� Latvia 16,680 0.89%
24 �� Finland 15,635 0.28%
25 �� Lithuania 15,270 0.54%
26 �� Bulgaria 13,175 0.20%
27 �� Malta 13,166 2.48%
28 �� Estonia 9,657 0.72%
29 �� Slovakia 4,468 0.08%
30 �� Liechtenstein* 480 1.22%
N/A �� EU 2,730,313 0.61%

*Not in the EU, but part of the European Free Trade Area or the European Economic area. Emigrants counted by country of citizenship, not birth.

As a percentage of the population, Malta and Luxembourg had slightly more than 2% of their 2022 populations emigrate.

Across the EU, almost 3 million people left their countries of citizenship in 2022. About half of them moved between member states and 1 million left the union all together.

For comparison, slightly more than 5 million people immigrated into the union in the same year. The top three destination countries were the same as the top three by emigrants: Germany, Spain, and France.

Immigration is seen as a way for aging countries to boost their workforce numbers and bring down their old-age dependency ratio. However, per Eurostat’s estimates, current immigration into the EU will not reverse aging trends.

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