Mapped: Where Tesla And BYD Make Their Cars

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/mapped-where-tesla-and-byd-make-their-cars

2023年,特斯拉和比亚迪成为全球最大的电动汽车制造商,分别占据约19.9%和17.1%的市场份额。 两家公司都显着超越了竞争对手。 2023 年第四季度,比亚迪的汽车销量首次超过特斯拉,销量约为 526,000 辆,而特斯拉的销量为 485,000 辆。 然而,特斯拉在 2024 年第一季度重新夺回领先地位,销量比比亚迪多 8.7 万辆,销量总计 38.7 万辆,比亚迪销量为 30 万辆。 为了为本次竞赛提供背景信息,Visual Capitalist 展示了每家公司即将建成的电动汽车工厂的地点和预测的年产能。 截至 2024 年 4 月,特斯拉运营着四家知名工厂,其中上海超级工厂产量最多,年产能达 75 万辆。 尽管没有海外业务,比亚迪在 2023 年仍实现了超过 300 万辆汽车的令人印象深刻的产量。在大量资金支持的支持下,比亚迪表示有意在 2020 年代通过在欧洲、东南亚和拉丁美洲的新工厂进行全球扩张。 经过广泛研究,德国一家研究所报告称,比亚迪获得了超过 37 亿美元的政府激励措施,而特斯拉获得了大约 28 亿美元。 这些数字包括内华达州拨款给特斯拉的 16 亿美元。



In 2023, Tesla and BYD were the world’s two largest electric vehicle (EV) companies by a large margin, holding 19.9% and 17.1% market shares respectively.

With no other company able to match their scale, these two automakers have found themselves locked in a competition for the global EV crown. In Q4 2023, BYD outsold Tesla for the first time ever by 41,000 vehicles (526,000 vs 485,000). In Q1 2024, however, their positions were switched after Tesla outsold BYD by 87,000 vehicles (387,000 vs 300,000).

To gain insight into this rivalry, Visual Capitalist's Marcus Lu visualized the locations of both companies’ present and future EV factories, along with their estimated maximum annual output. Figures come from a variety of sources, and represent the latest information pertaining to planned production facilities (as of April 2024).

Tesla’s EV Factories

Starting with Tesla, this graphic highlights the locations of their four operational factories. Gigafactory Shanghai is the largest in terms of production output, at 750,000 vehicles per year.

Note that Gigafactory Nevada is not on this list because it produces battery cells, rather than finished vehicles.

Tesla’s China factory is unique in that it’s fully owned by Tesla itself, rather than a joint venture with a local company.

Looking to the future, Tesla’s next factory will be Gigafactory Mexico, which was announced (with few details) in March 2023. According to reporting by Electrek, the Mexican government is eager for the factory to begin construction, despite CEO Elon Musk voicing concerns about today’s high-interest rate environment.

BYD’s EV Factories

Although EV demand is not growing as quickly as it was in previous years, BYD is putting the pedal to the floor when it comes to global expansion. The company has announced factories in various regions including Europe, Southeast Asia, and Latin America, all to be completed within this decade.

BYD produced over 3 million electric vehicles in 2023 (BEV, PHEV, and HEV). Given that it had no international factories running during that year, we assume that BYD has the capacity to produce at least 3 million vehicles in China.

Government Subsidies Help Fuel Expansion

If you’re wondering how BYD is funding these ambitious plans, consider this: a recent study by Germany’s Kiel Institute determined that BYD has received over $3.7 billion in subsidies from the Chinese government.

For perspective, this online subsidy tracker reports that Tesla has received $2.8 billion in government subsidies. A large share of this amount ($1.6 billion) was awarded by the state of Nevada, which is where Tesla’s first gigafactory is located.

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